
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
K.M Langin, Aldridge, C.L , Fike, J.A , Cornman, R.S , Martin, K.M , Wann, G.T , Seglund, A.E , Schroeder, M.A , Benson, D.P , Fedy, B.C , Young, J.R , Wilson, S , Braun, C.E , and Oyler-McCance, S.J . 2018. Characterizing Range-Wide Population Divergence In An Alpine-Endemic Bird: A Comparison Of Genetic And Genomic Approaches. Conservation Genetics, 19: 1471–1485.
C.P. Kirol, Kessler, D.C. , Walker, B.L. , and Fedy, B.C. . 2019. Coupling Tracking Technologies To Maximize Efficiency In Avian Research. Wildlife Society Bulletin, In Press.
A.R Cox, Robertson, R.J , Fedy, B.C , Rendell, W.B , and Bonier, F . 2018. Demographic Drivers Of Local Population Decline In Tree Swallows (Tachycineta Bicolor). The Condor, 120: 842-851.
J.R Row, Knick, S.T , Oyler-McCance, S.J , Lougheed, S.C , and Fedy, B.C . 2017. Developing Approaches For Linear Mixed Modeling In Landscape Genetics Through Landscape-Directed Dispersal Simulations. Ecology And Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.2825.
J.R Row, Oyler-McCance, S.J , and Fedy, B.C . 2016. Differential Influences Of Local Subpopulations On Regional Diversity And Differentiation For Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus Urophasianus). Molecular Ecology, 25: 4424-4437.
B.C Fedy, Devries, J.H , Howerter, D.W , and Row, J.R . 2018. Distribution Of Priority Grassland Bird Habitats In The Prairie Pothole Region Of Canada. Avian Conservation And Ecology, 13:4. doi:10.5751/ACE-01143-130104.
K.G Burrell, Murphy, S.D , and Fedy, B.C . 2015. Diversity And Abundance Of Landbirds In Spring Reorientation Flights In The Pelee Region. Ontario Birds, 33: 70-82.
B.C Fedy, Norris, D.R , and Stutchbury, B.J.M . 2002. Do Male Hooded Warblers Guard Their Mates When Their Paternity Is Most At Risk?. Journal Of Field Ornithology, 73: 420-426.
B.C Fedy, Doherty, K.E , Aldridge, C.L , O’Donnell, M , Beck, J.L , Bedrosian, B , Gummer, D , Holloran, M.J , Johnson, G.D , Kaczor, N.W , Kirol, C.P , Mandich, C.A , Marshall, D , Mckee, G , Olson, C , Pratt, A.C , Swanson, C.C , and Walker, B.L. 2014. Habitat Prioritization Across Large Landscapes, Multiple Seasons, And Novel Areas: An Example Using Greater Sage-Grouse In Wyoming. Wildlife Monographs, 190: 1-39.
