
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Boonen, T. J., & Chong, A.. (Accepted). Pareto-Efficient Risk Sharing in Centralized Insurance Markets with Application to Flood Risk. Journal of Risk and Insurance.
Ghossoub, M., Saunders, D., & Zhang, K. S.. (Accepted). Bounds on Choquet Risk Measures in Finite Product Spaces with Ambiguous Marginals. Statistics & Risk Modeling.
Beissner, P., Boonen, T., & Ghossoub, M.. (Accepted). (No-)Betting Pareto Optima under Rank-Dependent Utility. Mathematics of Operations Research.
Ghossoub, M., & Zhu, M. B.. (2024). Stackelberg Equilibria with Multiple Policyholders. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 116(1), 189-201.
Coke, O., Ghossoub, M., & Zhu, M.. (2024). Pareto-Optimal Insurance with an Upper Limit on the Insurer's Exposure. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2024(3), 227-251.
Zhu, M. B., Ghossoub, M., & Boonen, T. J.. (2023). Equilibria and Efficiency in a Reinsurance Market. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 113(1), 24-49.
Birghila, C., Boonen, T. J., & Ghossoub, M.. (2023). Optimal Insurance under Maxmin-Expected-Utility. Finance and Stochastics, 27(2), 467-501. Retrieved from
Ghossoub, M., Jiang, W., & Ren, J.. (2023). Optimal Insurance for a Prudent Decision-Maker under Heterogeneous Beliefs. European Actuarial Journal, 13(2), 703-730.
Boonen, T. J., & Ghossoub, M.. (2023). Bowley vs. Pareto Optima in Reinsurance Contracting. European Journal of Operational Research, 307(1), 382-391. Retrieved from
Ghossoub, M., Hall, J., & Saunders, D.. (2023). Maximum Spectral Measures of Risk with given Risk Factor Marginal Distributions. Mathematics of Operations Research, 48(2), 1158-1182.
Ghossoub, M., Jiang, W., & Ren, J.. (2022). Pareto-Optimal Reinsurance under Individual Risk Constraints. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 107, 307-325.
