
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Gao, J. , Li, M. , He, P. , & Zhao, L. . (2017). Incentive for Distributed Optimization in Multi-User Network: A Study of Two Scenarios. In 2017 IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Gao, J. , Li, M. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. . (2018). Contention intensity based distributed coordination for V2V safety message broadcast. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 12288–12301. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. . (2018). Network utility maximization based on an incentive mechanism for truthful reporting of local information. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 7523–7537. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Sun, L. . (2018). Probabilistic caching as mixed strategies in spatially-coupled edge caching. In 2018 29th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Li, J. , Gao, J. , Zhang, H. , & Qiu, T. Z. . (2018). RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20, 2644–2656. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Li, M. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. . (2018). Contention Intensity Based Distributed Coordination for V2V Safety Message Broadcast. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 12288–12301. IEEE.
Zhang, S. , Li, J. , Luo, H. , Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. Sherman. (2018). Towards fresh and low-latency content delivery in vehicular networks: An edge caching aspect. In 2018 10th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. . (2018). Network Utility Maximization Based on an Incentive Mechanism for Truthful Reporting of Local Information. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 7523–7537. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Sun, L. . (2018). Probabilistic Caching as Mixed Strategies in Spatially-Coupled Edge Caching. In 2018 29th Biennial Symposium on Communications (BSC) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Li, J. , Gao, J. , Zhang, H. , & Qiu, T. Z. . (2018). RSE-Assisted Lane-Level Positioning Method for a Connected Vehicle Environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. IEEE.
Li, Q. , Zhao, L. , Gao, J. , Liang, H. , Zhao, L. , & Tang, X. . (2018). SMDP-based coordinated virtual machine allocations in cloud-fog computing systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5, 1977–1988. IEEE.
Li, Q. , Gao, J. , Wen, J. , Tang, X. , Zhao, L. , & Sun, L. . (2018). SMDP-based downlink packet scheduling scheme for solar energy assisted heterogeneous networks. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) (pp. 268–273). IEEE.
Li, M. , Gao, J. , Chen, N. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. . (2019). Decentralized PEV Power Allocation with Power Distribution and Transportation Constraints. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. IEEE.
Li, Q. , Gao, J. , Liang, H. , Zhao, L. , & Tang, X. . (2019). Optimal power allocation for wireless sensor powered by dedicated RF energy source. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 2791–2801. IEEE.
Kuang, Z. , Li, L. , Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Liu, A. . (2019). Partial offloading scheduling and power allocation for mobile edge computing systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6, 6774–6785. IEEE.
Li, Q. , Gao, J. , Liang, H. , Zhao, L. , & Tang, X. . (2019). Optimal Power Allocation for Wireless Sensor Powered by Dedicated RF Energy Source. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 2791–2801. IEEE.
Kuang, Z. , Li, L. , Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Liu, A. . (2019). Partial offloading scheduling and power allocation for mobile edge computing systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. (Sherman). (2019). The Study of Dynamic Caching via State Transition Field–the Case of Time-Varying Popularity. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. IEEE.
Gao, J. , Zhao, L. , & Shen, X. (Sherman). (2019). The Study of Dynamic Caching via State Transition Field–the Case of Time-Invariant Popularity. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. IEEE.
