
PLAN 800B: PhD Colloquium





A discussion forum to bring together PhD students in planning. An opportunity for students to learn about the breadth of research conducted in planning and to receive feedback from others on their own progress. Seminars consist of rotating student presentations on their current research, including but not limited to comprehensive exam, research proposal, on-going thesis work, conference presentations, and/or professional development.

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PLAN 802: Advanced Planning Theory





What is planning theory? And why is it important? These questions have captured and held the attention of planning scholars since planning theory gained hold as a distinct subfield in the 1970s and 80s. Initially conceived as a way of understanding how knowledge is translated into action (to quote from John Friedmann’s now canonical book, Planning in the Public Domain), planning theory sought to understand the contours and limitations of the so-called rational-comprehensive model. Then, in the 1980s and 1990s, a significant number of scholars took up questions of what...

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PLAN 474/674: Special Topics - Indigenous Peoples and Community Planning





The planning profession is currently reconsidering its relationship with Indigenous peoples, as it seeks to respond to increased recognition of Indigenous rights, to the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and to the political efforts of Indigenous communities themselves as they seek to reclaim and reassert their own planning traditions. This course aims to better prepare students for this challenging area of professional practice by delving into the small but rapidly expanding body of scholarly and practical work on planning with Indigenous peoples. It uses conceptual...

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PLAN 346: Advanced Planning Tools - Public Participation, Negotiation and Mediation





Planning is a process of decision-making about the future. While it does involve technical studies and regulatory frameworks, planning is first and foremost a process of gathering and negotiating multiple, and frequently competing, visions, interests and values. As conveners and facilitators of this process, planners must contend with varied understandings and interpretations of issues, as well as growing polarization and power imbalances amongst members of the public. Furthermore, planners are not neutral parties; they also hold their own values and...

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