Projects Funded

In total, MEF has granted over $3,000,000.00 in funding.

Please note that this is not an official record of funding grants. Contact the executive director for the official figures.

Key Projects Funded by MEF

  • Math Orientation
  • MC 3rd Floor Lockers
  • MathSoc Office renovation
  • Improvements to the MC Comfy Lounge and Coffee & Donut Shop
  • 1st Edition of the MATH 136/235 Course Notes
  • Conferences 
  • Hackathons
  • and more!

Fall 2024 - $67,061.00

Mathematics Graduation Committee 2025 Mathematics Graduation Ball   $19,000.00 
Woman in Mathematics Directed Reading & Research Programs (DRP)   $10,000.00 
Geesehacks Geesehacks 2025  $5,000.00 
TEDx UW TEDx UW 2025  $5,000.00 
Animusic Ensembles Animusic Ensembles - Equipment Improvements  $4,000.00 
Computer Science Club Computer Science Club - Mirror Performance Improvements   $4,000.00 
Canadian Undergraduate Software Engineering Conference CUSEC 2025  $3,600.00 
University of Waterloo Finance Association UWFA Stock Pitch Competition  $2,640.00 
Hack the 6ix Hack the 6ix 2025  $2,500.00 
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group Aerial Evolution Association Canada Student Competition 2025   $2,405.00 
WATonomous WATonomous  $2,270.00 
hEDGE Financial Services Conference hEDGE Conference 2025   $1,750.00 
UW Blueprint UW Blueprint: Community Development  $1,600.00 
St. Jeromes Musical Theatre Club Heathers the Musical  $1,500.00 
UW Orbital Canadian Satellite Design Challenge 7   $1,000.00 
Entrepreneurs Society Club Venture Creation  $406.80 
University of Waterloo Underwater Hockey Club Marketing Ressource - Retractable Banner   $200.00 
Ascend UW Networking Roundtables  $189.20 

Spring 2024 - $102,093.89

Women in Math CUMC 2025 Bid in Waterloo $20,000.00 
Actuarial Students’ National Association (ANÉA-ASNA) ANÉA-ASNA 2025 Funding  $15,000.00 
TEDxUW TEDxUW 2024: In the Odd Chance $13,000.00 
Women in Mathematics Directed Reading & Research Programs (DRP) $10,000.00 
Projection GeeseHack $5,000.00 
UW Data Science Club CxC Data Hackathon $5,592.69 
UWAT VEX U Robotics S2024 UWAT VEXU Sponsorship Proposal $9,600.00 
Tech+ UW Tech+ UW $1,500.00 
UW Actuarial Science Club Networking extravaganza $1,700.00 
Animusic Ensembles Animusic Ensembles – Equipment Improvements $4,000.00 
UW Debate F24 Tournament Funding $3,500.00 
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group Aerial Evolution Association Canada Student Competition 2025 $3,165.00 
UW Cooking Club Class Subsidization $2,147.00 
iGEM UWaterloo BovEco $2,000.00 
UW Blueprint UW Blueprint: Community Development $1,800.00 
UW AWS Cloud Club UW AWS Cloud Club $1,300.00 
MathSoc Cartoons (under MathSoc) Mathsoc Cartoons $1,600.00 
UW Code Lab UW Code Lab $850.00 
Ascend UW Networking Roundtables $191.75 
JamNetwork Drum Repair $147.45 

Winter 2024 - $116,559.65

Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) Autonomy Airside $2,000.00
Engineering Orientation Engineering Orientation $1,500.00
Pure Mathematics Club (PMC) CUMC 2024 $7,000.00
University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT) EcoCAR Electric Vehicle Challenge $3,000.00
Women In Mathematics (WiM) Directed Reading Program $15,000.00
University of Waterloo VEX U Robotics VEX U Sponsorship Proposal $7,500.00
Mathematics Orientation Team Math Orientation 2024


University of Waterloo Finance Association (UWFA) UWFA Office Tour + Stock Trading Competition $2,000.00
University of Waterloo Managerial Consulting Club UWMCC $839.04
University of Waterloo Product Vision Club (PVC)


Animusic Ensembles

Animusic Ensembles Equipment and Storage Improvements

Tech+ UW Tech+ UW


University of Waterloo Virtual Reality Club VR Headsets/Accessories/Laptops $1,886.00
UW Blueprint

UW Blueprint: Community Development


Fall 2023 - $72,198.86

Ascend UW W2024 - Board Game Night $289.00
hEDGE Financial Services Conference hEDGE Financial Services Conference 2024 $3,500.00
Laurier JDCC JDCC 2023-2024 Competition Weekend $1,398.01
Learning How to Learn Learning How to Learn Videos $15,120.00
Mathematics Graduation Committee Grad Ball $30,461.00
Quantify Risk & Insurance Case Competition Quantify Risk & Insurance Case Competition $5,000.00
Tech+ UW Tech+ UW $2,000.00
University of Waterloo Debate Society Winter 2024 Tournament Fees $3,000.00
University of Waterloo Finance Association (UWFA) Downtown Banking Office Tour & Networking $1,125.00
University of Waterloo Management Consulting Club Winter 2024 Term Budget Proposal $200.00
University of Waterloo Satellite Design Team (UW Orbital) Canadian Satellite Design Competition $1,300.00
UW Animusic Ensembles UW Animusic Ensembles Equipment Overhaul & End of Term Concert $2,175.00
UWAT VEX U Robotics 2024 VEX U World Championship Attendance $5,000.00
Wat Street Central Server $700.00
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) Pegasus $930.85

Spring 2023 - $80,102.00

Actuarial Students’ National Association (ASNA) ASNA 2024 Convention $30,000.00
MathSoc Cartoons MathSoc Cartoons $1,700.00
UWFA UWFA Stock Pitch Competition $2,000.00
UW Blueprint Event Costs $1,000.00
UW Data Science Club CxC III: a Data Hackathon $3,000.00
Mathematics Orientation Pinkie Mascot $3,000.00
Computer Science Club Server/Cloud Renovation $24,500.00
UW iGEM Giant Jamboree $1,452.00
Waterloo Alt Protein Project Chromium Controller $2,000.00
UWAFT GPU $3,000.00
UW Orbital 3U CubeSat $2,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club UW Management Consulting Club $1000.00
Tech+ UW Tech+ UW $500.00
Wat Street Tradeview Subscription $1,650.00
Electrium Mobility Mechanical Parts for bike $1,800.00
Product Vision Club Product Case Competition $1,000.00
ACE Chapter Competition event costs $500.00

Winter 2023 - $69,854.00

Engineering Orientation Engineering Orientation $1,250.00
MathSoc Cartoons MathSoc Cartoons $800.00
UWFA UWFA Stock Pitch/Tracker Competition $475.00
UW Blueprint Community Development $2,500.00
UW Data Science Club CxC III: a Data Hackathon $1,900.00
Mathematics Orientation Math Orientation $50,400.00
Waterloop Waterloop Goose Model $2,810.00
Waterloo Rocketry General Competition Funding $1,000.00
Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) Autonomous Flight Testing Equipment $1,350.00
VEX U Student Design team VEX U Robotics Sponsorship $1,500.00
UW Orbital 3U CubeSat $1,314.00
UW Management Consulting Club UW Management Consulting Club $555.00
UW CUMC Committee/Pure Math Club CUMC 2023 $3,500.00

Fall 2022 - $56,920.50

MathSoc Cartoons MathSoc Cartoons $800.00
Mathematics Graduation Committee Mathematics Grad Ball $30,000.00
UW Data Science Club Machine Learning Linux Workstations $10,000.00
UW Data Science Club UWDSC Hackathon $2,500.00
UW Finance Association UW Finance Association $550.00
Mathematics Orientation Math Orientation Winter Leader Retreat $7,400.00
UW Management Consulting Club UW Management Consulting Club $700.00
VEX U Robotics VEX U Robotics $2,500.00
hEDGE Financial Services Conference hEDGE Financial Services Conference $1000.00
Ascend Leadership Panel Night/Round Table Conference $170.50
UW Blueprint UW Blueprint Community Development $1,300.00

Spring 2022 - $77,696.15

UW Finance Association UW Finance Association 2022 $1,450.00
Accounting and Finance Orientation Week Committee Orientation Week $1,500.00
ANÉA-ASNA Actuarial Students' National Association (ASNA) 2023 Conference $19,500.00
MathSoc Cartoons MathSoc Cartoons $1,600.00
Midnight Sun Solar Race Car Team MS XV $8,000.00
PMAMC&OC Office Improvement - Computer $2,000.00
Tech+ UW Tech+ UW $4,625.97
TechNova (WiCS) TechNova $1,000.00
To Mock a Mockingbird Reading Group To Mock a Mockingbird Reading Group $400.00
UW Blueprint UW Blueprint Community Development $1,750.00
UW DECA UW DECA Revive Case Competition $300.00
UW Orbital Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC) $3,500.00
UWARG UWARG $2,500.00
UWPath UWPath $820.00
Waterloo iGEM  Cannayeast $6,000.00
Waterloop Components for Goose 6 Pod $3,200.00
WATonomous WATonomous $19,550.18

Winter 2022 - $97,315.86

Tech+ UW  Tech+ 2022 Initiatives 3587.79
Math Orientation Math Orientation 2022 55153.07
PMC / CUMC Organizing Committee Winter 2021 Funding Initiatives 8100
WATonomous WATonomous Car $3,000.00
Midnight Sun Solar Race Car Team Midnight Sun XV $3,000.00
UW Orbital Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC) $1,625.00
UW Quantify Quantify 2022 6000
iGEM iGEM Registration Competition 750
Waterloop Waterloop Goose 6 3000
Computer Science Club CSC Mirror performance improvement $8,000.00
Computer Science Club Replacement for UPS batteries 3600
MathSoc Cartoons MathSoc Cartoons 1500

Fall 2021 - $101,661.00

Faculty of Mathematics (Math 148)  MATH 148 Educational Cartoons   $1,500.00
CFA Society Toronto Student Ambassadors for UW  Marquee Group - Financial Modeling Course   $1,800.00
UW Blueprint  Winter 2022 Funding   $1,050.00
MathSoc  MC Comfy Lounge Renovation   $47,000.00
VEX U Robotics  VEX U Robotics Sponsorship F2021   $2,500.00
hEDGE  hEDGE Financial Services Conference 2022   $3,000.00
Mathematics Lecturers and Senior Education Officer  AR/VR Technologies in Multivariable Calculus   $2,000.00
CUSEC  CUSEC 2022   $2,275.00
MathSoc  MathSoc Cartoons   $1,000.00
WATonomous  WATonomous   $14,286.00
UWCSA  UWCSA Back 2 School Night   $1,850.00
UWMCC  UWMCC Annual Case Competition   $1,900.00
UW Orbital  Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC)   $2,000.00
ASNA   Actuarial Students' National Association (ASNA) 2022 Conference   $19,500.00

Spring 2021 - $148,132.87

WiCS WiCS $5,000.00
UW Bike Rental UW Bike Rental Fleet Restoration $6,000.00
MGC Mathematics Graduation Ball $19,000.00
UW ENt Soc &SoGal Waterloo Dare Manazine $1,332.00
Midnight Sun Solar Race Car Team Mignight Sun XIV $9,100.00
MathSoc Math CnD & MC Comfy Renovations $75,000.00
UWPath UWPath $1,200.00
UWFA UWFA 2021 Funding Proposal $3,500.00
VEX U Robotics VEX U Robotics Sponsorship S2021 $3,000.00
WATonomous WATonomous $2,432.87
UW Deca UW DECA elevate Case Competition $700.00
Engineering Orientation Team Engineering Orientation $700.00
MathSoc MathSoc Cartoons Project $1,000.00
ReviewKit 2021 Funding Proposal $800.00
UWMCC Fall 2021 Funding Intiatives $882.00
Waterloo Rocketry Kraken of the Sky $1,300.00
Campus Response Team Spring 2021 CRT  $300.00
Tech+UW Spring 2021 Tech+UW Proposal $4,886.00
WUSA Food Support  24/7 Smart Locker System  $10,000.00
Waterloop  S21 Project Funding  $2,000.00

Winter 2021 - $121,816.00

Tech+ UW Public & Internal Events and Workshops  $ 2,200.00
Waterloo iGEM 2021 iGEM Project  $ 2,000.00
UW Quantify Quantify 2021  $ 6,000.00
GoldenHack The GoldenHack 3.0  $ 2,000.00
UW Management Consulting Summer 2021 Funding Initiatives  $ 1,200.00
UW Campus Response Team Spring 2021 First Response Courses  $ 1,500.00
UW Finance Association Spring 2021 Funding  $ 416.00
WATonomous Equipment Purchase  $ 3,200.00
WiCS Grace Hopper Conference (GHC) - Student Registrations  $ 5,000.00
Engineering Orientation Team Engineering Orientation 2021  $ 5,600.00
Math Orientation Team Math Orientation 2021  $ 72,000.00
VEX U Robotics Competition Sponsorship  $ 3,200.00
Waterloo Rocketry Sponsorship  $ 2,500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car Team Midnight Sun XIV Mechanical System

 $ 15,000.00

Fall 2020 - $110,152.08

Actuarial Students' National Association (ASNA) ASNA 2020 Convention  $                7,500.00
MathSoc Office revitalization  $              50,000.00
Waterloo Rocketry Team Kraken of the Sky  $                2,100.00
UW Management Consulting Club (UWMCC) Winter 2021 initiatives  $                 1502.00
UW Formula Motorsport 2021 Season  $                   590.00
VEX U Robotics Robotics Equipment  $                2,000.00
Loo Labs Term 1  $                   420.00
Midnight Sun Solar Car Team Midnight Sun XIV  $              10,000.00
UW Accounting Conference UWAC 2020  $                   424.88
CRT Training Equipment  $                2,200.00
CUSEC CUSEC convention 2021  $                2,500.00
 WATORACE Indy Autonomous challenge  $                   350.00
WUSA Clothing Project Second hand clothing store  $                1,550.00
UW Finance Association CIBC Virtual visit

 $                1,000.00

 WatLock Mars Airlock  $                3,615.20
CFAX Marquee Group FInancial Modeling training $                 3,000.00
Waterloop Hyperloop Test track $                 2,000.00
Watonomous Servers $                19,400.00

Spring 2020 - $53,226.80

Actuarial Students' National Association (ASNA) ASNA 2020 Convention  $              40,000.00
MathSoc Educational Cartoons  $              1,000.00
Waterloo Rocketry Team Rocket Parts  $              300.00
UW Management Consulting Club (UWMCC) Fall 2020 Operational Fees  $              779.00
UW Management Consulting Club (UWMCC) Spring 2020 Non-Event Operational Fees  $              883.00
UW Formula Motorsport Website Fees  $              265.00
VEX U Robotics Robotics Equipment  $              2,000.00
Midnight Sun Solar Car Team Parts for Dynamic System  $              7,000.00
UW Campus Response Team Additional Equipment  $              1,000.00

Winter 2020 - $143,108.14

Quantify Risk & Insurance Case Competition  Quantify Risk & Insurance Case Competition Sponsorship  $              5,000.00
UW A Cappella Club UW A Cappella Club  $              3,000.00
UW CUMC 2020 Committee CUMC 2020  $            15,000.00
Lori Case, WiCS GHC-WiCS (Grace Hopper Celebration - Women in Computer Science)  $            15,000.00
VPO, MathSoc More Capable Computer for MathSoc Office  $              1,300.00
Alex Su, VEX U Robotics VEX U Competition Sponsorship  $              4,300.00
Dora Graonic,  Global Business Brigades Global Business Brigade Trip to Panama 2020  $              3,000.00
VPA, MathSoc Educational cartoons  $                 500.00
UW Foodbank Modernizing the Food Support Service  $              1,900.00
Eng O -Week Engineering Orientation 2020 for Software  $              2,900.14
CRT Campus Response Team Equipment  $              2,060.00
Mathematics Orientation Week Math Orientation 2020  $            65,000.00
UWFA Stock Pitch Competition, CIBC Investment Banking Day, BMO S&T Office Tour  $              6,000.00
Julia Tu CFA x Marquee Group: Financial Modeling Training  $              3,000.00
AFOW Accounting and Finance Orientation Week  $              1,000.00
Tech+ Mentorship Public & Internal Events and Workshops  $              4,170.00
Waterloo Rocketry Kraken of the Sky  $              4,100.00
Midnight Sun Midnight Sun XIV  $              5,000.00
UW Nanorobotics Group University of Waterloo Nanorobotics Group Sponsorship $                  878.00

Fall 2019 - $92,909.18

Global Engineering Week  Global Engineering Week Speaker Panel  $                                500.00
PMC&O Books  $                             1,100.00
Computer Science Club (CSC) HPE J9538A 8-port 10GbE Module  $                             1,900.00
Computer Science Club (CSC) CPU   $                             2,100.00
Global Business Brigades Cost for three students  $                             4,000.00
Conference on Sustainability in Engineering Sponsorship  $                             2,500.00
FARMSA Camera + Sponsorship  $                             2,000.00
MGC Grad Ball 2020  $                           15,000.00
Waterloo Space Society Events  $                                200.00
UW Management Consulting Club (UWMCC) Annual Consulting Case Competition  $                             3,000.00
Campus Response Team Supplies and Furniture  $                             2,712.67
UW Finance Association Events Winter 2020  $                             4,100.00
UW DECA Workshops + Social  $                             1,200.00
LGBTQ++ Events + Workshops  $                             3,500.00
WatLock Supplies  $                             2,922.33
Watonomous Sponsorship  $                             3,694.18
University of Waterloo Accounting Conference (UWAC) Attendance of Students   $                             4,000.00
UW Women's Center Furniture  $                             2,200.00
RAISE Sponsorship for Conference  $                             9,500.00
UW Debate Society Tournament Attendance Funding for UW Debate Society  $                             4,000.00
Coffee 'N Code Podcast + Events + Others  $                             4,000.00
Entrepreneurship Society Events  $                                550.00
UW NanoRobotics Group (UWNRG) Parts  $                                850.00
HEDGE Finance Conference Event Operating Expenses  $                                700.00
Ascend  - UW Chapter BMO Office Tour  $                                  80.00
Midnight Sun Solar Car Team Car's Aerobody  $                           15,000.00
UW Mates Furniture  $                             1,600.00

Spring 2019 - $101,145.00

Actuarial Students' National Association (ASNA) ASNA 2020 Convention  $                           30,000.00
UW Coffee 'N Code Hardware and Supplies  $                             5,582.10
University of Waterloo’s Model United Nations Equipment Purchase  $                                500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Car Team New Solar Array  $                           15,000.00
UW Debate Society Tournament Fees  $                             3,000.00
UW Ascend Sponsorship for Events  $                             1,053.00
VEX U Robotics VEX U Competition Sponsorship  $                             6,000.00
UW Blockchain Club Sponsorship for Events  $                                800.00
UWMCC  Sponsorship for Events  $                             1,400.00
WatLock, Engineering Intern Equipment Purchase  $                             2,000.00
University of Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team Equipment Purchase  $                             1,272.00
UW DECA In-House Competition - Fall 2019  $                             2,192.10
UW Entrepreneurship Society Sponsorship for Events  $                                850.00
WATOnomous Equipment purchase  $                           22,040.00
UW Women's Centre New furniture  $                             1,455.85
University of Waterloo Finance Association 2019 Stock Pitch Competition  $                             8,000.00

Winter 2019 - $149,422.40

UW Mathematics Graduation Committee Grad Ball 2019  $                             5,000.00
Global China Connection (GCC) Boba Buddy Event  $                                600.00
Equithon Equithon 2019  $                           20,000.00
ACE Consulting Group ACE the Pitch Event  $                             1,500.00
Accounting and Finance Orientation Orientation Week  $                             1,500.00
UWVR Virtual Reality Club  Sponsorship   $                                510.00
Lori Case, WiCS Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC)  $                           15,000.00
Midnight Sun Solar Car Equipment Purchase  $                           10,000.00
WATonomous Equipment Purchase  $                             5,785.65
UWAFT Equipment Purchase  $                             1,150.00
UW NanoRobotics Group (UWNRG) Equipment Purchase  $                                203.21
UW Management Consulting Club (UWMCC) Sponsorship for Events  $                             1,580.00
UW FARMSA Reference Library  $                             2,000.00
Computer Science Club (CSC) Equipment Purchase  $                           16,500.00
Math FOC Math Orientation Week 2019  $                           65,307.85
UW Coffee 'N Code Sponsorship  $                             1,885.69
WatLock Equipment Purchase  $                                400.00
Waterloo Ascend Chapter Sponsorship for Events  $                                500.00

Fall 2018 - $74,550.00

Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics  $                             8,000.00
UW Debate Society UW Debate Society  $                             3,000.00
Breaking Barriers Breaking Barriers  $                             1,000.00
Data Science Club Data Science Club  $                             6,000.00
Computer Science Club Computer Science Club  $                                650.00
UWNRG UWNRG  $                             2,000.00
UWMCC UWMCC  $                             1,000.00
TerribleHack TerribleHack  $                                400.00
Product Vision Club (UWPM) Product Vision Club (UWPM)  $                             1,000.00
UW Actuarial Science Club UW Actuarial Science Club  $                             1,000.00
WatLock WatLock  $                                400.00
Bayesian Case Competition Bayesian Case Competition  $                             4,600.00
Coffee 'N Code Coffee 'N Code  $                             1,500.00
hEDGE Finance Conference hEDGE Finance Conference  $                             5,000.00
StarterHacks StarterHacks  $                           10,000.00
iGEM iGEM  $                             2,000.00
UW DECA Conference UW DECA Conference  $                             6,500.00
Computer Science Club Computer Science Club  $                                900.00
Math Ball Math Ball  $                             2,500.00
WATonomous WATonomous  $                             1,100.00
UW Ascend UW Ascend  $                             1,000.00
UWFA UWFA  $                             6,500.00
CUSEC 2019 CUSEC 2019  $                             5,500.00
University of Waterloo Accounting Conference University of Waterloo Accounting Conference  $                             3,000.00

Spring 2018 - $132,510.00

Starcon Sponsorship for Starcon 2019  $12,000.00
UW Debate Society Tournament Attendance $3,000.00
iGEM Funding for Experiments  $700.00
UW Management Consulting Club Sponsorship  $2,050.00
UW Finance Association Stock Pitch Competition  $6,000.00
TEDxUW Sponsorship for TEDxUW 2018  $2,000.00
UW Blockchain Club  Sponsorship for Events  $800.00
ASNA Attendance for ASNA Convention 2019 $40,000.00
WiCS Undergraduate Purchase of Resources $650.00
WATonomous Equipment Purchase  $4,210.00
FARMSA Intro to Portfolio Management  $1,500.00
Math Investment Fund Math Investment Fund - Seed Investor  $50,000.00
UW Coffee 'n Code Sponsorship $2,000.00
Watfly Equipment Purchase $1,000.00
UWMG20 Sponsorship for UWMG20 2018 Conference $1,500.00
UW FinTech Club Sponsorship for Case Competition $2,200.00
DECA In-House Competition - Fall 2018 $2,900.00

Winter 2018 - $196,743.00

Watonomous Purchase of Robotic Test Mannequin  $13,043.00
Accounting and Finance Orientation Orientation Week  $2,000.00
Dan Wolczuk, Paul Kates Recruiment of co-op student  $13,000.00
Joanne Atlee, WICS Grace Hopper Celebration  $15,000.00
Coffee 'N Code Sponsorship  $2,500.00
Equithon Sponsorship  $25,000.00
Gigspace Equipment Purchase  $15,500.00
UW Virtual Reality Equipment Purchase  $6,000.00
Math Grad Committee Grad Ball  $4,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club Events (CEO Facctory & Workshops)  $1,000.00
UW Model United Nations Events & Conferenes  $500.00
Statistics Club Canadian Statistics Student Conference  $2,600.00
Campus Response Team Badge Printer  $1,000.00
Computer Science Club UPS Batteries  $1,000.00
Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference CUMC 2018  $25,000.00
Midnight Sun Maximum Power Tracking Items  $8,000.00
Math Orientation Committee Orientation Week  $60,000.00
Gayle Goodfellow Ambassador Program  $1,600.00

Fall 2017 - $79,391.66

Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) Equipment Purchase  $1,200.00
WATonomous Purchase of Simulation/Development Computers  $5,218.00
UWMCC Case Competition  $1,500.00
FARM Student Association Risk Case Competition  $ 5,300.00
StarterHacks Swag and Branding  $7,600.00
PMAMC&O Club Books   $600.00
ACE Consulting Group Sponsorship  $1,700.00
Benoit Charbonneau The great polytope barn-raising project of 2018  $6,631.00
Bionformatics Club RAM Purchase  $1,100.00
UW Global Business Brigade Volunteer Trip  $1,720.00
UW Finance Association Quantify Competition  $4,000.00
UW Finance Association Bloomberg B Hackathon  $2,000.00
CUSEC CUSEC 2018  $8,126.66
UW DECA UW DECA Conference  $5,000.00
Engineers Without Borders Junior Fellowship Program  $300.00
Entrepreneurship Society Events  $1,000.00
Fatema Boxwala Survey  $8,480.00
UW Model G20 Sponsorship  $1,500.00
HEDGE Finance Conference Sponsorship  $5,000.00
Light of Strange. Land Mental Health Awareness Project  $650.00
Math Grad Committee Sponsorship  $1,000.00
UW Nano Robotics Group ICRA Travel Expenses  $4,000.00
iGEM iGEM Registration  $5,766.00

Spring 2017 - $63,060.00

ASNA ASNA 2018 Convention  $40,000.00
Entrepreneurship Society Fall 2017 Events  $1,500.00
FARMSA AV Equipment and Reference Library  $1,630.00
Global China Connection (GCC) OPTIMIZE 2017  $2,000.00
UWAC UWAC 2018  $3,000.00
UW DECA In-House Competition  $2,000.00
UWMCC Fall 2017 Events  $1,200.00
UW Nano Robotics Group Custom PCB  $30.00
Waterloo iGEM Synthetic Biology Project  $2,700.00
WPIRG Community Responses to Racism Conference  $3,000.00
Women in Computer Science and StarCon StarCon  $6000.00

Winter 2017 - $236,190.00

Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group (WARG) Taranis RC Controller  $400.00
Statistics Club DataCamp Subscription + Projector  $600.00
University of Waterloo Nanorobotics Group Neodymium Microbots, Business Cards, Website  $410.00
Mathematics Society New Lockers  $52,800.00
Mathematics Society Logo Distribution  $12,000.00
UW Model United Nations Hosting a Model UN Conference  $500.00
Math Orientation Committee Orientation Week  $40,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club Case Competition  $1,500.00
Waterloo iGEM iGEM Registration and Lab Equipment  $6,600.00
Computer Science Club NetApp Disk Shelf  $3,000.00
UW Accounting Conference Conference Sponsorship  $1,500.00
Math Faculty Computing Facility Computing Lab Renovation  $36,120.00
Math Orientation Committee Winter Leader Retreat  $720.00
Mathematics Society Club Support  $3,000.00
Math Grad Committee Yearbook, Grad Ball, etc.  $1,000.00
Women in Computer Science Ugrad General Equipment  $1,340.00
UW CUMC 2017 Committee CUMC Travel Expenses  $23,700.00
Women in Computer Science Grace Hopper Hotel Costs  $15,500.00
Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Carmen's Math Resources  $11,500.00
Midnight Sun Lithium Ion Battery Cells  $11,000.00
Dean of Math Office Loop Table  $10,000.00
Equithon Gender-Equity Hackathon  $2,000.00
Entrepreneurship Society Events  $1,000.00

Fall 2016 - $65,435.99

ACE Consulting Group ACE Kickstarter Event  $500.00
AFOW  Orientation Week  $3,000.00
Bike Rental Program Bicycles & Accessories  $12,400.00
CUSEC Delegate Subsidy  $13,456.84
Entrepreneurship Society Term Events  $1,024.00
Forensic Computation CS 370 Hiring Summer Student  $8,000.00
HEDGE Finance Conference Conference  $7,500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car Car Parts  $12,000.00
SAF Grad Ball Grad Ball  $1,500.00
DECA In-House Competition  $300.00
UW Nanorobotics Hardware for Controls Team  $750.00
UW Accounting Conference Conference  $1,200.00
UWFA Bloomberg Algorithm Trading Competition  $1,000.00
UWMCC Case Competition  $1,000.00
WATSAT Canadian Satellite Design Challenge  $1,823.15

Spring 2016 - $103,181.80

AFOW Orientation Week  $3,000.00
ASNA ASNA Convention  $40,000.00
Computer Science Club Web Servers  $15,072.61
Computer Science Club Mirror Drives  $5,407.00
FARMSA Textbook + Laptop  $1,423.83
GCC  Optimize Conference  $2,000.00
Math Faculty (Individual) DC Tables  $3,000.00
Midnight Sun Travel Cost to ASC Race  $16,125.00
Pure Mathematics Club Couches  $1,633.36
UW DECA DECA Conference  $8,000.00
UW Finance Association  Quantify Competition  $5,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club Case Prep, Courses, Office Tour  $1,000.00
UW Model G20 MG20 Conference  $1,000.00
UW Nano Robotics Group Camera + Mouse  $520.00

Winter 2016 - $110,203.00

AFOW Orientation Week  $1,350.00
CUMC Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference  $27,310.00
FARMSA Textbooks  $288.00
iGEM iGEM Registration and Lab Building  $4,500.00
Math Orientation Orientation 2016  $47,129.00
Midnight Sun Solar Panels  $5,000.00
Pure Math Club Couches & Library  $2,063.00
SE Lab & Lounge  $230.00
UW Nano Robotics Microphone & Laptop  $533.00
UWAC Accounting Conference  $1,000.00
UWFA Stock Pitch Competition  $4,000.00
UWMCC CEO Factory  $1,000.00
WatSat Canadian Satellite Design Challenge  $800.00
WiCS Grace Hopper Celebration  $15,000.00

Fall 2015 - $42,476.42

AIESEC Waterloo Student International Trip Subsidy  $2,500.00
DECA Conference sponsorship   $5,400.00
Double Degree Club Textbooks  $690.42
Enactus Waterloo Various Event Initiatives  $400.00
FARMSA Textbooks  $450.00
GCC Waterloo GCC Optimize Event  $1,000.00
Grad Ball Grad Ball 2015  $1,500.00
hEDGE Conference sponsorship/subsidy  $6,000.00
JDCC Operational/conference  $4,960.00
Mathsoc VPA Textbooks  $1,000.00
Midnight Sun Solar Powered Car Competition  $ 5,000.00
UW Finance Code B, Quantify, Stock Pitch  $7,000.00
UWAC Conference sponsorship   $1,500.00
UWMCC Case Competition Expenditures  $700.00
Waterloo Satellite Design Team Satelite Parts for Competition  $2,370.00
Waterloo Space Society Space Simulator  $2,006.00

Spring 2015 - $84,286.37

Accounting and Finance Orientation Week AFOW 2015  $3,000.00
Actuarial Students National Association 2016 ASNA Convention  $36,436.37
Math Orientation Committee Math Orientation Week 2015  $20,000.00
Mathematical Finance Students' Association Office chairs and textbooks  $6,250.00
Software Engineering SE lab chairs  $10,000.00
University of Waterloo Accounting Conference UWAC 2015  $2,000.00
University of Waterloo Finance Association UW Bloomberg Trading Competition  $2,500.00
UW Finance/UW Actsci Club  Joint Project: Quantify 2015  $2,500.00
UW Model G20 2015 Conference UW Model G20 2015   $1,000.00
Waterloo iGEM Antibodies for CRISPR-Cas9 experiments  $600.00

Winter 2015 - $59,600.00

ConNextor Travel and Accomodation  $2,000.00
Darrell Aucoin/Stats Club Raspberry Pi Hadoop Cluster  $500.00
Enactus Waterloo Iko Eco Fieldwork and Research Trip  $150.00
Math Orientation Orientation 2015  $10,000.00
PyCon And AdaCamp Conference Attendance  $2,500.00
UW Accounting Conference UWAC 2015  $1,500.00
UW AppDev Hackathons, tutorials, speakers, etc  $450.00
UW CUMC Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference Attendance  $21,000.00
UW Finance Association Bloomberg UW Algorithmic Trading Competition  $1,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club CEO Factory  $500.00
Waterloo iGEM iGEM Registration and Team Building  $4,500.00
WiCS Undergraduate AlterConf  $900.00
WiCS Undergraduate Computer  $850.00
Women in Computer Science Grace Hopper Celebration  $13,750.00

Fall 2014 - $78,066.15

Computer Science Club Mirror - Hard Drives  $7,500.00
Computer Science Club Textbooks  $450.00
CUSEC Conference Attendance  $6,800.00
hEDGE hEDGE Finance Conference 2015  $6,000.00
Helen Lu, et al. National Investment Banking Competition/Conference  $2,067.90
Mathematics Society Comfy Lounge Renovation  $47,000.00
MFSA Office Improvement - Refrigerator  $223.74
MFSA Office Improvement - Computers  $600.00
Pure Math Club Office Improvement - Sofas  $2,500.00
UW Accounting Conference UWAC 2015  $1,500.00
UW Amateur Radio Club Esssential Equipment and Tools  $1,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club Office Tour Events  $704.51
Women in Computer Science Office Improvement - Computers  $1,720.00

Spring 2014 - $82,654.74

Accounting and Finance Orientation 2014 General Costs for OW2014  $2,500.00
ASNA Conference  $27,500.00
C3 Inspire Catering  $81.36
Computer Science Club Terminal Upgrades  $ 400.00
Hany Fahmy - Math Business Data Sets  $10,000.00
Math Orientation 2014 First Year Gear  $10,000.00
MathSoc Office Manager Laptop  $572.00
Midnight Sun Solar Solar Array  $4,500.00
Students Union - SJU Student Hub Renovation  $7,000.00
UW DECA Conference  $4,000.00
Waterloo Space Society Telescope and Training  $2,066.49
Women in Computer Science Trip subsidy  $14,034.89

Winter 2014 - $43,785.00

AFOW Accounting and Finance Orientation Week 2014  $1,000.00
Cedric Koh et al. National Investment Banking Competition Finalists  $6,000.00
Computer Science Club New Storage Drives  $3,300.00
Computer Science Club Disk Enclosure  $285.00
FARMSA GCC Canadian Summit 2014  $1,500.00
Mathematics Society Textbook Library  $4,000.00
MFSA Office Improvements  $1,100.00
Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car Team World Solar Challenge 2015  $2,000.00
PMC Office Improvements  $750.00
Professor Hany Fahmy Financial Workshops  $6,300.00
UW Accounting Conference UWAC 2014  $1,000.00
UW Apprentice UW Apprentice Competition  $1,350.00
UW CUMC 2014 Committee Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference  $5,750.00
UW Finance Association Stock Pitch Competition  $1,000.00
UW NanoRobotics Group Laptop and Software License Purchase  $3,200.00
Waterloo iGEM Lab Equipment  $5,000.00
Waterloo Students Offering Support Review Sessions  $250.00

Fall 2013 - $30,679.59

Computer Science Club Erlang Factory Lite Conference Attendence  $750.00
CUSEC Conference Attendence  $6,800.00
Elana Hashman, et al. Grace Hopper Conference Attendence 2013  $2,250.00
FARMSA CFA, FRM, and PRM Study Manuals  $3,621.00
Febrian Sidharta, et al. Sloan Conference Attendence 2014  $1,250.00
hEDGE hEDGE Financial Conference 2014  $4,500.00
hEDGE Conference Math Student Subsidy  $ 1,500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Team New Computer Purchase  $1,350.00
Professor Leroy Dickey, et al. PMATH 360 Course Notes  $5,370.00
UW Finance Association Event Funding  $400.00
UW Management Consultanting Club Office Tour Events  $1,760.00
WiSTEM Components for Hacking 101 Series  $1,128.59

Spring 2013 - $41,490.00

ASNA 2014 Annual ASNA Convention  $19,500.00
GCC Waterloo Chapter General Events  $500.00
Software Engineering Program Computer Monitors Purchase  $990.00
UW DECA 2013 UW DECA Conference  $4,000.00
UW Finance Association Stock Pitch Competition  $500.00
UW Management Consultanting Club Office Tour Events  $1,000.00
UW Sustainability Project and CPATT Davis Centre Courtyard Redevelopment  $7,500.00
Waterloo Orientation 2013 Math Orientation  $7,500.00

Winter 2013 - $35,949.20

AFOW Accounting and Finance Orientation Week  $1,000.00
Dean of Math Office Mentoring Projects  $3,000.00
Federation of Students Water Fountain/Filling Stations  $ 9,500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Team Battery Cells Purchase  $1,500.00
UW Accounting Conference UWAC Attendance  $2,000.00
UW ActSci Club Exam Study Manuals  $1,954.20
UW CUMC 2013 Committee Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference  $8,000.00
UW DECA Chapter Waterloo DECA Business Conference  $3,000.00
UW iGem Team Lab Equipment Purchase  $2,000.00
UW Management Consulting Club Office Tour Event  $1,000.00
UW Student Offering Support Outreach Trip & Club Facility Improvement  $2,000.00
Waterloo Banking Project Financial Education Program  $995.00

Fall 2012 - $50,725.47

AFOW AFOW 2013  $ 1,500.00
Applied Mathematics Department Lab Renovation  $ 10,250.00
Canadian Undergraduate Software Engineering Conference Conference Attendance  $ 10,500.00
Computer Science Club High-fructose-corn-syrup Machine Upgrade  $ 430.00
Computer Science Club Speaker Panel Fees  $10,000.00
FARM Student Association PRM Guides and CFA Schweser Notes  $2,620.47
hEDGE hEDGE Finance Conference 2013  $ 8,000.00
Live Conference Live Conference Attendance  $500.00
Midnight Solar Sun Rayce Car Formula Sun Grand Prix  $2,000.00
UW ActSci Club MLC Exam Manual and Club Banner  $265.00
UW Bioinformatics Club Office and Academic Improvement  $3,250.00
UW Finance Association Real Time Trading Simulation  $1,000.00
Waterloo Banking Project Financial Education Program  $410.00

Spring 2012 - $66,398.32

ASClub  $380.00
ASNA  $30,000.00
CSC $ $2,680.00
CSC usb  $500.00
hEDGE  $2,000.00
IEEE  $1,642.94
Orientation  $5,850.00
Solar Race team  $3,000.00
TedxUW  $3,000.00
Temporary Employment: Brian Bo (Sher D.)  $9,615.38
Waterloo Banking  $530.00
WICS  $7,200.00

Winter 2012 - $55,852.59

Project Amount
Computer Science Computing Facility - Hardware for MC 2061 and MC 3017 $10,327.50
Computer Science Computing Facility - ACM Team Hardware $7,881.19
St. Jerome's Department of Mathematics - Bridge Lecture Series $4,250.00
Actuarial Science Club - MLC Exam Manual $268.90
Computer Science Club - Presentation laptop $1,400.00
University of Waterloo Accounting Club - UWAC Attendance $2,000.00
SABR - Conference Attendance $2,225.00
PMAMC&O Club - CUMC attendance $25,500.00
Midnight Sun Solar Race Team - Solar Car Hardware $2,000.00

Fall 2011 - $31,500.29

Applicant Project Granted
Actuarial Students' National Association -- Waterloo Delegates Conference attendance  $ 15,150.00
Computer Science Club OpenCL Development Platform  $2,177.22
Canadian Undergraduate Software Engineering Conference -- Waterloo Delegates Conference attendance  $8,000.00
Computer Science Club iRobot Create  $357.07
UW Robotics Team Robot sensors  $2,500.00
SE Department SE 101 Lab Equipment  $1,776.00
Waterloo Banking Project Financial workshop  $540.00
Waterloo Mathematics Review Distribution racks  $1,000.00

Spring 2011 - $20,227.36

Actuarial Science Club Manual purchase  $581.40
UW Library Manual purchase  $581.40
Waterloo iGEM team Travel expenses  $1,000.00
TEDxUW Speaker and event costs  $2,000.00
AFOW 2011 Committee Sponsorship  $200.00
Math Orientation Committee Math Orientation handbooks  $5,500.00
Byron W Becker - SCS MarkUs system  $10,000.00
Statistics Club Computer hardware  $364.56

Winter 2011 - $21,970.00

UW Accounting Conference Conference Fees and Expenses  $2,000.00
Midnight Sun Solar car construction  $1,000.00
School of Computer Science Women in Computer Science Conference  $7,200.00
Kyle Spaans, Undergraduate Student CS 499R/CS 898 Course Equipment  $1,870.00
UW Debate Society Competition Fees  $300.00
Mars Rover Team Mars Rover Construction  $2,250.00
WIREX Tutorials  $300.00
WIREX Books for Investopedia Simulation  $50.00
Pure Math Club CUMC Fees  $7,000.00

Fall 2010 - $24,860.00

ActSci Club Study manual and textbook  $200.00
ASNA ASNA Convention attendance  $5,400.00
CS Club KVM Switch for server room  $1,600.00
CUSEC Conference attendance  $3,000.00
Dan Wolczuk, Faculty Math 136 Course Notes  $5,000.00
FARM Club Club computer  $660.00
FARM Club Books/Study Manuals  $1,100.00
Marek Statsna Tanks, Camera for AMATH 361  $1,950.00
Michael Terry, Faculty Teaching equipment for CS 449 HCI  $3,675.00
PMAMC&O Club Travel for Field's Undergrad Network Talks  $675.00
PMAMC&O Club Textbooks for club library  $1,000.00
UW Stargazers Telescope equipment  $300.00
Waterloo Rocketry Team Rocket materials  $300.00

Spring 2010 - $13,663.35

CS Computing Facility Augment Servers  $4,000.00
iGEM Conference Attendance  $1,000.00
Math Orientation Water Bottles for Orientation Leaders  $1,500.00
Waterloo SOS Funding of SOS Volunteer Trip  $3,750.00
Waterloo Space Society Equipment  $3,413.35

Winter 2010 - $10,000.00

Actuarial Science Club Exam Manuals (SOA/CAS)  $380.00
Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference Registration fees and speaker costs  $4,600.00
Computer Science Club Gerald Sussman Talk  $1,600.00
CS Computing Facility Hardware upgrade to mirror.csclub  $900.00
School of Computer Science Women in Computing Conference Attendance  $1,260.00
Waterloo Investment Research Exchange Conference Attendance  $1,260.00

Fall 2009 - $9,567.63

Actuarial Science Club Computer for Club Office  $500.00
Biomedical Computing Conference Student registration fees  $900.00
Canadian Undergrad Journal of Math Start-up funding  $1,046.76
CS Computing Facility Various Hardware requests  $3,055.00
CUSEC Conference Attendance  $2,050.00
IEEE Humanoid Robotics Hardware and travel costs  $1,000.00
Waterloo Space Society Telescope  $1,015.87

Spring 2009 - $18,300.00

$2,000.00 David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science - Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Attendance
$2,500.00 Midnight Sun - Solar Car Equipment
$4,200.00 UW Library - Davis Center Study Carrels
$8,400.00 Actuarial Students National Association - ASNA Delegates
$200.00 Actuarial Science Club - Purchasing MFE Manuals
$1,000.00 UW iGEM - GEM Competition Supplies

Winter 2009 - $23,225.52

$6,500.00 Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science - Course Notes for STAT 3XX
$575.00 Conputer Science Computing Facility - UPS for MC 3015 Student Servers
$8,480.00 Conputer Science Computing Facility - MC 3022 Think Client Lab Capital Improvements
$2,875.52 Computer Science Club - New Club Server
$825.00 Computer Science Club - Replace CSC office Monitors
$920.00 Computational Math Club - Replace CMC office monitors
$300.00 Pure Math, Applied Math, Combinatorics and Optimization Club - Books (Springer Collection)
$750.00 Waterloo Investment Research Exchange - Conference Attendance
$2,000.00 Waterloo Space Society - Equipment for University Rover Challenge

Fall 2008 - $45,500.00

$700.00 Dept. of Applied Math - Course Notes for AMATH342/CM352
$4,500.00 Department of Pure Math - Women in Mathematics Poster
$9,000.00 Actuarial Science - Funding for students attending ASNA 2009
$16,100.00 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - MC 3009 Hardware Rollover
$450.00 Waterloo Investment Research Exchange (WIREX) - Funding for Math students to attend investing confence
$600.00 UW Warriors Band - Bass drum and arrangements
$600.00 Computer Science Club - Digital Cutter Device
$1,350.00 Computer Science Club - Distinguished speaker series
$7,000.00 Software Engineering - Funding for students to attend CUSEC 2009
$2,700.00 Entrepreneurs' Association of UW - Funding for students to attend the Impact National conference
$500.00 Waterloo Club for Social Entrepreneurship - Funding for Social Entrepreneurship conference
$2,000.00 iGEM (Intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine) Team - Supplies

Spring 2008 - $48,853.25

$1,423.80 Computer Science Computing Facility - Network switch
$17,889.68 Computer Science Computing Facility - Linux front-ends
$6,420.00 Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science - Stat 331/361 Case studies
$6,500.00 iGEM (Intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine) Team - Supplies
$2,040.00 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - Mathematical software seminars
$214.77 9/11 Research Group - Books and Software
$5,080.00 School of Computer Science - Grace Hopper Conference
$225.00 Students Offering Support - Review Sessions
$8,250.00 School of Computer Science - Photoshop Licenses for CS200
$810.00 UW Toastmasters - Toastmasters fees

Winter 2008 - $64,766.59

$1,250.00 Department of Pure Math - Benches for student lobby
$7,000.00 Computer Science Club - Servers for software mirrors
$2,100.00 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - Mathematical software seminars
$6,950.00 Midnight Sun - North American Solar Challenge
$600.00 Math students - Partial funding for attendance of Global Forum - The Power of Peace Network
$2,000.00 UW Acounting Conference - Funding for Math students to attend
$902.97 Waterloo Space Society - Multimedia projector
$17,250.00 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - Network switches for student labs
$26,713.62 Computer Science Computing Facility - Additional student disk space

Fall 2007 - $66,976.21

$6,000.00 Actuarial Science - Funding for students attending ASNA 2008
$750.00 Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering - Biomedical Symposium
$313.63 Computer Science Club - Office equipment
$14,040.00 UW Library - 10 new study carrels for the Davis Centre Library
$38,933.87 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - New computers and monitors in MC 3006
$1,850.00 Combinatorics and Optimization - Funding for Winter 2008 Operations Research Contest
$588.71 Pure Math, Applied Math, and Combinatorics & Optimization Club - Books and computer monitor for club office
$4,500.00 Software Engineering - Funding for students to attend CUSEC 2008

Spring 2007 - $10,821.00

$4,050.00 iGEM (Intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine) Team - Supplies
$712.00 Statistics Club - Books for club library
$1,440.00 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - TA for MapleTA development
$2,794.00 Computer Science Computing Facility - New server (elegans)
$175.00 Undergraduate Mathematics Conference delegates - Funding to attend CUMC 2007
$1,650.00 Bioinformatics Club - Funding for Bioinformatics Symposium

Winter 2007 - $54,362.62

$518.68 Computational Mathematics Club - Computer for club office
$7,152.95 Computer Science Computing Facility - 1.5 Linux CPU servers for undergraudate environment
$4,770.00 Computer Science Club - New physical server for virtualization projects
$1,660.00 Computer Science Club - New switch for CSC and other clubs
$2,350.00 Computer Science Club - Academic talks
$881.00 School of Computer Science - Camera systems for CS 452
$6,840.00 Statistics and Actuarial Science - STAT 443 course development
$2,800.00 Computational Mathematics - Course notes for CM 452 / AMATH 442
$11,171.58 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - Two new Windows terminal servers
$4,000.00 Pure Mathematics Club - Guest speaker expenses and delegation costs for the Seminar in Undergraduate Mathematics
$1,001.10 Actuarial Science Club - Study manuals for SOA exams
$3,929.05 Mathematics Faculty Computing Facility - Server for running MapleTA software
$7,288.26 Mathematics Society - Improved lighting in the Comfy Lounge and C&D Lounge

Fall 2006 - $27,906.39

$750.00 Statistics - Funding for clicker receivers
$1,850.00 Combinatorics and Optimization - Prize money for Operations Research contest
$4,000.00 Pure Mathematics - "History of Mathematics" corridor
$770.00 MathSoc - Additions to textbook library
$1,090.33 Computational Mathematics Club - textbooks for core CM courses
$5,000.00 Software Engineering - Funding for students attending CUSEC 2007
$5,000.00 Actuarial Science - Funding for students attending ASNA 2007
$6,750.00 UW Library - 5 new study carrels in the Davis Centre Library
$2,696.06 Computational Mathematics Club - Two machines for grid experiments

Spring 2006 - $45,445.00

$3,835.00 Statistics - STAT 443 Online testing materials
$3,500.00 CUMC - Support students attending CUMC
$800.00 Math Business Double Degree Club - New computer
$600.00 Computer Science Club - Linux CDs for first-year students
$1,408.69 AM - Data acquisition board for demonstration
$7,695.00 CS 350 - Hire TA to investigate moving from NachOS to Linux or FreeBSD
$8,174.51 MFCF - Nexus client machines
$4,579.30 MFCF - New student.math web server
$5,702.50 MFCF - New xterm front end server
$4,000.00 PM 464/664 - New course notes
$3,200.00 iGEM (Intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine) Team - Supplies for competition
$250.00 iGEM Team - Recruitment of mathematics students
$1,700.00 UW Robotics Team - Equipment

Winter 2006 - $44,000.00

$8,320.00 CS - New Database Course Assignments
$1,600.00 CS - Analyse Attrition Survey Results
$23,281.39 CSCF - iMac Monitor Upgrade
$4,368.00 PM - Math 147/148 Course Notes
$4,230.61 UWAFT - ChallengeX
$2,200.00 UW Robotics - Robo-Magellan

​Fall 2005 - $40,000.00

$2,810.00 C&O - (Prof. Romy Shioda) Promotions for Operations Research
$6,400.00 Actuarial Science Club - Funding for students to attend the 2006 ASNA conference
$6,729.42 AM - (Prof. Hans de Sterck) Course notes for CM271/AM341/CS371 and CM352/AM342
$4,000.00 Software Engineering - Funding for students to attend the 2006 CUSEC conference
$1,069.50 Software Engineering - Lego robots for SE101
$2,800.00 STAT - (Prof. Stefan Steiner) Licenses for MINITAB statistical software
$1,230.50 Solar Technology Education Project - Equipment replacement
$4,230.19 MFCF - Lab upgrades
$218.39 Statistics Club - Books for club library
$3,000.00 Bioinformatics Club - Server
$4,500.00 AM - (Prof. Francis Poulin) Turntable for AM463
$1,800.00 Computer Science Club - New machine
$662.00 Computer Science Club - Books for club library
$200.00 Computer Science Club - New desk
$200.00 Computer Science Club - New hard drive
$150.00 Computer Science Club - Replacement switch

Spring 2005 - $45,812.50

$750.00 Actuarial Science Club - Study guides for actuarial exams (amount in USD)
$510.00 Actuarial Science Club - Newsletter
$200.00 Actuarial Science Club - Alumni and undergrad mentorship program
$2,240.00 CS - (Prof. Andrew Malton) develop worked examples for CS 246 coursenotes
$1,600.00 CS - (Prof. J.P. Pretti) CS program attrition survey
$8,000.00 CS - (Prof. Eugene Zima) visualization applets for CS 341
$2,200.00 CUMC - Support students attending CUMC
$19,142.50 CSCF - New front-end servers for CS undergrad environment
$1,750.00 Engineers without Borders - Internship, conference, and event support
$2,000.00 MathSoc - first-year mentorship program
$4,890.00 Stats - clickers for STAT 230
$1,880.00 UW Robotics Team - parts for Robo-Magellan project
$250.00 UW Robotics Team - recruitment of math students
$400.00 Waterloo Space Society - parts for rocket

Winter 2005 - $33,550.00

$10,000.00 C&O - (Prof. Steve Furino) Development of graph theory visualization application
$300.00 Women in Math - Startup funding for mentorship program
$5,000.00 Solar Technology Education Project - Purchase of anemometers
$5,000.00 UW Alternative Fuels Team - Supplies for participation in Challenge X
$250.00 UW Alternative Fuels Team - Recruitment of math and computer science students
$8,000.00 Midnight Sun - Solar cell encapsulation and qualifier attendance support
$5,000.00 Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - Development of new and existing projects

Fall 2004 - $32,481.10

$1,423.00 ACM Club - Textbook library and PC
$654.00 Actuarial Science Club - Funding of reference texts to be placed in the DC library (amount in USD)
$5,250.00 Actuarial Science Club - Funding of students to attend the 2005 ASNA conference
$109.25 CSC - Purchase of a DVD burner
$800.00 CSC - Purchase of a digital video camera
$5,525.00 Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF) - Purchase of new chairs for MC3008
$1,555.20 Entity Robotics Group - Supplies
$1,500.00 Mathematics Society - Purchase of a textbook library for core courses to be made available in the MathSoc office (MC3038)
$6,000.00 Midnight Sun - 10% of Solar Array for Midnight Sun VIII
$2,000.00 Midnight Sun - Funding for a teaching student to develop curricula for presentations to schools
$1,536.40 PMAMC&OC - Purchase of a new computer
$1,878.25 Teaching Students' Association - Purchase of a new computer, printer, and software
$4,000.00 Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - Development of new and existing projects
$250.00 Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - Advertising to Math students

Spring 2004 - $16,729.98

$6,000.00 Harry Panjer - Creation of Acts 232 Course Notes
$3,000.00 Actuarial Science Club - Funding students to attend the 2005 ASNA confrence
$372.00 Actuarial Science Club - Purchase of course 5 and 6 SOA exam material
$582.98 CSC - Purchase of books for club library
$175.00 CSC - Purchase of Uninterruptible Power Supply
$2,000.00 Midnight Sun - Purchase of Supplies
$250.00 Midnight Sun - Funds to aid recruitment of Math Students
$350.00 Double Degree Club - Funding for bus trip to Toronto
$4,000.00 WARG - Travel costs to competition in Georgia

Winter 2004 - $39,031.30

$12,231.30 CS 456/656 - Creation of a networking lab
$6,000.00 CS 350 - Further development of Visual OS/II applets
$3,500.00 PMath 464 - Course notes
$1,500.00 Math Orientation - Creation of customized Linux CD for frosh kits
$5,250.00 CUMC - Funding for students to attend the 2004 CUMC
$750.00 ACM SIGCSE Conference - Funding for an ISG staff member to attend the ACM SIGCSE Conference
$2,400.00 MathSoc - Improvements to the Online Exambank
$6,000.00 Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - Development of new and existing systems.
$900.00 ActSci Club - Mentoring Program events
$500.00 CSC - New power supply and hard disks

Fall 2003 - $18,250.00

$10,000.00 Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group - Development of new and existing systems.
$5,000.00 Waterloo Space Scoiety - Funding for hosting the 2004 Canadian Student Summit on Aerospace
$1,300.00 ActSci Club - Study manuals for professional exams
$1,350.00 ActSci Club - Partial funding for 45 students to attend the ASNA Conference
$600.00 ActSci Club - Computer

Spring 2003 - $11,432.66

$1,667.49 MathSoc - Projector for student use
$222.61 PMAMC&OC - Zome Teacher's Bundle
$567.86 PMAMC&OC - Books
$300.00 CSC - Books
$450.00 CSC - Programmable video card
$169.95 CSC - Wireless microphone
$273.53 Bioinformatics Club - Books
$992.45 Accounting Students' Association - Computer
$1,006.62 ActSci Club - Study manuals for professional exams
$224.25 ActSci Club - Computer monitor
$5,557.90 MFCF/CSCF - Memory for teaching hosts

Winter 2003 - $11,668.70

$568.70 PMAMC&OC - trips to Fields Institute for undergraduate-oriented lectures
$800.00 ActSci Club - study manuals for actuary exams for courses 2, 3, and 4
$7,500.00 Midnight Sun - 10% of the cost of the solar cell array for Midnight Sun VII
$1,200.00 SE 101 - hire of two URAs for development of open-source lego robot simulator
$1,600.00 Robocup - (Prof. Lopez-Ortiz) hire of two URAs and associated expenses for early research work for the possibility of entering Robocup 2004

Fall 2002 - $24,055.38

$10,166.00 SE 112 -
$5,000.00 Midnight Sun -
$5,712.00 AM 373 -
$200.00 CSC - Books
$777.38 CSC - Furniture and Computer Equipment
$1,200.00 CS - Guest lecturer for Prof. Eugene Zima's CS 450 class
$1,000.00 ActSci Club - stuff

Spring 2002 - $13,786.00

$5,200.00 Midnight Sun - sensors
$3,280.00 SEDS - Student Managed Research Telescope Array
$5,306.00 CS - software engineering course development

Winter 2002 - $21,702.56

$1,203.57 PMAMC&OC - purchase of new books
$800.00 MFCF - RAM for www.student.math server
$6,695.99 MFCF - projector for AM
$2,700.00 AM - laptop for demonstrations
$700.00 PM - purchase of a demonstration device
$9,603.00 CS - software engineering course development

Fall 2001 - $10,806.97

$702.00 PM - heavy-duty scanner
$1,380.00 C&O - Teaching assistant for C&O 439/639
$100.00 TSA - professional development day
$2,248.47 SE 101 - robots for course project
$2,306.88 CS - equipment for graphics lab
$505.00 ActSci Club - professional development materials (amount in USD)
$543.00 ActSci Club - professional development materials
$262.50 AM - software for AM 373 (amount in USD)
$2,759.12 AM - TA for AM 373 for Winter 2002

Spring 2001 - $24,240.02

$8,236.50 CS - co-op student for development of Nortel lab
$2,700.00 CS - TA for CS 370
$1,500.00 C&O - equipment for development of graph theory software
$5,550.00 CS - creation of handbook for CS 354 TAs
$625.29 Math Business - purchase of graphing calculators
$5,628.23 Stats and ActSci - course web page design

Spring 1999 - $3,932.36

$1,800.00 MathSoc - purchase of bulletin boards
$232.20 TSA - purchase of educational software
$584.92 PMAMC&OC - purchase of new books for the club's library
$120.00 PMAMC&OC - purchase of various mathematical models
$195.24 Linux@UW Project - purchase of a hard drive
$1,000.00 CSC - purchase of a computer

Winter 1999 - $8,203.40

$64.40 Linux@UW Project - initial purchases for the CDROM library
$4,439.00 UW Library - purchase of Computer Science Abstract Database
$350.00 Women In Math - help cover the cost of developing a website
$350.00 PMAMC&OC - purchase of new books for the club's library
$3,000.00 Midnight Sun Solar Car - coating of Solar Cells for the new car

Fall 1998 - $9,974.00

$950.00 ActSci Club - partial funding for the ASNA conference
$6,153.00 Statistics & Actuarial Science Department - 3 new iMacs for the Statistics Lab
$471.00 UW Business Club - purchase of new books for the club's library
$100.00 PMAMC&OC - funding for 3 talks
$2,300.00 Midnight Sun Solar Car - Purchase of Solar Cells for the new car

Spring 1998 - $18,757.00

$250.00 ActSci Club - Funding for Actex Manuals and The WAVE
$1,000.00 UW Debate Society - Partial funding for math students tournament and tournament transportation fees
$460.00 PMAMC&OC - Full funding for student math conference at UW
$2,047.00 TSA - Full Funding for computer to learn educational software (approx.)
$15,000.00 MFCF - Full funding for 2 Sun Sprac10s, String Server, and WWW/CGI for the math undergrad environment (approx.)

Winter 1998 - $21,133.07

$3,608.00 Statistics - Funding for a Grad Student to create manual for all the Stats packages
$11,387.07 MFCF - Full Funding for two Windows NT XTerm Servers
$3,680.00 Applied Math - Full Funding for Graphics Demonstration equipment, ThinkPad
$2,458.00 Department of Computer Science - Full funding for Windows NT server for CS 130/4 course content server

Fall 1997 - $21,851.22

$10,000.00 Faculty of Mathematics - English 109M
$4,791.72 MathSoc - Server for MathSoc PC Lab
$2,587.50 MathSoc - Hub for MathSoc PC Lab and undergraduate clubs
$2,150.50 Business Club, ActSci Club - PC to be shared between the Business and ActSci Clubs
$1,150.00 Dept. of Applied Math - Dr. G. Tenti
$871.50 ActSci Club - partial funding for the ASNA conference
$300.00 PMAMC&OC - funding for the Pure Math conference

Spring 1997 - $14,346.60

$4,294.10 Accounting Students Assoc. - for a PC
$4,000.00 Dept. of Computer Science - Peter Buhr
$6,052.50 Dept. of Applied Math - Geir Dullerud, Kirsten Morris

Winter 1997 - $17,546.40

$13,046.40 MFCF - two undergrad servers
$4,000.00 MGC - operating fund
$500.00 MGC - grad school library improvement

Fall 1996 - $12,501.00

$4,167.00 MFCF - partial funding for an undergrad server
$4,167.00 C&O dept. - hire grad students to construct Algebra lab in Matlab
$4,167.00 Wei-Pai Tang - partial funding for LCD projector

Spring 1996 - $300.00

$300.00 TSA - classroom management workshop

Winter 1996 - $9,855.97

$5,400.00 MFCF - improving undergrad environment
$2,000.00 Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference -
$860.00 ActSci Club - purchase of ACTEX manuals
$652.11 MathSoc - improving exam bank
$551.36 MGC - Start graduate library
$392.50 ActSci Club - partial payment of ASNA/ANEA dues

Fall 1995 - $2,000.00

$2,000.00 ActSci Club - partial funding for ASNA/ANEA conference

Winter 1995 - $25.00

$25.00 Stan Lipshitz - Planimeter