The MTax program is available on a full-time or part-time basis
View the course schedules for full- and part-time steams.
The full-time stream is completed over a 20-month period. During this time, students complete three academic terms, with two co-op terms interspersed. There are four courses in each of the three academic terms for a total of 12 courses. Full-time students participate in the MTax co-op program, providing the opportunity to meld the practical with academics.
MTax full-time steam brochure (PDF)

The part-time program is also completed over a two-year period allowing students to retain employment with an existing employer, and involves students completing two courses in each of six consecutive academic terms. Beginning in the Fall 2022, the part-time stream will be delivered in our virtual classroom.
MTax part-time steam brochure (PDF)