Professional Development Funding Proposal Form

Guidelines for Individual Funding Requests

In general, you, as a person requesting individual funding, will not be required to attend MEF funding council meetings; however, the MEF Director may ask you to attend under certain circumstances. One example of such circumstances would be that many individual funding projects were proposed to MEF; hence, the funding council may need additional information to help them select which projects to fund. If you are asked to attend a MEF funding council meeting, you should be prepared to describe your project to the council and to answer any questions raised by council members.

Important Notes

  1. All submissions must be accompanied by a formal estimate of cost.
  2. MEF does not guarantee funding. Requests for Funding are approved with a variety of factors in mind, such as the amount of funding available for a given term and the total number of requests made.
  3. If your project receives funding from MEF, a series of “Accountability Guidelines” must be fulfilled. These guidelines will be explained after funding is granted.
  4. If your project receives funding from MEF, it must be completed within one year of funding approval or before graduation, whichever is earlier.
  5. MEF reserves the right to defer any submission to the following academic term, due to time constraints.
  6. Funding can only be granted up to $750 per academic year (September through August) by default, and funding can be received only once per academic term.

If you require assistance with filling in this form, contact the Executive Director.

  1. Your Info
  2. Proposal Info
  3. Marketing
  4. Agreement
  5. Preview
  6. Complete
Your full name.
Enter a preferred name, if applicable.
Partial Funding
If Yes, explain options in your proposal. If you do not specify partial funding options in your proposal then none will be considered.
(ex.: 1A, 3B)
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