About OBEC

Through collaborative and interdisciplinary research on electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems, Ontario Battery and Electrochemistry-research Centre (OBEC) will support Canadian industry and government while enhancing the country's sustainability and its citizens' quality of life.

The investments in the Ontario Battery and Electrochemistry-research Centre to date by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, with financial support from the University of Waterloo: Office of Research, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Science, the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology and the Department of Chemical Engineering, were instrumental in establishing OBEC.

Our Mission

  • Accelerate the translation of next generation electrochemical energy technology concepts from the lab to pre-commercial scale via device prototyping
  • Seek outcomes that enhance global energy security, maintain technological leadership, and improve high-tech manufacturing activity in Ontario and Canada through innovative research and development
  • Build strategic relationships with industries, institutes, and national and international laboratories
  • Make University of Waterloo a world-leader in electrochemical energy systems