Yes, It Blends!

Presentation Date: 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Presentation Slides: 

Abstract: A follow-up to a previous presentation entitled “Will It Blend? Experiences in a Flipped Classroom”, this talk will discuss lessons learned from developing and teaching a flipped course. Like many instructors, during the pandemic I discovered many advantages with online teaching, although I missed the classroom interactions. Since returning in person, I wanted to keep the best of both worlds and so I fully flipped my course, STAT 334 in both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Lecture material was delivered asynchronously via videos and the reduced in-class time prioritized active learning and formative assessment. Now that I’ve done it twice, I will share ideas (from my own course and others’) about ensuring student accountability to the material, getting buy-in from students, scheduling options, and the support that is available for teaching in this modality.