- Joy Kuri, PhD. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Sciences (August 1995 to June 1997).
- Aditya Karnik, PhD. in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Sciences (Jan 2005 to December 2006).
- Long Le, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba (January 2007 to August 2008).
- Jun Luo, PhD. in Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (October 2006 to December 2008).
- Ashok Karmokar, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia (September 2008 to November 2009).
- Mehri Merjoo, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (January 2009 to June 2009).
- Asrhaf Al Daoud, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University (March 2010 to Jan 2011).
- Rocco Di Taranto, PhD. in Electrical Engineering, Aalborg University (Feb 2011 to April 2012).
- Weihong Wang, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, co-directed with Prof. Keshav (Oct. 2010 to Oct. 2011).
- Hanan Shpungin, PhD. in Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University (Sept. 2011 to Nov. 2012).
- Samat Shabdanov, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (Jan 2012 to March 2012).
- Raja Sappidi, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (Jan 2012 to Dec 2013).
- Chunhe Song, PhD. in Computer Science, Northeastern University, Shenyang (Nov. 2013 to May 2014).
- Abhinav Kumar, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, IIT Delhi (Dec 2013 to Nov. 2014).
- Yashar Ghiassi, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, co-directed with Prof. Keshav (Sept 2012 to August 2015).
- Santhana Krishnan, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, IIT Bombay, co-directed with Prof. Mazumdar (June 2015 to August 2016).
- Fidan Mehmeti, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis (Sept. 2015 to August 2016).
- Rachel Kalpana, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, IIT Bombay, co-directed with Prof. Keshav (April 2015 to Nov. 2016).
- Ansis Rosmanis, PhD. in Computer Science, University of Waterloo, co-directed with Prof. Keshav (Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016).
- Sun Sun, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, co-directed with Prof. Keshav (Jan 2017 to Dec. 2018).
- Atefeh Hajijamali, PhD. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (March 2019 to August 2019).
- Yigit Ozcan, Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo (July 2019 to Oct. 2019).
- Mohamed El Massad, Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, New-York University, co-supervised with Prof. Tripunitara, (Aug. 2019 to present).
- Shahram Shahsavari, Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, New-York University, (Sept. 2019 to Oct 2020).
- Abdalla Mohamed Abdelaziz, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, U. of Waterloo, co-supervised with Prof. Mitran, Fev. 2023 to Dec. 2024 .
- Haseen Cheriyandilakath, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, IIT Bombay, Sept. 2022 to present.
- Kiril Danilchenko, PhD in Computer Science, University of Tel Aviv, June 2023 to present.
- Maryam Amini, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, U. of Waterloo, March 2024 to present.
PhD Students (graduated)
- Josee Mignault (PhD. January 1997 from Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal): "Call Acceptance Procedures in ATM Networks." Presently a Member of Technical Staff at France-Telecom, Lannion, France.
- Aref Meddeb (PhD. Dec. 1998 from Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal): "On Multipoint Routing," co-directed with Prof. A. Girard (INRS). Presently a Faculty member at Universite de Sousse, Tunisie.
- Guray Acar (PhD. March 2002 from Imperial College, London): "End-to-End Resource Management for Broadband Satellite Networks," co-directed with Prof. E. Mamdani (Imperial College), Nortel Networks sponsored. Presently a Member of Technical Staff at European Space Agency, Netherlands.
- Sunil Kulkarni (PhD. March 2005 from Purdue University). "Scheduling and MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks." Presently Chief Software Engineer at Zeitera LLC, USA.
- Vivek Mhatre (PhD. March 2005 from Purdue University). "Cross-layer Interactions and Optimizations in Wireless Networks." Presently Principal Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Labs, USA.
- Jeongjoon Lee (PhD. September 2005 from Purdue University). "Wireless Networks," co-directed with Prof. Edwin Chong. Presently Vice President and Research Fellow at LSIS, Korea.
- Yu Ying (PhD. June 2006 from Purdue University). "Network Calculus," co-directed with Prof. Ravi Mazumdar. Presently a Platform Software Engineer at Ericsson, USA.
- Hyunjoon Cho (PhD. September 2006 from Purdue University). "Dynamic Provisioning," co-directed with Prof. A. Girard. Presently Director SK Planet, Korea
- Aravind Iyer (PhD. March 2007 from Purdue University). "Sensor Networks". Presently Senior Chief Engineer at Samsung, India.
- Forkan Uddin (PhD. May 2011 from University of Waterloo, co-directed with Prof. Zhuang). "Random Access Networks". Presently an Assistant Professor at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
- Raja Sappidi (PhD. Nov 2012 from University of Waterloo)."Maximum Achievable Throughput Using In-Network Sensor Computation".
- Samat Shabdanov (PhD. Nov 2012 from University of Waterloo)."Cross-layer Optimization in Wireless Multihop Networks".
- Dariush Fooladivanda (PhD. July 2014, University of Waterloo). "Comparison between Static and Dynamic Modeling Approaches for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks". Presently a Post Doctoral Fellow at University of California, San Diego.
- Jagadish Ghimire (PhD. April 2015, University of Waterloo)."Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: from Resource Allocation to User Association". Member of Technical Staff, Ericsson, Ottawa.
- Omid Ardakanian (PhD. in Computer Science, July 2015, co-directed with Prof. Keshav). Awarded 2015 Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies award by the School of Computer Science for his thesis "On the Control of Active End-nodes in the Smart Grid". Presently an Assistant Professor in CS, U. of Alberta.
- Nafeesa Mehboob (PhD. April 2016, University of Waterloo, co-directed with Prof. Canizares). "Smart Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Considering Uncertainties".
- Yigit Ozcan (PhD, June 2019, University of Waterloo). "Resource Management in Next Generation Cellular Networks".
- Fiodar Kazhamiaka (PhD, Sept. 2019, University of Waterloo, co-directed with Prof. Keshav). "Modelling, Design, and Control of Energy Systems: A Data-Driven Approach".
- Abdalla Mohamed Abdelaziz (University of Waterloo, co-directed with Prof. Mitran): “Operating multi-user transmission for 5G and beyond cellular systems”, Jan 2023
- Maryam Amini (university of Waterloo): "Implementation and Comparative Analysis of Open 5G Standalone Testbeds: A Systematic Approach", Dec. 2024.
PhD Students (ongoing at University of Waterloo)
- Mohammed Al-Haj Ali (co-directed with Dr. Shaker)
- Euan Quan
- Ahmed Elashmawy
M.Sc. Students (past and ongoing at University of Waterloo)
- Joao Paulo Pinto Galdino Marques: ongoing
- Ahmad Elleathy: Dec 2024
- Yekta Demirci (co-directed with Prof. Tripunitara), Dec. 2021.
- Andrew Lappalainen, Sept 2021.
- Rahul Punchhi (co-directed with Prof. Tripunitara), August 2021.
- Jonah Ho, Dec. 2020.
- Saber Malekmohammadi, Nov. 2018.
- Bharat Venkatesh, Sept. 2018
- Come Carquex, Dec. 2017.
- Michael Doroshenko (co-directed with Prof. Keshav): Oct. 2016.
- Ararat Shaverdian, April 2016.
- Victor Zikun Xu (co-directed with Prof. Li): October 2015.
- Reid Miller (co-directed with Prof. Golab): June 2015,
- Sajjad Mosharrafdehkordi, April 2014.
- Nasser Barjesteh (co-directed with Prof. Mazumdar): August 2013.
- Pirathayini Srikantha, May 2013.
- Ryan Case (co-directed with Prof. Keshav), August 2012.
- Henri Lin, September 2009.
- Skanda Muthaiah, September 2007.
- Lina Ma, August 2007.