Junyi Wang

March 13, 2014

Junyi completed her Bachelor of Environmental Studies Degree in 2013 specializing in Geomatics at the University of Waterloo. With programming and spatial analysis skills and some recent work experience with Bell Mobility, she is keen to derive analytics from large volumes of data to discover hidden patterns relevant to real-world decision making. Undergraduate projects of interest include: assessing optimal land cover change detection methods for application at the urban-rural fringe using multi-temporal Landsat-TM images; and image segmentation evaluation to validate spatial and spectral statistics-based scale parameters selection for information extraction from high spatial resolution images. While working as an intern for Bell Mobility she performed market analyses and 2D and 3D data visualization while maintaining a spatial database. Junyi joins our Estimating Market Potential for Land Use Modelling funded by Mitacs Accelerate and is the fourth student intern on this project.