June 2024
May 2024
President of the hiring committee for young researchers at Inria Lyon.
April 2024 (it took me a long time to get back to update this page!)
End of my Cisco Research Chair. Thanks to Cisco for giving me this opportunity.
June 2019
Keynote: “The importance of selecting a good model in wireless systems”, The 17th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2019) Avignon, France, June 2019.
April 2019
President of the International Committee evaluating CONNECT, a multi-university research center in ICT, Dublin, on behalf of SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) .
March 2019
Member of the HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France) international committee evaluating Inria.
December 2018:
Invited presentation on “Battery Modeling: Trade-offs between Accuracy and Complexity” at the ePerf workshop at the IFIP Performance Conference, Toulouse.
External Reviewer and Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Khalet Boussetta, Universite de Paris XIII.
Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Thomas Begin, ENS Lyon.
November 2018:
Panel Participant, panel on “Promise and Perils of Technology Disruption”, Technology Innovation and Policy Forum 2018, Waterloo, Nov. 7 2018.
I am seeking applicants for a Post Doctoral position in the broad area of 5G networking. Applicants should submit a cover letter, a resume, and the names of two references via email cath@uwaterloo.ca Please note that the topic line should be 5G POSTDOC.
September 2018:
Panel Moderator, panel on “Connected and dependable Supply Chain”, SCALE AI Partner meeting, Montreal, Sept. 11 2018.
July 2018:
Invited presentation at the FCC TAC (technological Advisory Council) IoT 5G Working Group entitled “Smart Roaming and other topics in 5G systems”, July 12, 2018.
June 2018:
Attend the Cisco Chair workshop, Toronto.
Our paper entitled “Multi-timescale Electricity Theft Detection and Localization in Distribution Systems Based on State Estimation and PMU Measurements” was the Best Paper Award runner-up at ACM e-Energy 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Attend and chair the Scientific Advisory Board of BCom, Rennes, France.
May 2018:
Keynote Lecture entitled "Coordination and Cooperation in 5G Networks", Algotel and Cores, Roscoff, France.
External member of the recruiting committee for the position of full Professor, University of Avignon, France.
April 2018:
Awarded the Cisco Research Chair in 5G Systems: see the announcement on the University of Waterloo website.
March 2018:
Pool pump article featured in World Pumps: see here.
Dec. 2017:
Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Sara Alouf, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Dec. 2017.
Nov. 2017:
Chair of the External Review Committee, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Nov. 29-30th 2017.
Panel Participation, “Everything you wanted to know about IoT”, organized by the National Bank, Toronto, Nov. 28th, 2017.
Distinguished Lecture, “New Research Challenges in the Internet of Things”, Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta, Nov. 20th 2017.
Sept. 2017:
Invited Presentation at the IEEE VTC (Vehicular Technology Conference) workshop (WP11) entitled "From 4G to Beyond 5G (B5G) Systems: Expectations, Realities and Disruptions" on "Quantifying the Real Benefit of Coordination", Toronto, Sept 2017.
Keynote at the IEEE VTC (Vehicular Technology Conference) workshop (WP8) on IoT on “The Uplink the New Frontier for IoT”, Toronto, Sept 2017.
Seminar at Columbia University on “Spec-Based Battery Modelling for Simulation and Optimization”, Sept 2017.
Seminar at New-York University on “Revisiting Downlink Scheduling in a Multi-Cell OFDMA Network”, Sept. 2017.
July 2017:
Media publication “Are smart meters delivering on their promise?”, (co-authored by L. Golab) published first by The Conversation (on July 4th, 2017) and then by the National Post (on July 5th, 2017).
June 2017:
Keynote Lecture, “Linking Storage to Renewable Energy Production: State of the Art and Applications”, Erasmus Energy Forum 2017, Rotterdam, June 2017.
Radio interviews for CBC Kitchener, Windsor, Thunder Bay and Ontario Morning and TV interview for CTV on our paper "Modelling weather effects for impact analysis of residential time-of-use electricity pricing".
Article in Blacklock's Reporter on the same paper on June 1st.
May 2017:
External Reviewer for the HDR thesis of Dr. Megumi Kaneko, University Paris-Sud, Paris, France.
Presentation at ICC (IEEE International Conference on Communications), Paris.
President of the "Young Scientist (CR2)" Recruiting Committee for INRIA, Rennes, France.
Member of the Site Visit Committee at the Centre for Future Networks and Communications, CONNECT, Trinity College, Dublin.
April 2017:
Seminar at Nokia Labs, Bangalore on "Efficient Loss-Aware Uplink Scheduling."
March 2017:
Presentation at WCNC, San Francisco.
December 2016:
Selected as one of the 2016 "10 women in networking/communications that you should KNOW" by the IEEE Communications Society.
Keynote: "The uplink, the new frontier" at the DNAC Conference, Paris, France.
External Reviewer and Jury Member for the PhD thesis of M. Coudron, University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
September 2016:
External Reviewer and Jury Member for the PhD thesis of F. Ben Jemaa, University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
Seminar at National Institute of Informatics-Tokyo, "Next Generation of Cellular Wireless Networks".
Started my sabbatical at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP 6) in the PHARE team at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
July 2016:
Seminar at INSA de Lyon, "Next Generation of Cellular Wireless Networks: Some Preliminary Results on QoE Consistency and Multiple Cell Selection".
External Reviewer and Jury Member for PhD thesis of T. Braud, ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France.
"Agence Nationale de la Recherche" evaluation panel for the "Instituts de Convergence".
June 2016: ACM e-energy in Waterloo. Moderate panel on research to practice.
April 2016:
Our Brief entitled "Integration of Renewable Generation and Elastic Loads into Distribution Grids" is in press.
Seminar at University of California at San Diego, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network".
December 2015:
Elected member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE, (effective 1 January 2016 through 31 December 2018).
October 2015:
Seminar at McGill University, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
August 2015:
Seminar at University of California at Berkeley, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
Seminar at University of California at Los Angeles, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network".
Seminar at California Institute of Technology, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
July 2015:
Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Day-Ahead Dispatch of Distribution Feeders Considering Temporal Uncertainties of PEVs", at the Power Tech 2015 conference, Eindhoven,, July 2015.
April 2015:
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the French Technological Research Institute Saint Exupery dedicated to embedded technologies.
Dec. 2014:
Seminar at Huawei Lab, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network", Paris.
Oct. 2014: TPC co-Chair, 27th International Teletraffic Congress,Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 2015.
August 2014:
Member of the Electrical & Electronic Engineering Panel of the University Grants Committee of HongKong for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014.
May 2014:
President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the French Technological Research Institute B<>COM dedicated to digital technologies.
May 2014:
Seminar at University of California at Berkeley, "Energy Storage for Regulation: An Analysis?", Berkeley.
July 2013:
Keynote at the "Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numerique", Rennes, France, July 2013.
June 2013:
Elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
June 2013:
Keynote at the 12th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, Ajaccio, June 2013.
May 2013:
Jan. 2013:
President of the Scientific Board of the Orange Group (formerly France-Telecom). Ended July 2015.
Regarding my research activities on Smart Grids, please check the website for the "Information Systems and Sciences for Energy" Laboratory co-founded with Prof. Keshav from Computer Science.
We have developed HomeNet Profiler to understand better the configuration of home networks. Please try it!
Feb. - April 2013:
Visiting Professor (while on sabbatical) in the EECS Dept. at the University of California at Berkeley.
Dec. 2012:
Participated in the panel on "End Users and Flexible Demand" at IEEE Smart Grid World Forum, Geneva.
Nov. 2012:
May 2012 - Dec. 2012:
Visiting Professor (while on sabbatical) at the the Laboratory of Information, Network and Communication Sciences (LINCS), Paris, France.
May 2012:
I am part of the European Network of Excellence in Internet Science. More information can be found here.