Thursday, July 28, 2016
We're looking for partners and funders for investigations and engagement activities focused on one or a combination of the following themes:
- Community resilience to natural hazards
- Indigenous resilience to natural hazards
- Impacts of flood on indigenous communities
- Impacts of flood on rural communities
- Impacts of flood on urban communities
- Impacts of urban (non-riverine) flood on business continuity
- Social vulnerability to flood
- Links between resilience and emergency management
- Locations and status of flood mitigation structures nationally
- Regional differences in basement content types and values nationally
- Social media and flood response and recovery
- Public policy changes to strengthen adaptation and flood resiliency
- Engaging citizen scientists in measuring and monitoring rainfall
- Educating Canadians about flood risk and individual risk reduction measures
If you're interested in partnering on these initiatives, or have a related focus of your own, please let us know!