
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Wang, L., K Scott, A., & Clausi, D. A.. (2017). Sea ice concentration estimation during freeze-up from SAR imagery using a convolutional neural network. Remote Sensing, 9(5).
Pour, H. Kheyrollah, Duguay, C. R., K Scott, A., & Kang, K. - K.. (2017). Improvement of Lake Ice Thickness Retrieval From MODIS Satellite Data Using a Thermodynamic Model. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(10), 5956-5965. manuscript_kheyrollahpour_et_al.pdf
Wang, L., K Scott, A., & Clausi, D. A.. (2016). Improved sea ice concentration estimation through fusing classified SAR imagery and AMSR-E data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(1), 41-52.
Wang, L., K Scott, A., Xu, L., & Clausi, D. A.. (2016). Sea ice concentration estimation during melt from dual-pol SAR scenes using deep convolutional neural networks: A case study. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(8), 4524-4533. Retrieved from doi:10.1109/TGRS.2016.2543660
Liu, J., K Scott, A., Gawish, A., & Fieguth, P.. (2016). Automatic detection of the ice edge in SAR imagery using curvelet transform and active contour. Remote Sensing, 8(6). Retrieved from
K Scott, A., Buehner, M., & Carrieres, T.. (2014). An assessment of sea-ice thickness along the Labrador coast from AMSR-E and MODIS data for operational data assimilation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(5), 2726-2737. Retrieved from 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2265091
Sea ice surface temperature estimation using MODIS and AMSR-E data within a guided variational model along the Labrador Coast. (2014). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(9), 3685-3694.
Tan, W., K Scott, A., & LeDrew, E.. (2014). Enhanced Arctic Ice Concentration Estimation Merging MODIS Ice Surface Temperature and SSM/I Sea-Ice Concentration. Atmosphere-Ocean, 52(2), 115-124. Retrieved from
K Scott, A., Buehner, M., Caya, A., & Carrieres, T.. (2013). A preliminary evaluation of the impact of assimilating AVHRR data on sea ice concentration analyses. Remote Sensing of Environment, 128, 212-223. Retrieved from
K Scott, A., Buehner, M., Caya, A., & Carrieres, T.. (2012). Direct assimilation of AMSR-E brightness temperatures for estimating sea ice concentration. Monthly Weather Review, 140(3), 997-1013. Retrieved from
K Scott, A., & Lien, F. - S.. (2010). A derivation of the NS-α model and preliminary application to plane channel flow. Journal of Turbulence, 11. Retrieved from
K Scott, A., & San Lien, F. -. (2010). Application of the NS-α Model to a Recirculating Flow. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 84(2), 167-192.
Ziada, S., K Scott, A., & Arthurs, D.. (2007). Acoustic excitation by flow in T-junctions. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 129(129), 14-20.
