Indusrial Research:
Improvement of an End-effector type Gait Rehabilitation Robot with a Seating type Body Weight Support (Product Name : MORNING WALK)
(Oct 2015-Aug 2017, Hyundai Heavy Industries)- Classification: Robot Software Researcher
- Substantial contribution to improvement of the high-level controller development of the report function for training results (100%)
- Gait trajectory modification (100%)
- Functional improvement based on medical staff’s feedback (50%)
- Used Tools: VIsual Studio, MATLAB
- The developed robot was launched in general hospitals in S. Korea with the attainment of medical certification (KFDA)
- I volunteered to the SW development occupation, and was promoted to Lead Researcher 1 year earlier thanks to the contributions to development
Development of an End-effector type Gait Rehabilitation Robot with a Seating type Body Weight Support (Product Name : MORNING WALK)
(May 2013-Sep 2015, Hyundai Heavy Industries)- Classification: Robot Hardware Researcher
Major contributions to hardware design
- Concept and basic design, detailed design, and kinematics (75%)
- Actuator selection and sensor system design (100%)
- Structural, kinematics and dynamics analysis
- Full responsibility for hardware design
Major contributions to hardware design
- Used Tools: Solidworks, MATLAB, Recurdyn, ANSYS Workbench
- 2 cycles of complete development (prototype and commercial versions)
- The commercial version of the robot attained a Korean certification as a medical device
- 2 conference papers
- 1 US/EP/CN/JP/KR patent (1st inventor), 1 US/KR patent, 8 KR patents (granted mostly around in 2020-2022)
Development of Motion Planning Algorithm and Execution Program for a 6-axis Serial Manipulator for Bone-Aligning Surgical Robots
(Nov 2012-Dec 2012, Hyundai Heavy Industries)- Classification: Robot Hardware Researcher
Full contribution in developing motion planning algorithm and program
- motion planning algorithm for arbitrary linear motions the end-effector based on the given forward and inverse kinematics resources (100%)
- design to generate outputs compatible with Solidworks simulation (100%)
- generation of execution file package (100%)
Full contribution in developing motion planning algorithm and program
- Used Tools: MATLAB
Development of the 4DOF Needle Insertion End-effector for an Intervention Surgical Robotic System (insertion and rotation by 2 sets of grippers)
(Nov 2012-May 2013, Hyundai Heavy Industries)- Classification: Robot Hardware Researcher
Most contribution to hardware design of the end-effector
- Concept and basic design (50%)
- Detailed design and drawings (100%)
Most contribution to hardware design of the end-effector
- Used Tools: Solidworks
- 1 conference paper
- 3 Korean patents (granted in 2018-2020)
Graduate (Master's):
Design and Hardware Validation using CoP of a Walking Assistive Lower Limb Exoskeleton for Paraplegia Patient
(Mar 2011-Jul 2012, Yonsei University)- Classification: Master's thesis
Full contribution and responsibility for the study
- Design and construction of system hardware, including force sensors and amplifying circuits (100%)
- Kinematic modeling and analysis (100%)
- Data acquisition via CAN communication and analysis (100%)
- Walking experiments (100%)
Full contribution and responsibility for the study
- Used Tools: Solidworks, Code Composer (TI DSP compiler), MATLAB
- 1 international journal paper, 1 domestic conference paper
Development of the Foot Module of an Augmenting Exoskeletal Robot for Industrial Workers
(May 2010-Jun 2011, Yonsei University)- Classification: Graduate research assistant under a university-industry cooperative project (Yonsei University and Hyundai Motor Company)
Full contribution and responsibility for hardware development of the foot module prototype
- Structural design and analysis (100%)
- Foot detection system implementation (100%)
Full contribution and responsibility for hardware development of the foot module prototype
- Used Tools: Solidworks, ANSYS workbench
Development of the Patient-fall Detection System of an Intellectual Bed (Mar 2010-Jun 2011, Yonsei University)
- Classification: Graduate research assistant
Full contribution to the patient-fall measurement system development
- Design and construction of system hardware, including force sensors and amplifying circuits (100%)
- Data acquisition and communication (RS232 via Bluetooth) (100%)
- Partial responsibility for the total system of intellectual bed (20%)
Full contribution to the patient-fall measurement system development
- Used Tools: Solidworks, Aduino
Development of a Rapid, High-efficient Laundry Drying Rack (May 2010-Nov 2010, Yonsei University)
- Classification: graduate research assistant
Most contribution to design optimization of the drying rackUsed Tools: Solidworks, Aduino
- Flow simulation via DOE(design of experiments) methodology (100%)
- Parameter optimization via ANOM (analysis of means) (100%)
- Experiments (25%)
Most contribution to design optimization of the drying rackUsed Tools: Solidworks, Aduino
- Used Tools: Solidworks, ANSYS workbench
Development of the Safety Algorithm and the Circular Path Tracking Algorithm for an UAV (Mar 2010-Sep 2010, Yonsei University)
- Classification: Graduate research assistant
Full contribution to the following components of the UAV
- Development of circular path algorithm for UAV (100%)
- Construction of safety algorithm and its circuit (100%)
- Partial responsibility for the total system of UAV (25%)
Full contribution to the following components of the UAV
- Used Tools: Code Composer (TI DSP compiler), AVR (ATMEGA compiler)
Study on the Vibration of Strip Vertically Supported by Rollers at its Both Ends (Sep 2009-Dec 2009, Yonsei University)
- Classification: Bachelor's thesis
Full contribution and responsibility for the study
- Derivation of analytical modeling of the strip system and the solution
- Consideration and expansion of the solution to the variable roller size
Full contribution and responsibility for the study
- Used Tools: MATLAB