
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
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Dickson, E. , Senseney, M. , Namachchivaya, B. , & Ludäscher, B. . (2018). IMLS National Forum on Data Mining Research Using In-copyright and Limited-access Text Datasets: Discussion Paper, Forum Statements, and SWOT analyses. Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship.
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Peters, T. A. , Kurth, M. , Flaherty, P. , Sandore, B. , & Kaske, N. K. . (1993). An introduction to the special section on transaction log analysis. Library hi tech, 11, 38–40. MCB UP Ltd.
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Bregman, A. , & Sandore, B. . (1999). Metadata, Sense-Making, and the Changing Role of the Library: A Report on the CIC metadata Conference. Library Hi Tech News, 16. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
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The on-line catalog and instruction : maintaining the balance on the log. (1987). The on-line catalog and instruction : maintaining the balance on the log.
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Namachchivaya, B. Sandore. (2022). Research Libraries on the BRI Continuum: the University of Waterloo Story. Hanging Together: the OCLC Research Blog.
German, L. , Owen, V. , Parchuck, J. , & Sandore, B. . (2009). RLLF in the rear-view mirror: A report on the impact and value of the ARL academic library leadership fellows program. RLLF in the rear-view mirror: A report on the impact and value of the ARL academic library leadership fellows program. Retrieved from
