

    Color codes for papers published after 2010:

  • red: networking & wireless;
  • green: energy.

    Before 2010, all my papers are in networking & wireless.

Edited Volume 

O. Ardakanian, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, "Integration of Renewable Generation and Elastic Loads into Distribution Grids", Springer Briefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering series, June 2016.

Refereed Journals.

  1. H. Rahman and C. Rosenberg, “Resource Allocation for the Uplink of a Multi-User Massive MIMO System” accepted in IEEE Trans. On Mobile Computing, Dec. 2024.
  2. M. Abuyaghi, S. Si-Mohammed, G Shaker, and C. Rosenberg, “Positioning in 5G Networks: Emerging Techniques, Use Cases, and Challenges”, accepted in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Oct. 2024.
  3. Y. Quan, S. Shahsavari and C. Rosenberg, “Planning and Operation of Millimeter-wave Downlink Systems with Hybrid Beamforming”,  in IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, vol. 23, #12, Dec.  2024
  4. A. Hussein, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg, “Operating multi-user massive MIMO networks: trade-off between performance and runtime”, in IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, vol 21, #2, April 2024.
  5. M. Amini, R. Stanica, and C. Rosenberg, "Where are the (cellular) data?" , in ACM Computing Surveys, Vol 56, #2, Sept. 2023.
  6. A. Lappalainen and C. Rosenberg, "Planning 5G Networks for Rural Fixed Wireless Access",  in IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management,  Vol. 20, #1, March 2023.
  7. A. Shaverdian, S. Shahsavari, and C. Rosenberg, “Air-to-Ground Cellular Communications for Airplane Maintenance Data Offloading”, in IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Technology, Vol. 71, #10, 2022.
  8. A. Lappalainen and C. Rosenberg, “Can 5G Fixed Broadband Bridge the Rural Digital Divide?”, in IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol 6, #2, June 2022 .
  9. F. Kazhamiaka, Y. Ghiassi, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Comparison of Different Approaches for Solar PV and Storage Sizing”, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Computing, Vol. 7, #3, 2022.
  10. A. Hussein, C. Rosenberg, P. Mitran, “Hybrid NOMA in Multi-Cell Networks: From a Centralized Analysis to Practical Schemes”, in IEEE/ACM Trans. On Networking, Vol. 30, # 3, June 2022.
  11. Y. Ozcan and C. Rosenberg,  “Uplink Scheduling in Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks: A Comprehensive Study”, in IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol. 20, #10, Oct. 2021.
  12. Y. Zhang, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg, “Joint Resource Allocation for Linear Precoding in Downlink Massive MIMO Systems”, in IEEE Trans. On Communications, Vol. 69, #5, May 2021.
  13. A. Lappalainen and C. Rosenberg, “Bridging the Digital Divide: Success Depends on Content Provider and Application Developer Involvement”, in Proceedings of the IEEE, Dec. 2020.
  14. Y. Ozcan, J. Oueis, C. Rosenberg, R. Stanica, and F. Valois, “Robust Planning and Operation of Multi-Cell Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Networks”,  in IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 3, Sept. 2020.
  15. T.M. Nguyen, A. Girard, C. Rosenberg, S. Fdida, “Routing Via Functions in Virtual Networks: The Curse of Choices”, in IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 27, No. 3, June 2019.
  16. B. Venkatesh and C. Rosenberg, “Smart Roaming: How  Operator Cooperation Can Increase Spectrum Usage Efficiency At Practically No Cost”,  in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 16, No. 2, June 2019.
  17. A. Shaverdian, J. Ghimire,  and C. Rosenberg, “Simple and Efficient Network-aware User Association Rules for Heterogeneous Networks”,  in Computer Networks, Vol. 156, June 2019.
  18. F. Kazhamiaka, C. Rosenberg and S. Keshav, “Tractable Lithium-Ion Storage Models for Optimizing Energy Systems”,  in Energy Informatics, May 2019.
  19. F. Mehmeti and C. Rosenberg, “How Expensive Is Consistency? Performance Analysis of Consistent Rate Provisioning to Mobile Users in 5G”, in IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, Vol. 18, #5, May 2019.
  20. N. Mehboob, M. Restrepo, C. Canizares, C. Rosenberg and M. Kazerani, “Smart Operation of Electric Vehicles with Four-Quadrant Chargers Considering Uncertainties”,  in IEEE Trans. on Smart Grids, Vol. 10, Issue 3, 2019.
  21. M. Jain, R. Kalpana, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Using Personal Environmental Comfort Systems to Mitigate the Impact of Occupancy Prediction Errors on HVAC Performance”,  in Energy Informatics, Dec. 2018.
  22. R. Kalpana, S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “On the Interaction between Personal Comfort Systems and Centralized HVAC Systems in Office Buildings”,  in Advances in Building Energy Research, August 2018.
  23. C. Carquex, C. Rosenberg and K. Bhattacharya, “State Estimation in Power Distribution Systems Based on Ensemble Kalman Filtering”, in IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 33, # 6, Nov. 2018.
  24. F. Kazhamiaka, S. Keshav, C. Rosenberg, and K-H. Pettinger, “Simple Spec-Based Modelling of Lithium-Ion Batteries”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Volume: 33 , Issue: 4 , Dec. 2018.
  25. C. Song, W. Jing, P. Zeng, H. Yu, and C. Rosenberg, “Energy consumption analysis of residential swimming pools for peak load shaving” in Applied Energy, Vol. 220, 15 June 2018.
  26. Y. Couble, C. Rosenberg, E. Chaput, J-B. Dupé, C. Baudoin and A-L. Beylot, “Two-Color Scheme For A Multi-Beam Satellite Return Link: Impact Of Interference Coordination”, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Satellite Technologies, Vol. 36, Issue 5, 2018.
  27. F. Kazhamiaka, P. Jochem, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “On the influence of jurisdiction on the profitability of residential photovoltaic-storage systems: A multi-national case study”, in Energy Policy, Vol. 109, Oct 2017.
  28. C. Song, W. Jing, P. Zeng, and C. Rosenberg, “An analysis on the energy consumption of circulating pumps of residential swimming pools for peak load management” in Applied Energy, Vol. 195, 1 June 2017 (featured in World Pumps in May 2017).
  29. R. Miller, L. Golab and C. Rosenberg, “Modelling Weather Effects for Impact Analysis of Pricing Policies: Methodology and Case Study in the International Journal of the Political, Economic, Planning, Environmental and Social Aspects of Energy, vol 105, 2017.
  30. F. Kazhamiaka, C. Rosenberg, and S. Keshav, “Practical Strategies for Storage Operation in Energy Systems: Design and Evaluation”, in IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol 7, #4, October 2016.
  31. D. Fooladivanda, C. Rosenberg, and S. Garg, “Energy Storage and Regulation: An Analysis”, in IEEE Trans. on Smart Grids, Vol. 7, # 4, July 2016.
  32. Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, C. Rosenberg, S. Keshav, and M.B. Adjaho, “Joint Optimal Design and Operation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Emerging Technologies, Vol. 34, # 3, March 2016.
  33. A. Kumar and C. Rosenberg, “Energy and Throughput Trade-offs in Cellular Networks using Base Station Switching”, IEEE Trans on Mobile Computing, Vol. 15, #2, 2016.
  34. Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, F. Kazhamiaka,  C. Rosenberg, and S. Keshav, “Optimal Design of Solar PV Farms with Storage” in IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6, #4, Oct. 2015.
  35. J. Ghimire and C. Rosenberg, “Revisiting Scheduling in Heterogeneous Networks When the Backhaul is Limited?”, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Heterogeneous Networks, Vol. 33, #10, Oct. 2015.
  36. A. Ouni, H. Rivano, F. Valois, and C. Rosenberg, “Energy and Throughput Optimization of Wireless Mesh Network with Continuous Power Control”, in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 14, #2, Feb. 2015.
  37. Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav, C. Rosenberg, and F. Ciucu, “Solar Power Shaping: An Analytical Approach”, in IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy, Vol. 6, #1, January 2015.
  38. Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Towards a Realistic Storage Modelling and Performance Analysis in Smart Grids”, in IEEE Trans on Smart Grids, Vol. 6, #1, January 2015.
  39. O. Ardakanian, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Real-Time Distributed Control for Smart Electric Vehicle Chargers: From a Static to a Dynamic Study”, in IEEE Trans on Smart Grids, Vol. 5, #5, Sept.  2014, pp 2295-2305.
  40. S. Shabdanov, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg; “Achieving Optimal Throughput in Cooperative Wireless Multihop Networks with Rate Adaptation and Continuous Power Control”, in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol 13, #7, pp 3880-3891, July 2014.
  41. M. Medard, F. Fitzek, M Montpetit, and C Rosenberg, “Network Coding Mythbusting: Why It Is Not About Butteries Anymore?”, in IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 52, #7, July 2014.
  42. S. Choy, B. Wong, G. Simon, and C. Rosenberg, “A Hybrid Edge-Cloud Architecture for Reducing On-Demand Gaming Latency”, in Springer's Multimedia Systems Journal Special Issue on Network and Systems Support for Games, April 2014.
  43. J. Liu, C. Rosenberg, G. Simon, and G. Texier, “Optimal Delivery of Rate-Adaptive Streams in Underprovisioned Networks”, in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Adaptive Media Streaming, Vol. 32, #4, April 2014.
  44. M. F. Uddin, C. Rosenberg, W. Zhuang, P. Mitran, and A. Girard; “Joint Routing and Medium Access Control in Random Access Wireless Mesh Networks”, in IEEE/ACM Trans. in Networking, Vol. 22, # 1, Feb. 2014.
  45. L. Xiang, J. Luo, and C. Rosenberg, “Compressed Data Aggregation: Energy Efficient and High Fidelity Data Collection” in IEEE/ACM Trans. in Networking, Vol. 21, #6, pp1722-1735, Dec. 2013.
  46. H. Zarkoob, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Optimal Contracts For Providing Load-Side Frequency Regulation Service Using Fleets of Electric Vehicles”, J. of Power Sources (Nov. 2013), pp. 94-111.
  47. R. Sappidi, A. Girard, and C. Rosenberg, “Maximum achievable throughput in a wireless sensor network using in-network computation,” IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 21, #5, pp1581-1594, Oct. 2013.
  48. J. Ghimire and C. Rosenberg, “Resource Allocation, Transmission Coordination and User Association in Heterogeneous Networks: a Flow-based Unified Approach,” in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol 12, no. 3, pp. 1340-1351, March 2013.
  49. R. Sappidi, C. Rosenberg and A. Girard, “Computing Statistical Functions in Wired Networks” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on In-Network-Computation, Vol. 31, #4, April 2013.
  50. S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “On Load Elasticity”, in IEEE Comsoc MMTC-E letter, #8, Vol. 7, Nov. 2012.
  51. D. Fooladivanda and C. Rosenberg, “Joint Resource Allocation and Association for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol 12, # 1, pp. 248-257, Jan 2013.
  52. S. Shabdanov, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg, “Cross-layer Optimization Using Advanced Physical Layer Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks”, in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1622-1631, April 2012.
  53. L. Dicioccio, R. Teixeira, C. Rosenberg, “Measuring And Characterizing Home Networks”, ACM Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 40, no 1, June 2012.
  54. S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “How Internet Concepts and Technologies Can Help Green and Smarten the Electrical Grid”, in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review magazine, Jan. 2011.
  55. J. Luo, A. Iyer, and C. Rosenberg, “Throughput-Lifetime Tradeoffs in Multihop Wireless Networks under an SINR-based Interference Model”, IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, Vol 10,  Issue 3,  2011, 419 – 433.
  56. P. Mitran, L. Le, C. Rosenberg, A. Girard, “Downlink Spectrum Sharing in OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol 9,  # 10,  Oct 2010, 3100 – 3111.
  57. J. Luo, C. Rosenberg, and A. Girard, “Engineering Wireless Mesh Networks: Joint Scheduling, Routing, Power Control and Rate Adaptation”, IEEE/ACM Transaction in Networking, Vol 18, Issue 5, Oct. 2010, 1387-1400.
  58. A. Iyer, C. Rosenberg and A. Karnik, “What is the Right Model for Wireless Channel Interference?” IEEE Transaction Wireless Communications, Vol 8, Issue 5, May 2009, 2662 – 2671.
  59. V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg, and R. Mazumdar, “The Capacity of Ad-hoc Networks under Random Packet Losses”, IEEE Transaction in Information Theory, Vol 55, Issue 6,  June 2009, 2494 - 2498.
  60. Y. Ying, F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, and C. Rosenberg; “Buffer Overflow Asymptotics for Multiplexed Regulated Traffic”, in Performance Evaluation, 65 (2008) 555–572.
  61. A. Karnik, A. Iyer   and C. Rosenberg; “Throughput-optimal Configuration of Fixed Wireless Networks”, in IEEE/ACM Transaction in Networking, vol 16, Issue 5,  Oct. 2008, 1161-1174.
  62. F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and Y. Ying; “Stochastic Ordering Property for Leaky Bucket Regulated Flows in Packet Network”, Journal of Applied Probability. Vol. 44, #2  (2007), 332-348.
  63. H. Cho, A. Girard, and C. Rosenberg; “On the Advantages of Optimal End-to-End QoS Budget Partitioning,” in Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 34, # 3-4 / April, 2007, pp: 91-106.
  64. V. Mhatre and C. Rosenberg; “Impact of Network Load on Forward Link Inter-cell Interference in Cellular Data Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), Vol 5, #12, Dec. 2006.
  65. D. Xu, S. Kulkarni, C. Rosenberg, and H. Chai; “Analysis of a CDN-P2P Hybrid Architecture for Cost-Effective Streaming Media Distribution,” in ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 11(4), 2006.
  66. S. Kulkarni, A. Iyer, and C. Rosenberg; “An Address-light, Integrated MAC and Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,” in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 14,  Issue 4,  Aug. 2006, Page(s): 793 – 806.
  67. Y. Qian, R. Hu, and C. Rosenberg; “Integrated Connection Admission Control and Bandwidth on Demand Algorithm for a Broadband Satellite Network with Heterogeneous Traffic”, in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E89-B, #3, March 2006.
  68. A. Iyer and C. Rosenberg; “Understanding the Key Performance Issues with MAC Protocols for Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” in the Special Issue on MAC Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks in Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, Issue 6 (Sept. 2006), pp: 745-760.
  69. J. Lee, C. Rosenberg, and E. Chong, “Energy Efficient Schedulers in Wireless Networks: Design and Optimization,” in Mobile Network and Applications (MONET), Vol. 11, #3, pp. 377-389, June 06.
  70. G. Acar and C. Rosenberg, “Simulation analyses of weighted fair bandwidth-on-demand (WFBoD) process for broadband multimedia geostationary satellite systems” International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, Vol. 23, # 4, Pages 229 – 245, 2005.
  71. S. Kulkarni and C. Rosenberg; “Opportunistic Scheduling: Generalizations to Include Multiple Constraints, Multiple Interfaces, and Short Term Fairness,” ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks Journal (WINET), Vol. 11, # 5, September 2005.
  72. V. Mhatre, C. Rosenberg, D. Kofman, R. Mazumdar, and N. Shroff, "A Minimum Cost Surveillance Sensor Network with a Lifetime Constraint" IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2005, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 4-15.
  73. R. Bajcsy, G. Kesidis, K. Levitt, B. Lindell, P. Liu, D. Miller, R. Mundy, C. Neuman, R. Ostrenga, V. Paxson, P. Porras, T. Benzel, C. Rosenberg, J. D. Tygar, S. Sastry, D. Sterne, S. F. Wu, M. Bishop, B. Braden, C. Brodley, S. Fahmy, S. Floyd, W. Hardaker, A. Joseph; “Cyber defense technology networking and evaluation,Communications of the ACM, Vol. 47, Issue 3 (March 2004), Special Issue on Emerging technologies for homeland security.
  74. V. Mhatre and C. Rosenberg; “Design Guidelines for Wireless Sensor Networks: Communication, Clustering and Aggregation,” Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier Science, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Pages 45-63 (January 2004).
  75. S. Koo, C. Rosenberg, H Chan, and Y. Lee; “Location Discovery in Enterprise-based Wireless Networks: Case Studies and Applications”, Annals of Telecommunications, AT 58, n° 3-4, march 2003.
  76. A. Girard, A. Meddeb and C. Rosenberg; “Design of Broadband Networks with Multipoint Connections,” IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2002.
  77. S. Delas, R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg, “Tail Asymptotics for HOL Priorities Queues Handling a Large Number of Independent Stationary Sources,” Queueing Systems (QUESTA), Vol. 40, 2002, pp. 205-226.
  78. G. Açar and C. Rosenberg, “Weighted Fair Bandwidth-on-Demand (WFBoD) for Geo-Stationary Satellite Networks with On-Board Processing,” Special Issue on Broadband Satellite Systems: A Network Perspective, Computer Networks, Vol. 39, Issue 1, 15 May 2002, pp. 5-20.
  79. C. Rosenberg, T. Ors, and D. McCaughan; “ATM over GEO Broadband Satellite Systems;” Networking and Information Systems (NIS) Journal, 2002.
  80. T. Ors and C. Rosenberg; Providing IP QoS over GEO Satellite Systems Using MPLS, International Journal of Satellite Communication, Vol. 19, Issue 5, 2001, pp. 443-461.
  81. G. Acar and C. Rosenberg; Performance Study of End-to-End Resource Management in ATM Geostationary Satellite Networks with On-Board Processing; Space Communications, Invited Paper, Vol. 17, # 1-3 (2001), pp. 89-106.
  82.  H. Yaiche,  R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg; A Game Theoretic Framework for Rate Allocation and Charging of Elastic Connections in Broadband Networks; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2000, pp 667-678.
  83. G. Hébuterne and C. Rosenberg; Arrival and Departure State Distributions in the General Bulk-Service Queue, Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 46, #1, pp 107-118, 1999.
  84. R. Mauger and C. Rosenberg; QoS Guarantees for Multimedia Services on a TDMA-based Satellite Network, IEEE Communications Magazine, July 1997, pp. 56-65. 
  85. S. Ramesh,  C. Rosenberg and A. Kumar; Revenue Maximization in ATM Networks Using the CLP Capability and Buffer Priority Management, IEEE Trans. on Networking, Dec. 1996, Vol 4, #6, pp. 941-950.
  86. J. Mignault, A Gravey and C. Rosenberg; A Survey of Straightforward Statistical Multiplexing Models for Call Access Control in ATM Networks, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 5, # 1,3, 1996.
  87. C. Rosenberg, E. Haddad, and D. Gelinas; Conception of a CATV Based MAN, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 4, # 3,4, September 1995, pp. 339-351.
  88. A. Gravey, G. Hébuterne, R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg; Traffic Engineering in ATM Networks: Current Trends and Future Issues, Sadhana: Journal of the Indian Academy of Engineering and Sciences, 25th anniversary issue, 1995.
  89. C. Rosenberg, F. Guillemin and R. Mazumdar; A New Approach for Traffic Characterization in ATM Networks, IEE Proceedings-Communications, Vol. 142, #2, April 1995, pp.87-90.
  90. F. Guillemin, C. Levert and C. Rosenberg, Cell Conformance Testing with respect to the Peak Cell Rate in ATM Networks, Computer Network and ISDN Systems, Vol. 27, March 1995, pp. 703-725.
  91. C. Rosenberg and B. Lague; A Heuristic Framework for Source Policing in ATM Networks, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Vol. 2, # 4, August 1994, pp. 387-397.
  92. B. Lague, C. Rosenberg and F. Guillemin; On the Capability of the Policing Function to Release an ATM Connection, Telecommunication Systems, 2(1994), pp. 239-259.
  93. R. Mazumdar, V. Badrinath,  F. Guillemin and C. Rosenberg; A Note on the Pathwise Version of Little's Formula, Operations Research Letters, Vol. 14, #1, 1993, pp.19-24.
  94. R. Mazumdar, V. Badrinath, F. Guillemin and C. Rosenberg; On Pathwise Rate Conservation for a Class of Semi-Martingales, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, August 1993, pp. 119-131.
  95. C. Rosenberg and A. Lebon; Performance Models for Hybrid Broadband Networks, Computer Network and ISDN Systems, Vol. 25, 1993, pp. 1155-1163.
  96. R. Mazumdar, R. Kannurpatti and C. Rosenberg; On Rate Conservation for Non-stationary Processes, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol 28, #4, 1991, pp. 762-770.
  97. C. Rosenberg, R. Mazumdar and L. Kleinrock; On the Analysis of Exponential Queueing Systems with Randomly Changing Arrival Rates, Performance Evaluation, 11, 1990.
  98. E. Gelenbe and C. Rosenberg; Queues with Randomly Varying Arrival and Service Rates, Management Science, Vol. 36, No. 8, 1990, pp. 928-937.
  99. C. Rosenberg; Files d'attente exponentielles ayant des paramètres non-stationnaires dans le temps, Acta Informatica, Vol. 23, April 1986, pp. 177-192.

Conferences with Proceedings 

  1. Y. Quan, H. Rahman, and C. Rosenberg, “Online Resource Management for the Uplink of Wideband Hybrid Beamforming System”, accepted in IEEE ICC 2025.
  2. J. Marques, K. Danilchenko, and C. Rosenberg, “Comparison of Precoding Strategies for the Downlink of MU-MIMO Systems with Multiple-antenna Users”, accepted in IEEE WCNC 2025.
  3. M. Amini, and C. Rosenberg, “A Comparative Analysis of Open-source Software in an E2E 5G Standalone Platform”, in the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Dubai, April 2024.
  4. M. Amini, A. El-Ashmawy, C. Rosenberg, and A. Khandani, “5G DIY: Impact of Different Elements on the Performance of an E2E 5G Standalone Testbed”, in the IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2023.
  5. S. M. Hosseini, S. Shahsavari, and C. Rosenberg, “Multi-User Scheduling in Hybrid Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Systems”, in the IEEE WCNC, Austin, April 2022.
  6. Y. Ozcan and C. Rosenberg, “Performance Evaluation of Full Duplex Communications in 5G Networks: The Impact of Interference and Traffic Asymmetry”, in the IEEE ITC 33, Avignon, Sept. 2021.
  7. S. Malekmohammadi, C. Rosenberg, and R. Stanica, “On the Use of Wide Channels in WiFi Networks”, in IEEE 44th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Osnabrück, Oct. 2019 (short paper).
  8. D. Fooladivanda and C. Rosenberg, “Joint User Association and Resource Allocation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Comparison of Two Modeling Approaches”, in ITC 31, Budapest, August 2019.
  9. S. Sun, F. Kazhamiaka, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Using Synthetic Traces for Robust Energy System Sizing”, in ACM e-Energy, Phoenix, June 2019.
  10. F. Kazhamiaka, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Adaptive Battery Control with Neural Networks”, International Workshop on Applied Machine Learning for Intelligent Energy Systems (AMLIES), Phoenix, June 2019.
  11. Y. Ozcan and C. Rosenberg, “Revisiting Downlink Scheduling in a Multi-Cell OFDMA Network: From Full Base Station Coordination to Practical Schemes”, Wireless Days, Manchester April 2019.
  12. Y. Ozcan, C. Rosenberg and F. Guillemin, “Uplink Scheduling In Multi-Cell OFDMA Networks With and Without Coordination”, IEEE WCNC 2019, Marrakech, April 2019.
  13. F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and Y. Ying, Network Calculus for Mean Delay Analysis through a Network”, ITC 30, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 2018.
  14. F. Kazhamiaka, Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “Robust and Practical Approaches for Solar PV and Storage Sizing”, ACM e-Energy 2018, June 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  15. S. Sun, S. Keshav, C. Rosenberg, M. Peloso, “Optimal Matching of Stochastic Solar Generators to Stochastic Loads”, ACM e-Energy 2018 (short paper), June 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  16. C. Carquex and C. Rosenberg, “Multi-timescale Electricity Theft Detection and Localization in Distribution Systems Based on State Estimation and PMU Measurements”, ACM e-Energy 2018, June 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany (runner-up for Best Paper Award).
  17. Y. Ozcan and C. Rosenberg, “Efficient Loss-Aware Uplink Scheduling”, IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, April 2018.
  18. J. Oueis, C. Rosenberg, R. Stanica, and F. Valois, “Network-aware User Association in Public Safety Oriented Mobile Networks”, The First CoNEXT Workshop on ICT Tools for Emergency Networks and DisastEr Relief (I-TENDER 2017), Seoul,  Dec. 2017.
  19. Y. Ozcan, C. Rosenberg and F. Guillemin, “A Benchmark for D2D in Cellular Networks: The Importance of Information”, IEEE PIMRC. October 2017.
  20. F. Mehmeti and C. Rosenberg, “Providing Consistent Rates for Backhauling of Mobile Base Stations in Public Urban Transportation”, IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
  21. Y. Ozcan, F. Guillemin, P. Houze, and C. Rosenberg, “Fast and smooth data delivery using MPTCP by avoiding redundant retransmissions”, IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
  22. A. Shaverdyan and C. Rosenberg, “On the Benefit and Implementation Costs of Multi-Cell Selection in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE WCNC, San Francisco, USA, March 2017.
  23. A. Shaverdyan, B. S. Krishnan, and C. Rosenberg, “Almost Blank Subframes vs. Partially Shared Deployment in Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE PIMRC, Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2016.
  24. F. Kazhamiaka, C. Rosenberg, S. Keshav, and K. Pettinger, “Li-Ion Storage Models for Energy System Optimization: The Accuracy-Tractability Tradeoff”, the ACM e-Energy Conference, Waterloo, Canada, June 2016.
  25. D. Fooladivanda, C. Rosenberg, and S. Garg, “Analysis of Energy- and SoC-Neutral Contracts for Frequency Regulation with Energy Storage”, the Sixth  IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Miami, November 2015.
  26. N. Mehboob,  C. Canizares and C. Rosenberg, “Day-Ahead Dispatch of Distribution Feeders Considering Temporal Uncertainties of PEVs”, the Power Tech 2015 conference, Eindhoven, July 2015. Best Paper Award.
  27. O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and, S. Keshav, “Quantifying the Benefits of Extending Electric Vehicle Charging Deadlines with Solar Generation”, the Fifth  IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, Nov. 2014.
  28. D. Fooladivanda, C. Rosenberg, and S. Garg, “An Analysis of Energy Storage and Regulation”, the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, November 2014.
  29. N. Mehboob, C. Canizares and C. Rosenberg, “Day-ahead dispatch of PEV loads in a residential distribution system”, the 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, National Harbor, USA, July 2014.
  30. Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “An EROI-Based Analysis of Renewable Energy Farms with Storage”, the 2014 ACM e-Energy Conference, Cambridge, UK, June 2014.
  31. M. Maasoumy, C. Rosenberg, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and D. Callaway, “Model Predictive Control Approach to Online Computation of Demand-Side Flexibility of Commercial Buildings HVAC Systems for Supply Following”, the 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, June 2014. Runner up for Student Best  Paper Award.
  32. J. Ghimire,  C. Rosenberg and S. Periyalwar, “Why are Relays Not Always Good for You? Performance of Different Relay Deployment Configurations in a Heterogeneous Network”, the IEEE 2014 International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Hammamet, May 2014.
  33. J. Ghimire and C. Rosenberg, “Impact of Limited Backhaul Capacity on User Scheduling in Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014), Istanbul, April 2014.
  34. R. Sappidi, S. Mosharrafdehkordi,  C. Rosenberg, and P. Mitran, “Planning for small cells in a cellular network: Why it is worth it”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014), Istanbul, April 2014.
  35. D. Fooladivanda   and C. Rosenberg, “Why User Swapping Could Be The Best Coordination Mechanism In A Cellular Network?”, IEEE Globecom 2013, Atlanta, Dec. 2013.
  36. J. Taneja, V. Smith, D. Culler and C. Rosenberg, “A Comparative Study of High Renewables Penetration Electricity Grids”, IEEE SmartGridComm Symposium 2013, Vancouver, Nov. 2013.
  37. O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and, S. Keshav, “Distributed Control of Electric Vehicle Charging”. ACM e-Energy Conference, Berkeley, May 2013. Best Paper Award.
  38. L. DiCioccio, R. Teixeira, and C. Rosenberg, “Measuring Home Networks with HomeNet Profiler”, The 14th Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), Hong Kong, March 2013.
  39. R. Sappidi and C. Rosenberg, “Delay Throughput Tradeoffs in Wireless Mesh Networks”, Invited Paper, The Fifth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, January 2013.
  40. S. Shabdanov, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg, “On Cooperative Wireless Relaying: A Joint Routing and Scheduling Flow-based Framework”, IEEE Globecom 2012, Anaheim, USA, Dec. 2012.
  41. S.  Choy, B. Wong, G. Simon, and C.  Rosenberg, “The Brewing Storm in Cloud Gaming: A Measurement Study on Cloud to End-User Latency”, NetGames 2012, Venice, Nov 2012.
  42. P. Srikantha, S. Keshav, C. Rosenberg, “Distributed Control for Reducing Carbon Footprint in the Residential Sector”, Third IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Tainan, Taiwan, November 2012. Best Paper Award.
  43. O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and S. Keshav, “Real-time Distributed Congestion Control for Electrical Vehicle Charging”,  invited paper, ACM Workshop Greenmetrics, London, UK, June 2012.
  44. O. Ardakanian, C. Rosenberg and S. Keshav, “On the Impact of Storage in Residential Power Distribution Systems” ACM Workshop Greenmetrics, London, UK, June 2012.
  45. J. Ghimire   and C. Rosenberg, “On the Need for Coordination Among Base Stations in a Heterogeneous Network”, IEEE 2012 International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2012), Paderborn, Germany, May 2012.
  46. P. Srikantha, C. Rosenberg, and S. Keshav, “An Analysis of Peak Demand Reductions Due to Elasticity of Domestic Appliances”, Third International IEEE/ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Madrid, Spain, May 2012.
  47. O. Ardakanian, S. Keshav, and C. Rosenberg, “On the Use of Teletraffic Theory in Power Distribution Systems”, Third International IEEE/ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Madrid, Spain, May 2012.
  48. P. Mitran and C. Rosenberg, “On Fractional Frequency Reuse in Imperfect Cellular Grids”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), Paris, April 2012
  49. A, Karnik and C. Rosenberg, “Optimal Control of Service Rate and Reliability in Scheduling over Wireless Channels”, The Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS 2012), Bangalore, India, Jan 2012.
  50. R. Di Taranto and C. Rosenberg, “Throughput-Based Incentives for Residential Femtocells”, The 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Comm. (PIMRC), Toronto, Sept. 2011.
  51. D. Fooladivanda,  A. Al Daoud and C. Rosenberg, “Joint Channel Allocation and User Association for Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks”, invited paper, the 22nd IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile and Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Sept. 2011.
  52. O. Ardakanian,  S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “Markovian Models for Home Electricity Consumption”, the Second ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Green Networking, Toronto, August 2011.
  53. S. Shabdanov, C. Rosenberg, and P. Mitran, “Joint Routing, Scheduling, and Network Coding for Wireless Multihop Networks”, the IEEE 2011 International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt 2011), Princeton, May 2011.
  54. P. Mitran, C. Rosenberg, and S. Shabdanov,  “Throughput Optimization in Wireless Multihop Networks with Successive Interference Cancellation”, the IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2011 (WTS 2011), New York, April 2011.
  55. S. Keshav and C. Rosenberg, “How Internet Concepts and Technologies Can Help Green and Smarten the Electrical Grid”, the First ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Green Networking, New Delhi, India, August 2010.
  56. L. Di Cioccio, R. Teixeira and C Rosenberg, “Impact of Home Networks on End-to-End Performance: Controlled Experiments”, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Home Networks (HomeNets), New Delhi, India, August 2010.
  57. P. Mitran, C. Rosenberg, J. Sydor, J. Luo, and S. Shabdanov,  “On the Capacity and Scheduling of a Multi-Sector Cell with Co-Channel Interference Knowledge” The 9th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Worshop (Medhocnet), Juan Les Pins, June 2010.
  58. J. Luo, L. Xiang   and C. Rosenberg, “Does Compressed Sensing Improve the Throughput of Wireless Sensor Networks?” in proceedings of ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, June 2010.
  59. F. Uddin, C. Rosenberg, W. Zhuang and A. Girard, “Joint Configuration of Routing and Medium Access Parameters in Wireless Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2009, Hawaii, Dec. 2009.
  60. J. Luo, A. Girard and C. Rosenberg, “Efficient Algorithms to Solve a Class of Resource Allocation Problems in Large Wireless Networks;” in proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt’09), June 2009, Seoul, Korea.
  61. L. Le, P. Mitran, and C. Rosenberg, “Queue-Aware Subchannel and Power Allocation for Downlink OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Networks”, in proceeding of  IEEE WCNC 2009, Budapest, April 2009.
  62. F. Guillemin, C. Rosenberg, L. Le, G. Vu Brugier, “Peer-to-Peer Traffic: From Measurements to Analysis” in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2008, New-Orleans, November 2008.
  63. Rosenberg, J. Luo, A. Girard, “Engineering Wireless Mesh Networks” Invited Paper, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Cannes, France, Sept. 2008.
  64. P. Mitran, L. Le, C. Rosenberg, A. Girard, “Resource Allocation for Downlink Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Calgary, Sept. 2008.
  65. S. N. Muthaiah and C. Rosenberg; “Single Gateway Placement in Wireless Mesh Networks”, 8th International IEEE Symposium On Computer Networks (ISCN), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2008. Best Paper Award.
  66. J. Luo, A. Iyer   and C. Rosenberg; “Throughput-Lifetime Tradeoffs in Multihop Wireless Networks under a Realistic Interference Model”, Allerton Conference, Sep. 2007.
  67. S. N. Muthaiah,  A. Iyer,  A. Karnik and C. Rosenberg; “Design of High Throughput Scheduled Mesh Networks: A Case For Directional Antennas”, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington, November 2007.
  68. F. Guillemin, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg and Y. Ying; “Stochastic ordering for regulated flows and the Better-than-Poisson Property”, Invited Paper for INFORMS Conference on Applied Probability, Eindhoven, Netherlands, July 9-11, 2007. 
  69. A. Karnik, A. Iyer   and C. Rosenberg; “Throughput-optimal Configuration of Wireless Networks”, Allerton Conference, September 2006
  70. A. Iyer, C. Rosenberg and A. Karnik, “What is the Right Model for Wireless Channel Interference? in the proceedings of The Third International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine 2006), Waterloo, Canada, August 2006. Invited paper.
  71. V. Mhatre   and C. Rosenberg, “The Impact of Link Layer Model on the Capacity of a Random Ad hoc Network”, International Symposium on Information Theory, Seattle, July 2006
  72. A. Karnik, R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg, “Rate Control and Dimensioning of Infrastructure-based Wireless Networks”, Conference of Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, 2006.
  73. X. Zhong, H-H Chan,  T. J. Rogers,  C. Rosenberg, E. Coyle, “The development and eStadium testbeds for research and development of wireless services for large-scale sports venues”, 2nd International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, TRIDENTCOM 2006.
  74. S. S. Kulkarni, and C. Rosenberg, “DBSMA: A MAC Protocol for Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks with Directional Antennas”, 16th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2005), Berlin, September 2005.
  75. J. Lee,  C. Rosenberg, and E. K. P. Chong, “Power-Saving Mode Parameter Optimization”, IEEE WirelessCom 2005, Maui, Hawai, June 2005.A
  76. A. Girard, H. Cho, C. Rosenberg; “On Optimal End-to-End QoS Budget Partitioning in Network Dimensioning”, in 19th ITC, Beijing, Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005.
  77. Y. Ying,  R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, F. Guillemin; “The Burstiness of Regulated Flows in Networks”,  in Networking 2005, R. Boutaba et al eds, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1815, Springer-Verlag, May 2005.
  78. V. Mhatre   and C. Rosenberg; “Energy and cost optimizations in wireless sensor networks: A survey”, in the 25th Anniversary of GERAD, Kluwer, May. 2005.
  79. S. S. Kulkarni, A. Iyer, C. Rosenberg, and D. Kofman, “Routing Dependent Node Density Requirements for Connectivity in Multi-hop Wireless Networks”, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2004, Dallas, TX, December 2004.
  80. Rosenberg, P. Pons, and D. Xu, “Policy-Driven Multi-File Distribution”, Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'04), Montreal, Canada, June 2004.
  81. V. Mhatre   and C. Rosenberg, “Homogeneous vs. Heterogeneous Clustered Sensor Networks: A Comparative Study”, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), Paris France, June 2004.
  82. J. Lee,  C. Rosenberg, and E. K. P. Chong, “Energy Efficient Scheduler Design in Wireless Networks", WiOpt'04: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks, University of Cambridge, UK, March, 2004.
  83. V. Mhatre and C. Rosenberg, “Design of Surveillance Sensor Grids with a Lifetime Constraint”, 1st European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Berlin, Jan 2004.
  84. J. Early, C. Brodley and C. Rosenberg, “Behavioral Authentication of Server Flows”, 19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Las Vegas, Dec. 2003.
  85. F. Guillemin, N. Likhanov, R. Mazumdar, C. Rosenberg, and Y. Ying; “Buffer Overflow Bounds for Multiplexed Regulated Traffic Streams”, in Providing QoS in Heterogeneous Environments, 18th ITC, Berlin, Elsevier Science, 2003.
  86. H. Abu-Amara, J. Lee, C. Rosenberg, and E. K. P. Chong, “Efficient Roaming over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks”, WNCG Wireless Networking Symposium, Austin, Oct 2003.
  87. S. S. Kulkarni   and C. Rosenberg, “Opportunistic Scheduling for Wireless Systems with Multiple Interfaces and Multiple Constraints”, in proceedings of Sixth ACM International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2003), San Diego, CA, Sept. 2003.
  88. S. S. Kulkarni   and C. Rosenberg, “Opportunistic Scheduling Policies for Wireless Systems with Short Term Fairness Constraints”, in proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2003, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2003.
  89. S. Koo,  C. Rosenberg, D. Xu, “Analysis of Parallel Downloading for Large File Distribution”, in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS 2003), San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2003.
  90. R. Q. Hu, J. Babbitt, H. Abu-Amara, C. Rosenberg, and G. Lazarou; “Connectivity Planning and Call Admission Control in an On-board Cross-connect Based Multimedia GEO Satellite Network”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Anchorage, May 2003.
  91. S. Koo, C. Rosenberg, H-H Chan, and Y. C. Lee; “Location-based E-campus Web Services: From Design to Deployment”, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), Dallas, March 2003.
  92. Xu, H-K. Chai, C. Rosenberg, and S. Kulkarni; “Analysis of a Hybrid Architecture for Cost-Effective Streaming Media Distribution”, SPIE Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN 03), Santa-Clara, CA, Jan. 2003.
  93. V. Mhatre   and C. Rosenberg; “Performance improvement of TCP-based applications in a multi-access satellite system”, IEEE VTC Fall 2002, Vancouver, Canada, September 2002.
  94. A. Girard, C. Rosenberg, and H. Cho,  “Optimal Performance Partitioning for Networks with Envelope-Regulated Traffic”, Proc. 15 ITC Specialist Seminar, Wuerzburg, Germany, July 2002.
  95. S. Koo, C. Rosenberg, H-H Chan,  and Y. C. Lee; “Location Discovery in Enterprise-based Wireless Networks: Implementation and Applications”, the second IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2002), Paris, July 2002.
  96. Guillemin, N. Likhanov, R. Mazumdar, and C. Rosenberg; “Extremal traffic and bounds for the mean delay of multiplexed regulated traffic streams”, IEEE INFOCOM 2002, New York, June 2002.
  97. G. Acar   and C. Rosenberg; "Performance Study of End-to-End Resource Management in ATM Geostationary Satellite Networks”, IEEE MILCOM 2001, McLean, October 2001.
  98. A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; “Optimal Rate Allocation for Maximum-Delay GPS Networks”, 8th Intl Conference on Advances in Communication and Control (COMCON 8), Crete, Greece, June 2001.
  99. H. Yaiche, R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg; "Distributed algorithms for fair bandwidth allocation to elastic services in broadband networks", IEEE INFOCOM, Tel Aviv, March 2000.
  100. A. Girard, C. Rosenberg and M. Khemiri; "Fairness and Aggregation: A Primal Decomposition Study", in Networking 2000, G. Pujolle et al eds, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1815, Springer-Verlag, May 2000.
  101. J. Cable and C. Rosenberg; "A Synthetic Approach To Multimedia Satellite Design", 5th Ka-band Utilization Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 1999.
  102. A. Meddeb,  A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; “Tree Selection Heuristics for Network Design with Point-to-Multipoint Communications”; in Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World, 16th ITC, Edinburgh, P. Key and D. Smith eds, Elsevier Science, 1999.
  103. A. Meddeb, A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; “Tree Selection Heuristics for Point-to-Multipoint Call Routing in Telecommunications Networks”; in Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World, 16th ITC, Edinburgh, P. Key and D. Smith eds, Elsevier Science, 1999.
  104. S. Halberstadt, C. Rosenberg, J. Crowcroft, J. Cable and C. Diot, "IP Multicast Over Next Generation Satellite Networks: Challenges And Directions", 5th Ka-band Utilization Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 1999.
  105. Acar and C. Rosenberg; "Algorithms for Bandwidth on Demand", 5th Ka-band Utilization Conference, Taormina, Italy, October 1999
  106. A. Conway and C. Rosenberg; “A Simple Balanced Blocking Mechanism for Discrete-Time Multiplexing of Bursty Traffic Sources”; ICCCN’99, Boston, Oct 1999.
  107. S. Delas,  R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg; “Cell Loss Asymptotics in Priority Queues Accessed by a Large Number of Independent Stationary Sources”, IEEE INFOCOM’99, New-York, March 1999.
  108. Rosenberg; "End-to-End Resource Management for ATM On Board Processor Geostationary Satellite Systems"; The fourth Ka-Band Utilization Conference, Venice, November 1998.
  109. H. Yaiche, R. Mazumdar and C. Rosenberg; "A Game Theoretic Framework for Rate Allocation and Charging of Available Bit Rate (ABR) Connections in ATM Networks"; in Broadband'98, P. Kuehn, R. Ulrich eds, Chapman and Hall 1998.
  110. A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; “Dimensioning of ATM Networks with Finite Buffers under Call-Level and Cell-Level QoS Constraints”; in Broadband'98, P. Kuehn, R. Ulrich eds, Chapman and Hall 1998.
  111. A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; “A Unified Framework for Network Design with Generalized Connections”, in Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age, 15th ITC, Washington D.C., V. Ramaswami and P. E. Wirth eds, Elsevier Science, 1997.
  112. Meddeb, A. Girard and C. Rosenberg; The Impact of Tree Selection on the Design of Networks with Multipoint Connections, IEEE GLOBECOM'97, Phoenix US, November 1997.
  113. F. Guillemin, C. Rosenberg and A. Meddeb; Specification of Cell Dispersion in ATM Networks, IEEE/IFIP Broadband'96, Montréal, Canada, April 1996.
  114. Levert, A. Gravey and C. Rosenberg; Study and Dimensioning of a 2-Threshold Adaptive Playout Mechanism, Fourth International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis, March 1996, Nashville, USA.
  115. A. Conway and C. Rosenberg; Weighted Fair Blocking Mechanisms for Discrete-Time Multiplexing, IEEE INFOCOM'96, March 1996, San Francisco, USA.
  116. R. Sridhar, C. Rosenberg and A. Kumar; Revenue Maximization in ATM Networks Using the CLP Capability and Buffer Priority Management, IEEE GLOBECOM'95, November 1995, Singapore.
  117. F. Guillemin, C. Rosenberg and J. Mignault; On Characterizing an ATM Source via the Sustainable Cell Rate Traffic Descriptor, IEEE INFOCOM'95, April 1995, Boston, USA.
  118. A. Meddeb, C. Rosenberg and F. Guillemin; Formulas for Cell Delay Variation in ATM Networks, Third International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis, March 1995, Nashville, USA.
  119. F. Guillemin, C. Levert,  and C. Rosenberg; Cell Conformance Testing in ATM Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM'94, Dec. 1994, San Francisco, USA.
  120. Rosenberg and G. Hébuterne; Dimensioning Traffic Control Devices in an ATM Network, Second International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis, March 1994, Nashville, USA.
  121. C. Rosenberg, E. Haddad   and D. Gelinas; Conception of a MAN Based on a CATV Network, Second International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modeling and Analysis, March 1994, Nashville, USA.
  122. Rosenberg and G. Hébuterne; Dimensioning a Traffic Control Device in an ATM Network, IFIP workshop Broadband Communications'94, Paris, March 1994.
  123. Rosenberg, F. Guillemin and R. Mazumdar; Quantile Measures for Traffic Characterization in B-ISDN, ITC Seminar on Teletraffic Analysis Methods for Current and Future Telecom Networks, Nov. 1993, Bangalore, India.
  124. Haccoun, C. Rosenberg and M. Caron; Radio-positioning by Satellite, VNIS 93, Oct. 1993, Ottawa.
  125. Z. Dziong, J. Mignault and C. Rosenberg; Blocking Evaluation for Networks with Reward Maximization Routing, IEEE INFOCOM'93, March 1993, San Francisco, USA.
  126. Rosenberg and G. Hébuterne; Management Procedures for Hybrid Multiplexing, IEEE GLOBECOM'92, Dec. 1992, Orlando, USA.
  127. Lague, C. Rosenberg and F. Guillemin; A Generalization of some Policing Mechanisms, IEEE INFOCOM'92, May 1992, Florence, Italy.
  128. Hoang, R. Malhame and C. Rosenberg; Communication Load and Delay in Multichannels Land Mobile Systems for Dispatch Traffic: a Queueing Analysis, Vehicular Technology, May 1992, Denver.

Issued Patents

  1. Elwyn Davies; Catherine Rosenberg. "Communications System, Apparatus and Method Therefor", United States Patent # 7,161,897, January 9, 2007, (filed 27 Nov 2000). Assignee: Nortel Networks Limited
  2. C. Rosenberg and  H. Abu-Amara; "Integrated connection admission control and bandwidth on demand for a access asynchronous network", United States Patent # 7,016,375, March 21, 2006 (filed July 7, 1999). Assignee: Nortel Networks Limited.
  3. Adrian Winckles; Julian Cable; Catherine Rosenberg; "Border Gateway Protocol Manager and Method of Managing the Selection of Communication Links", United States Patent # 6,829,221, Dec 7, 2004 (filed 27 Dec 1999). Assignee: Nortel Networks Limited.
  4. S. Halberstadt, C. Rosenberg, J. Cable, and A. Winckles; "Satellite traffic routing" United States Patent # 6,763,005  July 13, 2004 (filed 1 October 1999). Assignee: Nortel Networks.
  5. T. Ors, J. Cable, and C. Rosenberg. "Multi Protocol Label Switching for Multiple Access Segments", United States Patent # 6,731,639  May 4, 2004 (filed 30 March 2000). Assignee: Nortel Networks.
  6. C. Rosenberg, R. Mauger, and D. McCaughan; "Connectionless communication network" United States Patent # 6,574,227 June 3, 2003 (filed 12 January 2000). Assignee: Nortel Networks.
  7. C. Rosenberg and J.C. Zuniga; "Satellite communications routing and addressing method" United States Patent # 6,560,450 May 6, 2003 (filed 5 August 1999). Assignee: Nortel Networks.
  8. J. Cable, C. Rosenberg; H. Abu-Amara, and A. Minato; "Integrated signaling for asynchronous networks" United States Patent #6,549,530 April 15, 2003 (filed 05 May 1999). Assignee: Nortel Networks.

Other Publications

  1. F. Mehmeti and C. Rosenberg, "Providing consistent rates for backhauling of mobile base stations in public urban transportation". Technical Report, November 2016.
  2. Op-ed published on Nov 24 in Ottawa Citizen.
  3. S. Koo, A. Adewunmi, J. Lee, Y. C. Lee, and C. Rosenberg, "Graduate-Undergraduate Interaction in Wireless Applications Research and Development," in Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2003), Boulder, CO, November 5-8, 2003.
  4. A. Adewunmi, C. Rosenberg, A. Sun-Basorun, and S. G. M. Koo, "Enhancing the In-Classroom Teaching/Learning Experience Using Wireless Technology," in Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2003), Boulder, CO, November 5-8, 2003.
  5. L. Slivovsky, J. Allebach, C. Bouman, G. Chiu, E. Delp, J. Krogmeier, C. Rosenberg, L. Torres, and M. Figuera; "An Undergraduate Research Experience in a Mobile Communications Projects Course," 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, June 2003.
  6. C. Rosenberg, and S. G. M. Koo, "Innovative and Easy-To-Deploy Communication Networking Laboratory Experiments for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students," Frontiers in Education (FIE), Boston, Nov. 2002.
  7. C. Rosenberg and M. J. Montpetit, Editorial for the Special Issue on Broadband Satellite Networking, International Journal of Satellite Communication, Vol. 19, Issue 5, 2001.