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MPACS Newsletter - September 10th, 2018
Welcome to the Fall 2018 school semester!
Pursuing Peace: Stories from Home and Abroad
Award Established in Millers’ Memory
Family and friends of John and Louise Miller recently established a new award for Master of Peace and Conflict Studies students as a way to honour the couple’s impact at Grebel and beyond.
MPACS student Rizwan receives Rotary Peace Scholarship
In February, MPACS student Rizwan received the Rotary Peace Scholarship presented by the Rotary Club of Kitchener Grand River. Rizwan is a Christian peace activist from Pakistan that has been directly subjected to targeted violence as a result of religious intolerance.
Student Profile: Fiorella Jaramillo
From Canada to Bosnia to Geneva and many places in between, Fiorella Jaramillo is no stranger to world travel. A current student in the Masters of Peace and Conflict Studies program, Fiorella began her education at the University of Toronto studying Philosophy and Classical Civilization with a plan of entering into a Masters of Philosophy.
MPACS Grad Op-Ed Featured
MPACS Grad, Darren Kropf recent OP-Ed piece was published in the Waterloo Record. The piece is titled 'Korean peace movement remains strong in midst of tension', and includes aspects of Darren's internship during his time in MPACS.
Ethics of Peacebuilding article by PACS Professor Reina Neufeldt featured on Oxford Research Encyclopedia site
PACS Professor, faculty member, and leading researcher of Reflective Peacebuilding, Reina Neufeldt published an article titled 'Ethics of Peacebuilding' in November 2017.
MPACS Information Session
November Student Profile: Jessie Castello
Jessie Castello is in her second year, and putting the finishing touches on her Masters of Peace and Conflict Studies degree. Before arriving at the University of Waterloo to study MPACS, Jessie graduated from the University of Toronto with a double major in International Relations and Peace, Conflict, and Justice in 2016.