Software Licensing and Deployment
Software Licensing
The University licenses a variety of software applications.
Anti-virus software
Licensed software
Microsoft for students
Scientific computing software support
Software for students
Mechanical and Mechtronics Engineering (MME) has department licensing servers that control specific software such as Mastercam, Ansys, Abaqus, Hyperworks. If you have a specific application to be licensed for your group or team, we may be able to help. You can request this service by sending an email to mmehelpdesk. We will work with you to get this setup.
For Labview, Microsoft Project, Visio, Visual studio or Adobe Acrobat Pro you will need to purchase it directly from the IST webstore; it will ask you to authenticate to access this site.
You will need an Account No.; the user id of the person you are buying it for; and for Labview the computer name.
Create a request ticket; asking for the installation of the software.
As per any other software that are specific for MME there will be a virtual server to host the license file and yearly software maintenance as follows:
- For research software only, there will be a one-time fee of $500 to cover the cost of a virtual server to host the license file and a yearly software maintenance fee of $100.00 for the license renewal and creation / deployment of the latest software package.
- For combined research / teaching software the department will cover 50% of the cost. A one-time fee of $250 will be paid by the researcher to cover the cost of a virtual server to host the license file and a yearly software maintenance fee of $50 for the license renewal and creation / deployment of the latest software package.
- For teaching software only, the department will cover 100% of the cost.
Create a request ticket with the software name, license file if you have it and the AFF account to setup your virtual license server.
Software Deployment
MME creates custom install software packages for nexus managed computer systems using a software deployment server.
The installation runs unattended and quietly in the background. If you have a software package that you would like us to create, please request this through a request ticket.