IT Advisory Board meeting - September 2017

People in attendance: 10

We asked our group some basic questions to figure out what they already know about IST, starting with:

How does IST Communicate with students on campus? We tallied the suggestions (and put the number of people who said each item in brackets)

  • Email(9)
  • IST Service Desks talking to students(6)
  • Website(5)
  • Posters(3)
  • Social Media(2)
  • Surveys(1)
  • Phone(1)
  • Daily Bulletin(1)

We asked: What methods should IST use to communicate?

  • Email, but only for important announcements
  • Location specific posters 
    • For example, if there is going to be a planned outage in the library, we should put posters in the library
  • Push notifications through Portal
  • Brochure / Promotional item in orientation kits
  • Presentations
    • Guest speakers in seminar courses, training courses, workshops
  • Facebook
    • This has to be implemented properly, and response times ned to be very quick
    • Messenger Bot
  • Get our twitter advertised more
  • Text messaging

We asked: How should our communication be styled? 

  • Always include a TL;DR summary
  • Infographics videos
  • Use multimedia, but only when it enhances the message (IE, don't include a picture for the sake of it)
  • Instructional graphics
    • How to connect to Wi-Fi
    • How to migrate your email

We asked: What services do you know are offered by our Service Desks?

  • Virus removal
  • Cable loans
  • Assistance with any device
  • Wi-Fi issues
  • Setting up email
  • computer repairs
  • Help with software  
  • Help with directions
  • OS Installation 
  • Charger rental
  • Watiam credentials 

We asked: What services would you like us to offer? 

  • Tutorials/workshops/demos
  • Student IST Website
  • Presence at campus life fair(and booths at SLC)
  • Chat bot / knowledge base
  • Trial runs of extended hours
  • Student conference
  • Coordinate services with faculty desks
  • One central list of all available software

We asked: What would you like to talk about in the future?

  • Learn
  • Portal
  • Wi-Fi
  • Analytics / Open-Data
  • IST Website
  • Software Depot
  • Phishing / 2FA