
I'm a master student at the University of Waterloo. How flexible bodies deform when moving is my focus of study. My research includes creating optimal finite element method (FEM) simulation codes for flexible multibody dynamics used in engineering applications of robotics, automotives and so forth.

- Develop FEM simulation code in MapleSim
- Model spatial flexible-rigid mechanisms
- Analyze Toyota RAV4 EV longitudinal dynamics associated with flexible half-shafts

- SAE mini-Baja chassis and suspension design
- Advanced hydraulic metal forming technology
- IC engine fuel efficiency
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Selected publications
- Y. Liang, J. Banerjee, and J. McPhee, Integration of Finite Element Components with Dynamic Multibody Systems via Symbolic Programming, 4th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, Montreal, Canada, 2 pages, May.2016.
- Y. Liang, J. Banerjee, J. McPhee, A. Sellmann, and O. Vahid, Symbolic Integration of Finite Element Models with Dynamic Multibody Systems, Can. Cong. Appl. Mech., London, Canada, 5 pages, June.2015.
- Maris, C., Hassannejadasl, A., Green, D. E., Cheng, J., Golovashchenko, S. F., Gillard, A. J., & Liang, Y. (2016). Comparison of quasi-static and electrohydraulic free forming limits for DP600 and AA5182 sheets. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 235, 206-219.