
Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
Cober, J. R. , Macrae, M. L. , & Van Eerd, L. L. . (2018). Nutrient release from living and terminated cover crops under variable freeze–thaw cycles. Agronomy Journal. The American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
Andersen, R. , Wells, C. , Macrae, M. , & Price, J. . (2013). Nutrient mineralisation and microbial functional diversity in a restored bog approach natural conditions 10 years post restoration. Soil biology and Biochemistry, 64, 37-47. Pergamon.
Petrone, R. M. , Solondz, D. S. , Macrae, M. L. , Gignac, D. , & Devito, K. J. . (2011). Microtopographical and canopy cover controls on moss carbon dioxide exchange in a western Boreal Plain peatland. Ecohydrology, 4(1), 115-129. Wiley-Blackwell.
Macrae, M. L. , Bello, R. L. , & Molot, L. A. . (2004). Long‐term carbon storage and hydrological control of CO2 exchange in tundra ponds in the Hudson Bay Lowland. Hydrological Processes, 18(11), 2051-2069. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Volik, O. , Petrone, R. M. , Hall, R. I. , Macrae, M. L. , Wells, C. M. , Elmes, M. C. , & Price, J. S. . (2017). Long-term precipitation-driven salinity change in a saline, peat-forming wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada: a diatom-based paleolimnological study. Journal of Paleolimnology, 58(4), 533-550. Springer Netherlands.
MacDonald, L. A. , Farquharson, N. , Merritt, G. , Fooks, S. , Medeiros, A. S. , Hall, R. I. , Wolfe, B. B. , et al. (2015). Limnological regime shifts caused by climate warming and Lesser Snow Goose population expansion in the western Hudson Bay Lowlands (Manitoba, Canada). Ecology and evolution, 5(4), 921-939.
Macrae, M. L. , English, M. C. , Schiff, S. L. , & Stone, M. . (2007). Intra-annual variability in the contribution of tile drains to basin discharge and phosphorus export in a first-order agricultural catchment. Agricultural Water Management, 92(3), 171-182. Elsevier.
Plach, J. M. , Macrae, M. L. , Wilson, H. F. , Costa, D. , Kokulan, V. , Lobb, D. A. , & King, K. W. . (2022). Influence of climate, topography, and soil type on soil extractable phosphorus in croplands of northern glacial-derived landscapes.
Macrae, M. L. , English, M. C. , Schiff, S. L. , & Stone, M. . (2010). Influence of antecedent hydrologic conditions on patterns of hydrochemical export from a first-order agricultural watershed in Southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 389(1-2), 101-110. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L. , English, M. C. , Schiff, S. L. , & Stone, M. . (2009). Influence of Antecedent Hydrologic Conditions on Nitrate and Phosphorus Export from a Small Agricultural Catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
Costa, D. , Sutter, C. , Shepherd, A. , Jarvie, H. , Wilson, H. , Elliott, J. , Liu, J. , et al. (2022). Impact of climate change on catchment nutrient dynamics: insights from around the world. Environmental Reviews, 31, 4–25. Canadian Science Publishing 1840 Woodward Drive, Suite 1, Ottawa, ON K2C 0P7.
White, J. , Hall, R. I. , Wolfe, B. B. , Light, E. M. , Macrae, M. L. , & Fishback, L. A. . (2014). Hydrological connectivity and basin morphometry influence seasonal water-chemistry variations in tundra ponds of the northwestern Hudson Bay Lowlands. Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research, 46(1), 218-235. Taylor & Francis.
Haque, A. , Ali, G. , Macrae, M. , Badiou, P. , & Lobb, D. . (2018). Hydroclimatic influences and physiographic controls on phosphorus dynamics in prairie pothole wetlands. Science of The Total Environment, 645, 1410-1424. Elsevier.
Kokulan, V. , Macrae, M. L. , Ali, G. A. , & Lobb, D. A. . (2019). Hydroclimatic controls on runoff activation in an artificially drained, near‐level vertisolic clay landscape in a Prairie climate. Hydrological Processes.
Lam, W. V. , Macrae, M. L. , English, M. C. , O'Halloran, I. P. , & Wang, Y. T. . (2016). Effects of tillage practices on phosphorus transport in tile drain effluent under sandy loam agricultural soils in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(6), 1260-1270. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L. , Devito, K. J. , Strack, M. , & Waddington, J. M. . (2013). Effect of water table drawdown on peatland nutrient dynamics: implications for climate change. Biogeochemistry, 112(1-3), 661-676. Springer Netherlands.
Petrone, R. M. , Kaufman, S. , Devito, K. J. , Macrae, M. L. , & Waddington, J. M. . (2005). Effect of drought on greenhouse gas emissions from pond/peatland systems with contrasting hydrologic regimes, northern Alberta, Canada. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands. IAHS Publication, 294, 10-18.
Plach, J. M. , Wood, M. E. , Macrae, M. L. , Osko, T. J. , & Petrone, R. M. . (2017). Effect of a semi‐permanent road on N, P, and CO2 dynamics in a poor fen on the Western Boreal Plain, Canada. Ecohydrology, 10(7), e1874.
Gingras‐Hill, T. , Nwaishi, F. C. , Macrae, M. L. , Price, J. S. , & Petrone, R. M. . (2018). Ecohydrological functioning of an upland undergoing reclamation on post‐mining landscape of the Athabasca oil sands region, Canada. Ecohydrology, 11(4), e1941.
Plach, J. M. , Macrae, M. L. , Williams, M. R. , Lee, B. D. , & King, K. W. . (2018). Dominant glacial landforms of the lower Great Lakes region exhibit different soil phosphorus chemistry and potential risk for phosphorus loss. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44(5), 1057-1067. Elsevier.
