
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Layton, A. T., & Hu, R.. (2020). Diabetes implications on kidneys. In Diabetes Systems Biology: Quantitative methods for understanding beta-cell dynamics and function (pp. 10–1). IOP Publishing Bristol, UK.
Sadria, M., & Layton, A. T.. (2020). A First Course in Systems Biology. SIAM PUBLICATIONS 3600 UNIV CITY SCIENCE CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104-2688 USA.
Layton, A. T.. (2020). Mathematical Modelling and Biomechanics of the Brain. SIAM PUBLICATIONS 3600 UNIV CITY SCIENCE CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104-2688 USA.
Prieto-García, L., Vicente-Vicente, L., Blanco-Gozalo, V., Hidalgo-Thomas, O., García-Macías, M. C., Kurtz, A., Layton, A. T., et al. (2020). Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying a rat model of triple whammy acute kidney injury. Laboratory Investigation, 100, 1455–1464. Nature Publishing Group US New York.
Hu, R., McDonough, A. A., & Layton, A. T.. (2020). Sex differences in solute transport along the nephrons: effects of Na+ transport inhibition. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 319, F487–F505. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Sadria, M., & Layton, A. T.. (2020). Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a modeling analysis. PLoS Computational Biology, 16, e1008235. Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA.
Sadria, M., & Layton, A.. (2020). Ageing signalling pathways: Quantifying the effects of protein interactions. The FASEB Journal, 34, 1–1. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Edwards, A., Palm, F., & Layton, A. T.. (2020). A model of mitochondrial O2 consumption and ATP generation in rat proximal tubule cells. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 318, F248–F259. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Ahmed, S., & Layton, A. T.. (2020). Sex-specific computational models for blood pressure regulation in the rat. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 318, F888–F900. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Ahmed, S., Hu, R., Leete, J., & Layton, A. T.. (2019). Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology: Understanding sex differences in long-term blood pressure regulation: insights from experimental studies and computational modeling. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 316, H1113. American Physiological Society.
Leete, J., Ahmed, S., Hernandez, F. J. Lopez, & Layton, A.. (2019). Determining Risk Factors for Triple Whammy AKI using Computational Models of Long-Term Blood Pressure Regulation. The FASEB Journal, 33, 758–5. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Guidoboni, G., Bonifazi, G., Sacco, R., Layton, A., Olson, S. D., Hallare, M. C. Brucal, Siesky, B. A., et al. (2019). Electrochemical characterization of ciliary epithelium physiology: a theoretical approach. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60, 3202–3202. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
Hu, R., McDonough, A. A., & Layton, A. T.. (2019). Functional implications of the sex differences in transporter abundance along the rat nephron: modeling and analysis. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 317, F1462–F1474. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Fattah, H., Layton, A., & Vallon, V.. (2019). How do kidneys adapt to a deficit or loss in nephron number?. Physiology, 34, 189–197. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Layton, A. T.. (2019). Multiscale models of kidney function and diseases. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 11, 1–8. Elsevier.
Sadria, M., Karimi, S., & Layton, A. T.. (2019). Network centrality analysis of eye-gaze data in autism spectrum disorder. Computers in biology and medicine, 111, 103332. Pergamon.
