What is "professional development" funding?
The Professional Development Fund was created to "fund professional development activities for individual undergraduate mathematics students".
This includes funding for:
- publication fees;
- activities delivered in an online format;
- conference accommodation, travel, and registration; and
- other initiatives that benefit the career of an individual student.
This does not include examination fees, designation fees or certification fees.
Funding can only be granted up to $750 per academic year (September through August) by default, and funding can be received only once per academic term.
Note that in practice applicants will be expected to pay at least some amount of the costs.
How to receive professional development funding:
The first step is to complete the professional development funding proposal form.
The Executive Director will then evaluate the project and the funding available for the term and make a funding decision.
There are no deadlines to apply for professional development funding; however, retro-active funding will usually be rejected. Retro-active here refers to the applicant already spending the money before applying for funding.
As there is a limited amount of funding available for professional development, professional development funding is on a first-come, first-served basis.