The world is full of problems, but not all problems are created equal - some have a much larger impact on people and businesses.

That’s why Larry Smith, an expert in entrepreneurship and adjunct associate professor at the University of Waterloo, wants to reveal the Top Ten commercial problems so entrepreneurs can focus on solving problems that matter. 

Larry Smith 

Smith, whose TED talk, Why you will fail to have a great career, has been viewed more than 4.7 million times by people around the world, will discuss opportunities for entrepreneurs to build companies that have the potential for global impact at a Velocity Start workshop on March 1. 

Smith, an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Economics and the Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre at the University of Waterloo, will focus on the kinds of problems that are of paramount importance; the kinds of systemic problems that underlie many areas of enterprise. The ten most important of these problems will be presented, together with a description of their impact and an analysis of the key challenges involved.  

Register now for Top Ten Commercial Problems event 

Larry Smith is one of the University of Waterloo's most well-known professors, having taught ten percent of Waterloo’s alumni. The event runs on Tuesday March 1, from 7:30 - 9pm inside Velocity Start, on the 2nd floor of South Campus Hall.  

Please register for this free event - pizza and water will be provided. 

Velocity Start is a new space on campus for all students to discover entrepreneurship through startup workshops, coaching, and exposure to new technologies. The event builds on a series of smaller weekly Problem Lab workshops, which provides context for and discussion about large problems that need solving.