Valerie Norman-Gerum


Valerie Nornam-Gerum
I'm a PhD student at the University of Waterloo. I’m working to learn why we move the way we do.

I build biomechanical models and design simulations to test hypotheses about how movements of everyday living are achieved. 


• Modelling and simulation of systems
• Optimal control and motion prediction
• Biomechanics
• Design for wellness and rehabilitation



  • sit to stand
    High fidelity musculoskeletal modelling
  • Modelling of soft biological tissues and contacts
  • Predictive simulation of sit-to-stand


  • Valerie in conference
    Designed an assistive garden tool
  • Researched percutaneous vertebroplasty for treatment of spine metastases
  • Designed and built a pulmonary pressure monitoring device for use with a bag valve mask
  • Developed mechanical load tests and sterilization protocols for medical instruments
  • Theorized a system for thrombolysis in an inferior vena cava filter

More info 

List of my publications on this website