The UN World Water Day Graduate Research Fair and Water Celebration is a joint initiative between the Water Institute at Waterloo and the Laurier Institute for Water Science. The event includes a keynote address by Linda Gowman (CTO, Trojan Technologies) and a panel discussion on employment opportunities featuring Bev Mollard (Ontario Clean Water Agency), Robert Pockar (Matrix Solutions), Krystyn Tully (Lake Ontario Waterkeeper), and Simon Courtenay (Canadian Water Network, and professor at Waterloo).  There will be exhibits from students and representatives from the water sector.

Date: Tuesday, March 22

Time: 11:00 a.m. to  5:30 p.m.

Location: EIT Atrium – Centre for Environmental and Information Technology, University of Waterloo

For an event schedule and to register your attendance, please visit the event website.

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