
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Pannabecker, T. L. , Dantzler, W. H. , Layton, H. E. , & Layton, A. T. . (2008). Role of three-dimensional architecture in the urine concentrating mechanism of the rat renal inner medulla. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 295, F1271–F1285. American Physiological Society.
Layton, A. T. . (2007). Role of UTB urea transporters in the urine concentrating mechanism of the rat kidney. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 69, 887–929. Springer-Verlag.
Layton, A. , & Minion, M. . (2007). Implications of the choice of predictors for semi-implicit Picard integral deferred correction methods. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 2, 1–34. Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
Beale, T. , & Layton, A. . (2007). On the accuracy of finite difference methods for elliptic problems with interfaces. Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, 1, 91–119. Mathematical Sciences Publishers.
Layton, A. T. , Christara, C. C. , & Jackson, K. R. . (2006). Quadratic spline methods for the shallow water equations on the sphere: Collocation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 71, 187–205. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T. , Christara, C. C. , & Jackson, K. R. . (2006). Quadratic spline methods for the shallow water equations on the sphere: Galerkin. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 71, 175–186. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T. , Christara, C. C. , & Jackson, K. R. . (2006). Quadratic spline Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on the sphere. Math. Comput. Simulat, 71, 175–186.
Marcano, M. , Layton, A. T. , & Layton, H. E. . (2006). An optimization algorithm for a distributed-loop model of an avian urine concentrating mechanism. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 68, 1625–1660. Springer-Verlag.
Layton, A. T. . (2006). Modeling water transport across elastic boundaries using an explicit jump method. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28, 2189–2207. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
S Thomas, R. , Layton, A. T. , Layton, H. E. , & Moore, L. C. . (2006). Kidney modeling: Status and perspectives. Proceedings of the IEEE, 94, 740–752. IEEE.
Layton, A. T. . (2005). A methodology for tracking solute distribution in a mathematical model of the kidney. Journal of Biological Systems, 13, 399–419. World Scientific.
Layton, A. T. . (2005). Role of structural organization in the urine concentrating mechanism of an avian kidney. Mathematical biosciences, 197, 211–230. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T. , Moore, L. C. , & Layton, H. E. . (2005). Multistability in tubuloglomerular feedback and spectral complexity in spontaneously hypertensive rats. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology.
Layton, A. T. , & Layton, H. E. . (2005). A region-based mathematical model of the urine concentrating mechanism in the rat outer medulla. II. Parameter sensitivity and tubular inhomogeneity. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 289, F1367–F1381. American Physiological Society.
Layton, A. T. , & Minion, M. L. . (2005). Implications of the choice of quadrature nodes for Picard integral deferred corrections methods for ordinary differential equations. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 45, 341–373. Springer-Verlag.
Layton, A. T. , & Layton, H. E. . (2005). A region-based mathematical model of the urine concentrating mechanism in the rat outer medulla. I. Formulation and base-case results. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 289, F1346–F1366. American Physiological Society.
Layton, A. T. . (2004). Conservative multi-implicit integral deferred correction methods with adaptive mesh refinement.
Layton, A. T. , & Minion, M. L. . (2004). Conservative multi-implicit spectral deferred correction methods for reacting gas dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 194, 697–715. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T. , Pannabecker, T. L. , Dantzler, W. H. , & Layton, H. E. . (2004). Two modes for concentrating urine in rat inner medulla. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 287, F816–F839. American Physiological Society.
Johnson, G. R. , Gupta, K. , Putz, D. K. , Hu, Q. , Brusseau, M. L. , Richnow, H. H. , Meckenstock, R. U. , et al. (2003). Longevity of granular iron in groundwater treatment processes: changes in solute transport properties over time PJ Vikesland, J. Klausen, H. Zimmermann, A. Lynn Roberts and WP Ball........ 3 The effect of local-scale physical heterogeneity and nonl. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 64, 309–310.
