
Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
Cober, J. R. , Macrae, M. L. , & Van Eerd, L. L. . (2019). Winter Phosphorus Release from Cover Crops and Linkages with Runoff Chemistry. Journal of Environmental Quality. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
De Haan, K. , Khomik, M. , Kessel, E. , Green, A. , Kompanizare, M. , Helgason, W. , Macrae, M. L. , et al. (2022). Vegetation-related influences on carbon and water dynamics of two temperate forage crops. Agronomy Journal, 114, 1782–1799.
MacRae, M. L. S. . (1999). Variations in organic carbon storage in shallow tundra ponds.
Welikhe, P. , Williams, M. R. , King, K. , Bos, J. , Akland, M. , Baffaut, C. , E Beck, G. , et al. (2023). Uncertainty in phosphorus fluxes and budgets across the US long-term agroecosystem research network.
Williams, M. R. , King, K. W. , Macrae, M. L. , Ford, W. , Van Esbroeck, C. , Brunke, R. I. , English, M. C. , et al. (2015). Uncertainty in nutrient loads from tile-drained landscapes: Effect of sampling frequency, calculation algorithm, and compositing strategy. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 306-316. Elsevier.
Van Esbroeck, C. J. , Macrae, M. L. , Brunke, R. R. , & McKague, K. . (2017). Surface and subsurface phosphorus export from agricultural fields during peak flow events over the nongrowing season in regions with cool, temperate climates. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(1), 65-76. Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Plach, J. M. , Macrae, M. L. , Ali, G. A. , Brunke, R. R. , English, M. C. , Ferguson, G. , W Lam, V. , et al. (2018). Supply and Transport Limitations on Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Fields in the Lower Great Lakes Region, Canada. Journal of environmental quality, 47(1), 96-105. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Macrae, M. L. , Zhang, Z. , Stone, M. , Price, J. S. , Bourbonniere, R. A. , & Leach, M. . (2011). Subsurface mobilization of phosphorus in an agricultural riparian zone in response to flooding from an upstream reservoir. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 36(4), 293-311. Taylor & Francis Group.
Wood, M. E. , Macrae, M. L. , Strack, M. , Price, J. S. , Osko, T. J. , & Petrone, R. M. . (2016). Spatial variation in nutrient dynamics among five different peatland types in the Alberta oil sands region. Ecohydrology, 9(4), 688-699.
Petrone, R. M. , Chahil, P. , Macrae, M. L. , & English, M. C. . (2008). Spatial variability of CO2 exchange for riparian and open grasslands within a first-order agricultural basin in Southern Ontario. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 125(1-4), 137-147. Elsevier.
DeSimone, J. , Macrae, M. L. , & Bourbonniere, R. A. . (2010). Spatial variability in surface N2O fluxes across a riparian zone and relationships with soil environmental conditions and nutrient supply. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 138(1-2), 1-9. Elsevier.
Brouwer, R. , Pinto, R. , Garcia-Hernandez, J. , Li, X. , Macrae, M. , Rajsic, P. , Yang, W. , et al. (2023). Spatial optimization of nutrient reduction measures on agricultural land to improve water quality: A coupled modeling approach. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie.
Macrae, M. L. , Redding, T. E. , Creed, I. F. , Bell, W. R. , & Devito, K. J. . (2005). Soil, surface water and ground water phosphorus relationships in a partially harvested Boreal Plain aspen catchment. Forest ecology and management, 206(1-3), 315-329. Elsevier.
Coppolino, J. , Munford, K. E. , Macrae, M. , & Glasauer, S. . (2022). Shifts in soil phosphorus fractions during seasonal transitions in a riparian floodplain wetland. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 2476. Frontiers.
Morison, M. Q. , Macrae, M. L. , Petrone, R. M. , & Fishback, L. A. . (2017). Seasonal dynamics in shallow freshwater pond‐peatland hydrochemical interactions in a subarctic permafrost environment. Hydrological processes, 31(2), 462-475.
Lam, W. V. , Macrae, M. L. , English, M. C. , O'Halloran, I. P. , Plach, J. M. , & Wang, Y. . (2016). Seasonal and event‐based drivers of runoff and phosphorus export through agricultural tile drains under sandy loam soil in a cool temperate region. Hydrological processes, 30(15), 2644-2656.
Jarvie, H. P. , Macrae, M. L. , Anderson, M. , Celmer-Repin, D. , Plach, J. , & King, S. M. . (2022). River metabolic fingerprints and regimes reveal ecosystem responses to enhanced wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 51, 811–825.
Molot, L. A. , Keller, W. , Leavitt, P. R. , Robarts, R. D. , Waiser, M. J. , Arts, M. T. , Clair, T. A. , et al. (2004). Risk analysis of dissolved organic matter-mediated ultraviolet B exposure in Canadian inland waters. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 61(12), 2511-2521. NRC Research Press.
