
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Layton, A., Vallon, V., & Edwards, A.. (2016). Effect of SGLT Inhibition on Medullary Oxygen Consumption: A Multi-Nephron Model of the Rat Kidney. The FASEB Journal, 30, 740–2. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Liu, R., & Layton, A. T.. (2016). Modeling the effects of positive and negative feedback in kidney blood flow control. Mathematical biosciences, 276, 8–18. Elsevier.
Layton, A. T.. (2016). Recent advances in renal hypoxia: Insights from bench experiments and computer simulations. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 311, F162–F165. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Sgouralis, I., Kett, M. M., Ow, C. P. C., Abdelkader, A., Layton, A. T., Gardiner, B. S., Smith, D. W., et al. (2016). Bladder urine oxygen tension for assessing renal medullary oxygenation in rabbits: experimental and modeling studies. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 311, R532–R544. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Nganguia, H., Young, Y. - N., Layton, A. T., Lai, M. - C., & Hu, W. - F.. (2016). Electrohydrodynamics of a viscous drop with inertia. Physical Review E, 93, 053114. American Physical Society.
Sgouralis, I., & Layton, A.. (2016). Internephron Coupling Increases the Efficiency of Dynamic Autoregulation. The FASEB Journal, 30, 739–6. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Chen, Y., Edwards, A., Sullivan, J., & Layton, A.. (2016). Sex Differences in Hypertension: A Modeling Study. The FASEB Journal, 30, 959–1. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Chen, Y., Fry, B. C., & Layton, A. T.. (2016). Modeling glucose metabolism in the kidney. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 78, 1318–1336. Springer US.
Layton, A. T., Vallon, V., & Edwards, A.. (2016). A computational model for simulating solute transport and oxygen consumption along the nephrons. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 311, F1378–F1390. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Layton, A. T., Laghmani, K., Vallon, V., & Edwards, A.. (2016). Solute transport and oxygen consumption along the nephrons: effects of Na+ transport inhibitors. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 311, F1217–F1229. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Sgouralis, I., Maroulas, V., & Layton, A. T.. (2016). Transfer function analysis of dynamic blood flow control in the rat kidney. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 78, 923–960. Springer US.
Fry, B. C., Edwards, A., & Layton, A. T.. (2016). Impact of nitric-oxide-mediated vasodilation and oxidative stress on renal medullary oxygenation: a modeling study. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 310, F237–F247. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Xie, L., Layton, A. T., Wang, N., Larson, P. E. Z., Zhang, J. L., Lee, V. S., Liu, C., et al. (2016). Dynamic contrast-enhanced quantitative susceptibility mapping with ultrashort echo time MRI for evaluating renal function. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 310, F174–F182. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Sgouralis, I., & Layton, A. T.. (2016). Conduction of feedback-mediated signal in a computational model of coupled nephrons. Mathematical Medicine and Biology: a Journal of the IMA, 33, 87–106. Oxford University Press.
Layton, A. T., Vallon, V., & Edwards, A.. (2016). Predicted consequences of diabetes and SGLT inhibition on transport and oxygen consumption along a rat nephron. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 310, F1269–F1283. American Physiological Society Bethesda, MD.
Fry, B., Edwards, A., & Layton, A.. (2015). Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Significantly Affect Medullary Oxygenation and Urinary Output. The FASEB Journal, 29, 963–1. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Edwards, A., Vallon, V., & Layton, A.. (2015). SGLT2 Inhibition Is Predicted to Increase NaCl Delivery to the Medullary Thick Ascending Limb But Not to Significantly Elevate Its Oxygen Consumption. The FASEB Journal, 29, 959–3. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Sgouralis, I., Evans, R., Gardiner, B., & Layton, A.. (2015). Urinary PO2 as a biomarker for medullary hypoxia. The FASEB Journal, 29, 963–6. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Nganguia, H., Young, Y. - N., Layton, A. T., Hu, W. - F., & Lai, M. - C.. (2015). An immersed interface method for axisymmetric electrohydrodynamic simulations in Stokes flow. Communications in Computational Physics, 18, 429–449. Cambridge University Press.
Baird, A., Braam, B., & Layton, A.. (2015). Implications of Increased Renal Venous Pressure for Renal Hemodynamic and Reabsorptive Function Studied by a Mathematical Model of the Kidney. The FASEB Journal, 29, 808–19. The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
