Research -- selected publications


Rational expectations and macroeconomic dynamics: 

John G. Thistle, 'The origin and the resolution of nonuniqueness in linear rational expectations'; submitted for publication.  Supplementary material.

John G. Thistle  and Daniel E. Miller, 'No free lunch:  Fundamental tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy,' Economic Analysis and Policy 51, September 2016; pp. 104-121.  

Analysis of parameterized discrete-event systems:  

M.H. Zibaeenejad and J.G. Thistle, 'Deadlock analysis of parameterized-chain networks,' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62 (4), 2017; pp. 2064-2070. 

M.H. Zibaeenejad and J.G. Thistle, 'Weak invariant simulation and its application to analysis of parameterized networks,' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59 (8), 2014; pp. 2024--2037. 

S. Nazari and J.G. Thistle, ‘Blocking in fully connected networks of arbitrary size,’ IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57 (5), 2012; pp. 1233-1242.

Control and observation of discrete-event systems: 

J.G. Thistle and M.H. Lamouchi, ‘Effective control synthesis for partially observed discrete-event systems,’ SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (3), 2009; pp. 1858-1887.

J.G. Thistle and R. Su, ‘On effective computation of supremal local supports,' IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (8), 2007; pp. 1429-1441.

J.G. Thistle, ‘Undecidability in decentralized supervision,’ Systems and Control Letters, 54, 2005; pp. 503-509. 

K.C. Wong, J.G. Thistle, R.P. Malhamé and H.-H. Hoang, ‘Supervisory control of distributed systems: Conflict resolution,’ Discrete Event Dynamic Systems:  Theory and Applications, 10, 2000; pp. 131-186.  

J. G. Thistle and R. P. Malhamé, ‘Control of ω-automata under state fairness assumptions,’ Systems and Control Letters 33, 1998; pp. 265-274.

J.G. Thistle and W.M. Wonham, ‘Control of infinite behaviour of finite automata,’ SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 32 (4), 1994; pp. 1075-1097.

J.G. Thistle and W.M. Wonham, ‘Supervision of infinite behavior of discrete-event systems,’ SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 32 (4), 1994; pp. 1098-1113.

nonuniqueness of linear rational expectations [pdf]580 KB
supplementary material [pdf]195 KB