
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M. A.. (2003). Phosphate retention in an agricultural stream using experimental additions of phosphate. Hydrological processes, 17(18), 3649-3663. Wiley Online Library.
Macrae, M. L.. (2004). Temporal variability in nutrient transport in a first-order agricultural basin in Southern Ontario.
Macrae, M. L., Bello, R. L., & Molot, L. A.. (2004). Long‐term carbon storage and hydrological control of CO2 exchange in tundra ponds in the Hudson Bay Lowland. Hydrological Processes, 18(11), 2051-2069. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Molot, L. A., Keller, W., Leavitt, P. R., Robarts, R. D., Waiser, M. J., Arts, M. T., Clair, T. A., et al. (2004). Risk analysis of dissolved organic matter-mediated ultraviolet B exposure in Canadian inland waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 61(12), 2511-2521. NRC Research Press.
Petrone, R. M., Kaufman, S., Devito, K. J., Macrae, M. L., & Waddington, J. M.. (2005). Effect of drought on greenhouse gas emissions from pond/peatland systems with contrasting hydrologic regimes, northern Alberta, Canada. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands. IAHS Publication, 294, 10-18.
Petrone, R. M., Devito, K. J., Kaufman, S., Macrae, M. L., & Waddington, J. M.. (2005). Potential carbon losses from boreal pond and riparian areas: influence of temperature and drought. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands, 294, 10-18. IAHS Publication.
Macrae, M. L., Redding, T. E., Creed, I. F., Bell, W. R., & Devito, K. J.. (2005). Soil, surface water and ground water phosphorus relationships in a partially harvested Boreal Plain aspen catchment. Forest ecology and management, 206(1-3), 315-329. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L., Devito, K. J., Creed, I. F., & Macdonald, S. E.. (2006). Relation of soil-, surface-, and ground-water distributions of inorganic nitrogen with topographic position in harvested and unharvested portions of an aspen-dominated catchment in the Boreal Plain. Canadian journal of forest research, 36(9), 2090-2103. NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada.
Petrone, R. M., Smith, C., Macrae, M. L., & English, M. C.. (2006). Riparian zone equilibrium and actual evapotranspiration in a first order agricultural catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada. Agricultural water management, 86(3), 240-248. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2007). Capturing temporal variability for estimates of annual hydrochemical export from a first‐order agricultural catchment in southern Ontario, Canada. Hydrological Processes: An International Journal, 21(13), 1651-1663. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2007). Intra-annual variability in the contribution of tile drains to basin discharge and phosphorus export in a first-order agricultural catchment. Agricultural Water Management, 92(3), 171-182. Elsevier.
Petrone, R. M., Chahil, P., Macrae, M. L., & English, M. C.. (2008). Spatial variability of CO2 exchange for riparian and open grasslands within a first-order agricultural basin in Southern Ontario. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 125(1-4), 137-147. Elsevier.
Branfireun, B. A., & Macrae, M. L.. (2009). Advances in Canadian research coupling hydrology and water quality, 2003-2007. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 34(2), 187-194. Taylor & Francis Group.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2009). Influence of Antecedent Hydrologic Conditions on Nitrate and Phosphorus Export from a Small Agricultural Catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
DeSimone, J., Macrae, M. L., & Bourbonniere, R. A.. (2010). Spatial variability in surface N2O fluxes across a riparian zone and relationships with soil environmental conditions and nutrient supply. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 138(1-2), 1-9. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2010). Influence of antecedent hydrologic conditions on patterns of hydrochemical export from a first-order agricultural watershed in Southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 389(1-2), 101-110. Elsevier.
Wolfe, B. B., Light, E. M., Macrae, M. L., Hall, R. I., Eichel, K., Jasechko, S., White, J., et al. (2011). Divergent hydrological responses to 20th century climate change in shallow tundra ponds, western Hudson Bay Lowlands. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(23).
Petrone, R. M., Solondz, D. S., Macrae, M. L., Gignac, D., & Devito, K. J.. (2011). Microtopographical and canopy cover controls on moss carbon dioxide exchange in a western Boreal Plain peatland. Ecohydrology, 4(1), 115-129. Wiley-Blackwell.
Macrae, M. L., Zhang, Z., Stone, M., Price, J. S., Bourbonniere, R. A., & Leach, M.. (2011). Subsurface mobilization of phosphorus in an agricultural riparian zone in response to flooding from an upstream reservoir. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 36(4), 293-311. Taylor & Francis Group.
