I received my Ph.D. in Operations Research at the Department of Management Sciences in the Faculty of Engineering under Dr. Houra Mahmoudzadeh. I received my M.A.Sc. at the University of Waterloo in Management Sciences (2018) and my B.A.Sc. at the University of Toronto in Industrial Engineering (2016).
My research interests lie in improving the efficiency of solvers for large-scale optimization problems. My primary application area has been radiation therapy treatment planning for cancer patients. I have even had the pleasure of spending a work term at the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, under the supervision of Dr. Ernest Osei.
From a methods perspective, I enjoy approaching problems in a visual fashion, while trying to maintain the optimality of solutions through smart algorithms (rather than approximation). My main areas of focus to date have been visual decision analysis along a complex Pareto frontier, warm start generation heuristics, structural interpretation of problems, inverse optimization, and optimization under uncertainty.