Prospective Students

I am always on the lookout for enthusiastic students (PhD, Masters, or undergraduate research) with strong qualifications to join my research group. If you have an interest in numerical methods for computational science or data science and have an excellent academic track record, I invite you to see if any of the research topics in my group appeal to you. If you see something that piques your interest, consider to join the team!
Prospective applicants for PhD or Masters in Applied Mathematics should read the graduate student application information of the Applied Mathematics Department. I also take on Masters students in Waterloo's Computational Mathematics Masters program and in Waterloo's Data Science Master's program (MMATH in DS). Applications for intake in September are normally due by mid-January (mid-December for Data Science), but applications at other times of the year will also be considered. Feel free to get in touch if you want to apply, in particular if you are a domestic student who is interested in pursuing an NSERC or OGS fellowship for graduate studies with me at Waterloo.
Canadian-based students who are interested in doing a full-time 4-month undergraduate research project (May-Aug, Sep-Dec or Jan-Apr) in my group should read the Applied Mathematics Department's information on undergraduate research positions

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence, and applications are encouraged from underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities/racialized groups and members of LGBTQ2+ communities.