In this newsletter, you will find...
Featured at Grebel:
- Humans, Animals, and Nazis on Display: The Berlin Zoo in German History
- Disarming Myths about Women, Weapons, and War
- The Power of Music to Create Inclusive Communities
- Building a Vocal Community: The Power of Song in Community
- Disrupting Crisis, Unsettling Urgency: An Indigenous Criticism of Assumptions about Time in Environmental Advocacy
- 2019 Hagey Lecture: Living Indigenous Law in Canada
- Waterloo Women's Wednesdays: How to Grow Your Own Food
Jobs and Opportunities
- Women in International Security (WIIS)-Canada's 12th Annual Workshop
- James Lawson Institute
- Kosovo International Summer Academy
Disclaimer: Events and opportunities above are not all endorsed by the PACS department; this bulletin includes opportunities that we think PACS students may be interested in but are not sponsored by PACS. Please use your own discretion to determine if an opportunity is right for you.
Featured at Grebel
Volunteers Needed for Grad Visit Day
Some prospective MPACS students will be visiting campus on Friday March 29. It would be great if they had a chance to meet current students (since you know the student experience best)! There will be two timeslots: 11:30am-1:00pm or 2:00-3:00pm. Contact Seth Ratzlaff (svratzlaff@uwaterloo.ca) if you're willing to volunteer.
Humans, Animals, and Nazis on Display: The Berlin Zoo in German History
Date:March 6th
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo
Cost: Free
The Berlin Zoo helped shape German views of both the human and animal worlds for more than 170 years. This includes the ethnographic display of African people, the Inuit, and other global Indigenous people in the late 19th century, as well as the Nazis' attempts to breed back long-extinct European cattle. This talk will explore how the zoo was at the centre of Berlin's social life, and how it now acts as a mirror of both the different political eras of Germany and the longings of the Berliners who were so attached to their zoo.
Disarming Myths about Women, Weapons, and War
Date: March 7th
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs
Cost: Free
Disarmament, arms-control, security, and other related fields are traditionally male-dominated fields. Organizations such as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) attempt to challenge these norms - and address issues of gender, militarism, peace, and security - through the empowerment of citizen-led initiatives to create changes in political frameworks. As part of the Centre for International Governance Innovation's (CIGI) programming around International Women's day, this lecture by Allison Pytlak, manager for the disarmament program of the WILPF, will explore women's contributions to peace building, disarmament, and arms control.
The Power of Music to Create Inclusive Communities
Date: March 8th
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Conrad Grebel University College, Great Hall
Cost: Free
Dr. Ysaÿe Barnwell, appointed as the College’s Rodney and Lorna Sawatsky Visiting Scholar, will offer the Sawatsky Lecture on “The Power of Music to Create Inclusive Communities.” Barnwell is a celebrated scholar, composer, choral clinician, vocalist, and former member of the African American female a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock.
Note: registration is required to attend.
Building a Vocal Community: The Power of Song in Community
Date: March 9th
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Knox Waterloo Presbyterian Church
Cost: Free
Dr. Ysaÿe Barnwell, appointed as the College’s Rodney and Lorna Sawatsky Visiting Scholar, will offer a workshop on "Building a Vocal Community: The Power of Song in Community." Barnwell is a celebrated scholar, composer, choral clinician, vocalist, and former member of the African American female a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock.
Note: registration is required to attend.
Disrupting Crisis, Unsettling Urgency: An indigenous Criticism of Assumptions about Time in Environmental Advocacy
Date: March 11th
Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Location: Balsillie School of International Affairs, Room 1-43
Cost: Free
Climate change activism and scientific assessments often emphasize an urgency of taking quick, decisive action to address an environmental crisis, but many of these conceptions obscure what Indigenous people have called out as the most pressing concerns about climate justice. Thus, climate change advocacy remains largely unrelated to Indigenous efforts to achieve justice and engage in decolonial actions. In this lecture, Kyle Whyte will discuss why a politics of urgency can be antithetical to allyship with Indigenous peoples due to some Indigenous qualities of kinship relations, such as consent, trust, and reciprocity, and how to fairly move forward
2019 Hagey Lecture: Living Indigenous Law in Canada
Date: March 25th
Time: 7:00pm
Location: FEDS Federation Hall
Cost: Free
The 2019 Hagey Lecture, "Living Indigenous Law in Canada," will feature John Borrows, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law. His forthcoming book examines how Indigenous law can shed light on Canadian's law approach to treaties, Aboriginal title, legal education, and the continuing legacy of residential schools. The Anishinaabe legal lens for this event will centre around seven grandmother/grandfather teachings: love, truth, bravery, humility, wisdom, honesty, and respect, bending Anishinaabe theories and practices with Canadian case law. A catered reception will follow the lecture, and guests will have the opportunity to purchase books by the speaker.
Waterloo Women's Wednesdays: How to Grow Your Own Food
Date: March 27th
Time: 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Mathematics 3 (M3), Room 4001
Cost: Free
If you want to be more self-sufficient, get more in touch with the food you're eating, or just try something new, join Waterloo Women's Wednesdays (W3) for a conversation about growing food at home! W3 will go through the basic timeline and steps for setting up your home garden - whether it be a whole backyard or a pot on a balcony - and share resources to help you get started. Lunch will be provided for the first 20 people.
Note: W3 is a gathering for women and non-binary individuals only.
Jobs and Opportunities
Women in International Security (WIIS)-Canada's 12th Annual Workshop
Women in International Security (WIIS)-Canada is proud to invite applications from graduate students to participate in its 12th annual workshop. WIIS-Canada is a national network dedicated to advancing the position of women students, scholars, and practitioners in the field of international affairs, defense, and security. This year's theme is "Security and Power in a Tumultuous World Order." Proposals are due March 22nd, and the workshop will take place from June 19th-21st.
Click HERE to download a pdf with more information!
James Lawson Institute
The James Lawson Institute offers periodic assemblies for individuals to have an intensive learning experience in the basic theories and practice of the historic technique of nonviolent action, and stands in the tradition of individuals - such as Rosa Parks, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Delores Huerta - and struggles that have helped to improve nonviolent resistance as a method for social change. The upcoming institute will take place from April 24th-28th in Portland, Oregon. Applications are due on March 8th by midnight.
Kosovo International Summer Academy
The Kosovo International Summer Academy (KSA) aims to develop a body of future world leaders. Students from all over the world are invited to engage in challenging academic work and improve their cross-cultural understanding through this program. Students will also get the chance to engage with professors and guest lecturers from the world's top universities, government officials, and ambassadors. This years KSA will focus on "Peace building in post-conflict areas - Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotations." Students can apply to one of two sessions. Application deadlines vary.
Many students struggle with mental health issues that are worsened by the stress of school. We want to remind you about the resources available on campus to help you take care of yourself the best that you can. The following seminars are held available at a drop-in basis and will provide information about mental health, self-care, and useful strategies for coping with issues you may have during the school year.
Coping Skills Seminars
These coping skills seminars will teach you the basics of self-care, mindfulness, meditation, and useful strategies for coping with and anxiety and stress:
- Challenging Thinking
- Thriving with Emotions
- Empowering Habit Change
- Cultivating Resiliency
Alleviating Anxiety Seminar
This seminar is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness and is designed to help you better understand anxiety, its causes, and the factors that maintain it. You will be introduced to a number of strategies to alleviate anxiety in the moment, challenge your thoughts, and change anxiety-inducing behaviours.
Eating Disorder Support Group
This 1-hour support group is open to anyone struggling with disordered eating or issues with food. Students are welcome to drop-in at any session to speak in an informal and confidential space. Facilitated by a student volunteer and a Campus Wellness clinician, sessions will run every 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday of each month.