Bhavya Giri Goswami

MASc Student

I'm a Masters of Applied Science student in the department of System Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo.

I joined the Motion Research Group in May 2023 and I'm currently working on the advanced controls of exoskeletons under Prof. McPhee and Prof. Arami. I completed my undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, India. After one year of industrial experience, I joined the Stoch lab at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India as a Project Assistant where I worked on the mechanical development and learning-based controls of Stoch: 3 quadruped robot. While working with the WIRIN team, I also developed a CBF-based safety critical controller for collision avoidance in UAVs.

My research interest is in the mechatronic design and control of exoskeletons, prosthetic devices, legged robots, and safety-critical controllers.