
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Namachchivaya, B. Sandore. (2022). Research Libraries on the BRI Continuum: the University of Waterloo Story. Hanging Together: the OCLC Research Blog.
Senseney, M. , Dickson-Koehl, E. , Namachchivaya, B. Sandore, & Ludaescher, B. . (2021). Transforming Library Services for Computational Research with Text Data. Association of College & Research Libraries.
J Downie, S. , Furlough, M. , McDonald, R. H. , Namachchivaya, B. , Plale, B. A. , & Unsworth, J. . (2016). The HathiTrust Research Center: Exploring the Full-Text Frontier. EDUCAUSE Review, 51(3), 50-51.
Namachchivaya, B. Sandore, & McGowan, J. . (2015). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. Assessing the Library's Grants Program. Retrieved from
Namachchivaya, B. Sandore, & McGowan, J. . (2015). Assessing the Library's Grants Program. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 10, 63–77.
J Downie, S. , Plale, B. , McDonald, R. , Namachchivaya, B. Sandore, John, U. , Cole, T. W. , & others, . (2015). Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis and Data Capsules (WCSA+ DC): Laying the foundations for secure computation with copyrighted data in the HathiTrust Research Center, Phase I.
Namachchivaya, B. Sandore, & McGowan, J. . (2015). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. Assessing the Library's Grants Program.
Searing, S. E. , Walter, S. , Smith, L. C. , & Namachchivaya, B. Sandore. (2013). Field Strength: Enhancing Collaboration in LIS Education through Field Experience.
Plale, B. , Mcdonald, R. , Sun, Y. , Kouper, I. , Cobine, R. , J. Downie, S. , Namachchivaya, B. S. , et al. (2013). HathiTrust research center: Computational access for digital humanities and beyond. HathiTrust research center: Computational access for digital humanities and beyond. Retrieved from
German, L. , & Namachchivaya, B. Sandore. (2013). Innovation and R&D. Innovation and R&D (p. 192). Association of Research Libraries. Retrieved from
Cruse, P. , & Sandore, B. . (2009). Introduction: The library of congress national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. Introduction: The library of congress national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. Retrieved from
German, L. , Owen, V. , Parchuck, J. , & Sandore, B. . (2009). RLLF in the rear-view mirror: A report on the impact and value of the ARL academic library leadership fellows program. RLLF in the rear-view mirror: A report on the impact and value of the ARL academic library leadership fellows program. Retrieved from
Cordial, M. , Dubin, D. , Eke, J. , Futrelle, J. , Habing, T. , Houser, L. , Hswe, P. , et al. (2008). ECHO DEPository Technical Architecture Phase 1 Final Report.
