
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Sandoval, L. A. Ricardez, BUDMAN, H. M., & Douglas, P. L.. (2008). Simultaneous design and control of processes under uncertainty: A robust modelling approach. Journal of Process Control, 18, 735–752. Elsevier.
Sandoval, L. A. Ricardez, Budman, H. M., & Douglas, P. L.. (2007). Simultaneous process and control design of dynamic systems under uncertainty. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40, 51–56. Elsevier.
Chawankul, N., Sandoval, L. A. Ricardez, Budman, H., & Douglas, P. L.. (2007). Integration of design and control: A robust control approach using MPC. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85, 433–446. Wiley Online Library.
Sandoval, L. A. Ricardez, Budman, H. M., & Douglas, P. L.. (2006). A Methodology to Integrate Process Design and Process Control for Chemical Processes. In The 2006 Annual Meeting.
