
[ Author(Desc)] Title Type Year
Allouche, J. - P. , Frougny, C. , & Hare, K. G. . (2007). On univoque Pisot numbers. Math. Comp., 76(259), 1639–1660 (electronic). doi:10.1090/S0025-5718-07-01961-8
Bell, J. P. , Coons, M. , & Hare, K. G. . (2016). Growth degree classification for finitely generated semigroups of integer matrices. Semigroup Forum, 92, 23-44. Retrieved from
Bell, J. P. , Coons, M. , & Hare, K. G. . (2014). The minimal growth of a k-regular sequence. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 90(2), 195–203. doi:10.1017/S0004972714000197
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Bell, J. P. , & Hare, K. G. . (2005). A classification of (some) Pisot-cyclotomic numbers. J. Number Theory, 115(2), 215–229. doi:10.1016/j.jnt.2004.11.009
Borwein, J. M. , Hare, K. G. , & Lynch, J. G. . (2017). Generalized continued logarithms and related continued fractions. J. Integer Seq., 20(17.5.7), 51. Retrieved from
Borwein, P. , Hare, K. G. , & Mossinghoff, M. J. . (2004). The Mahler measure of polynomials with odd coefficients. Bull. London Math. Soc., 36(3), 332–338. doi:10.1112/S002460930300287X
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Dubickas, A. , Jankauskas, J. , & Hare, K. G. . (2017). There are no two non-real conjugates of a Pisot number with the same imaginary part. Math. Comp., 86, 935-950. Retrieved from
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Geum, Y. H. , & Hare, K. G. . (2009). Groebner basis, resultants and the generalized Mandelbrot set. Chaos Solitons Fractals, 42(2), 1016–1023. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2009.02.039
