
  • June 2024 
  • May 2024
    • President of the hiring committee for young researchers at Inria Lyon.
  • April 2024 (it took me a long time to get back to update this page!)
    • End of my Cisco Research Chair. Thanks to Cisco for giving me this opportunity.
  • June 2019
    • Keynote: “The importance of selecting a good model in wireless systems”, The 17th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2019) Avignon, France, June 2019.
  • April 2019
    • President of the International Committee evaluating CONNECT, a multi-university research center in ICT, Dublin, on behalf of SFI (Science Foundation Ireland) .
  • March 2019
    • Member of the HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, France) international  committee evaluating Inria. 
  • December 2018:
    • Invited presentation on “Battery Modeling: Trade-offs between Accuracy and Complexity” at the ePerf workshop at the IFIP Performance Conference, Toulouse.
    • External Reviewer and Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Khalet Boussetta, Universite de Paris XIII.
    • Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Thomas Begin, ENS Lyon.
  • November 2018:
    • Panel Participant, panel on “Promise and Perils of Technology Disruption”, Technology Innovation and Policy Forum 2018, Waterloo, Nov. 7 2018.
    • I am seeking applicants for a Post Doctoral position in the broad area of 5G networking. Applicants should submit a cover letter, a resume, and the names of two references via email   Please note that the topic line should be 5G POSTDOC. 
  • September 2018:
    • Panel Moderator, panel on “Connected and dependable  Supply Chain”, SCALE AI Partner meeting, Montreal, Sept. 11 2018.
  • July 2018:
    • Invited presentation at the FCC TAC (technological Advisory Council) IoT 5G Working Group entitled “Smart Roaming and other topics in 5G systems”, July 12, 2018.
  • June 2018:
    • Attend the Cisco Chair workshop, Toronto.
    • Our paper entitled “Multi-timescale Electricity Theft Detection and Localization in Distribution Systems Based on State Estimation and PMU Measurements” was the Best Paper Award runner-up at ACM e-Energy 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
    • Attend and chair the Scientific Advisory Board of BCom, Rennes, France.
  • May 2018:
    • Keynote Lecture entitled "Coordination and Cooperation in 5G Networks", Algotel and Cores, Roscoff, France.
    • External member of the recruiting committee for the position of full Professor, University of Avignon, France.
  • April 2018:
    • Awarded the Cisco Research Chair in 5G Systems: see the announcement on the University of Waterloo website.
  • March 2018:
    • Pool pump article featured in World Pumps: see here.
  • Dec. 2017:
    • Jury Member for the “Habilitation à Diriger des Theses” of Dr. Sara Alouf, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Dec. 2017.
  • Nov. 2017:
    • Chair of the External Review Committee, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia, Nov. 29-30th 2017.
    • Panel Participation, “Everything you wanted to know about IoT”, organized by the National Bank, Toronto, Nov. 28th, 2017.
    • Distinguished Lecture, “New Research Challenges in the Internet of Things”, Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta, Nov. 20th 2017.
  • Sept. 2017:
    • Invited Presentation at the IEEE VTC (Vehicular Technology Conference) workshop (WP11) entitled "From 4G to Beyond 5G (B5G) Systems: Expectations, Realities and Disruptions" on "Quantifying the Real Benefit of Coordination", Toronto, Sept 2017.
    • Keynote at the IEEE VTC (Vehicular Technology Conference) workshop (WP8) on IoT on “The Uplink the New Frontier for IoT”, Toronto, Sept 2017.
    • Seminar at Columbia University on “Spec-Based Battery Modelling for Simulation and Optimization”, Sept 2017.
    • Seminar at New-York University on “Revisiting Downlink Scheduling in a Multi-Cell OFDMA Network”, Sept. 2017.
  • July 2017:
    • Media publication “Are smart meters delivering on their promise?”, (co-authored by L. Golab) published first by The Conversation (on July 4th, 2017) and then by the National Post (on July 5th, 2017).
  • June 2017:
    • Keynote Lecture, “Linking Storage to Renewable Energy Production: State of the Art and Applications”, Erasmus Energy Forum 2017, Rotterdam, June 2017.
    • Radio interviews for CBC Kitchener, Windsor, Thunder Bay and Ontario Morning and TV interview for CTV on our paper "Modelling weather effects for impact analysis of residential time-of-use electricity pricing".
    • Article in Blacklock's Reporter on the same paper on June 1st.
  • May 2017:
    • External Reviewer for the HDR thesis of Dr. Megumi Kaneko, University Paris-Sud, Paris, France.
    • Presentation at ICC (IEEE International Conference on Communications), Paris.
    • President of the "Young Scientist (CR2)" Recruiting Committee for INRIA, Rennes, France.
    • Member of the Site Visit Committee at the Centre for Future Networks and Communications, CONNECT, Trinity College, Dublin.
  • April 2017:
    • Seminar at Nokia Labs, Bangalore on "Efficient Loss-Aware Uplink Scheduling."
  • March 2017:
    • Presentation at WCNC, San Francisco.
  • December 2016:
    • Selected as one of the 2016 "10 women in networking/communications that you should KNOW" by the IEEE Communications Society.
    • Keynote: "The uplink, the new frontier" at the DNAC Conference, Paris, France.
    • External Reviewer and Jury Member for the PhD thesis of M. Coudron, University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
  • September 2016:
    • External Reviewer and Jury Member for the PhD thesis of F. Ben Jemaa, University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
    • Seminar at National Institute of Informatics-Tokyo, "Next Generation of Cellular Wireless Networks".
    • Started my sabbatical at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP 6) in the PHARE team at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.
  • July 2016:
    • Seminar at INSA de Lyon, "Next Generation of Cellular Wireless Networks: Some Preliminary Results on QoE Consistency and Multiple Cell Selection".
    • External Reviewer and Jury Member for PhD thesis of T. Braud, ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France.
    • "Agence Nationale de la Recherche" evaluation panel for the "Instituts de Convergence".
  • June 2016ACM e-energy in Waterloo. Moderate panel on research to practice.
  • April 2016:
    • Our Brief entitled "Integration of Renewable Generation and Elastic Loads into Distribution Grids" is in press.
    • Seminar at University of California at San Diego, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network".
  • December 2015:
    • Elected member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE, (effective 1 January 2016 through 31 December 2018).
  • October 2015:
    • Seminar at McGill University, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
  • August 2015
    • Seminar at University of California at Berkeley, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
    • Seminar at University of California at Los Angeles, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network".
    • Seminar at California Institute of Technology, "Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems".
  • July 2015:
    •  Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Day-Ahead Dispatch of Distribution Feeders Considering Temporal Uncertainties of PEVs", at the Power Tech 2015 conference, Eindhoven,, July 2015.
  • April 2015:
    • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the French Technological Research Institute Saint Exupery dedicated to embedded technologies.
  • Dec. 2014:
    • Seminar at Huawei Lab, "Impact of Backhaul Limitation on User Scheduling in a Heterogeneous Cellular Network", Paris.
  • Oct. 2014: TPC co-Chair, 27th International Teletraffic Congress,Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 2015.
  • August 2014:
    • Member of the Electrical & Electronic Engineering Panel of the University Grants Committee of HongKong for the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014.
  • May 2014
    • President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the French Technological Research Institute B<>COM dedicated to digital technologies.
  • May 2014:
    • Seminar at University of California at Berkeley, "Energy Storage for Regulation: An Analysis?", Berkeley.
  • July 2013:
    • Keynote at the "Colloquium Rennais des Sciences du Numerique", Rennes, France, July 2013.
  • June 2013
    • Elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
  • June 2013:
    • Keynote at the 12th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, Ajaccio, June 2013.
  • May 2013
  • Jan. 2013
    • President of the Scientific Board of the Orange Group (formerly France-Telecom). Ended July 2015.
    • Regarding my research activities on Smart Grids, please check the website for the "Information Systems and Sciences for Energy" Laboratory co-founded with Prof. Keshav from Computer Science.
    • We have developed HomeNet Profiler to understand better the configuration of home networks. Please try it!
  • Feb. - April 2013:
    • Visiting Professor (while on sabbatical) in the EECS Dept. at the University of California at Berkeley.
  • Dec. 2012:
    • Participated in the panel  on "End Users and Flexible Demand" at IEEE Smart Grid World Forum, Geneva.
  • Nov. 2012
  • May 2012 - Dec. 2012:
    • Visiting Professor (while on sabbatical) at the the Laboratory of Information, Network and Communication Sciences (LINCS), Paris, France.
  • May 2012:
    • I am part of the European Network of Excellence in Internet Science. More information can be found here.