On the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday has become the unofficial opening day of the giving season. The Giving Tuesday movement is taking root around the world, in our communities, and, thanks to your thoughtful generosity, right here on our campus.
This is the fifth year the University has participated in the Giving Tuesday movement. On November 27, donors to Waterloo came out in record numbers to show their true giving spirit. When the counting was done, more than 500 donors, some from as far away as Japan, had stepped up to raise a record-breaking $220,000 on Giving Tuesday.
Joanne Shoveller, Vice-President of Advancement, was thrilled with the enthusiasm of supporters on this special day. “We’ve always known our alumni and friends are generous, but they continue to amaze us. This year, we saw a 33 per cent increase in both dollars and donors. That’s quite incredible, and we are beyond grateful.”
A unique aspect of Waterloo’s Giving Tuesday celebration was the participation of some very generous alumni who volunteered to match gifts made online (up to their own personal maximum), during certain hours.
These Waterloo champions harnessed the power of social media to promote the event on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. By 8 a.m. we had reached a third of our goal.
“Gifts from our alumni and donors elevate the reputation of Waterloo and the impact of what we’re trying to do in the world,” said Shoveller. “Virtually every corner of our campuses has been touched by your generosity: academic programs, research, libraries, athletics, international experiences, student wellness initiatives, and so much more. Thank you!”
During the event, hundreds of students took the time to pen a personal message of thanks on postcards that were mailed to donors later in the week. May, in her third year of Arts & Business (Theatre and Performance), is one of those students. “I’m so glad to have the opportunity to thank our donors. Knowing that there is this great network of donors and alumni supporting us and really cheering us on, not only on Giving Tuesday, but throughout our Waterloo journey, is so inspiring.”
Check out this special thank you from some grateful Waterloo students.
If you’re interested in becoming a matching donor for Giving Tuesday 2019, you can email Frances Houston, Director of Development.