Recent Publications

Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Stastna, M.. (2022). Internal Waves in the Ocean: Theory and Practice, 9. {Springer Nature} \.
Stastna, M., Stastna, M., & Scanlan, A.. (2022). Numerical Simulations of Cross-boundary Layer Transport by Head-on Internal Solitary Wave Collisions. Water Waves, 4, 239–257. {Springer} \.
Allum, D. J. M., Grace, A. P., & Stastna, M.. (2022). Two-dimensional simulations of flow in ice-covered lakes with horizontal variations in surface albedo. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 103501. {APS} \.
Grace, A. P., Stastna, M., Lamb, K. G., & K Scott, A.. (2022). Numerical simulations of the three-dimensionalization of a shear flow in radiatively forced cold water below the density maximum. Physical Review Fluids, 7, 023501. {APS} \.
Hartharn-Evans, S. G., Carr, M., Stastna, M., & Davies, P. A.. (2022). Stratification effects on shoaling internal solitary waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 933, A19. {Cambridge University Press} \.
Yeung, R. C., Stastna, M., & Fernandes, M. A.. (2022). Understanding autobiographical memory content using computational text analysis. Memory, 30, 1267–1287. {Taylor \& Francis} \.
Legare, S., Grace, A., & Stastna, M.. (2023). Double diffusive instability with a constriction. Physics of Fluids, 35. {AIP Publishing} \.
Stastna, M., Grace, A. P., & Robinson, T.. (2023). Exact solutions for flow through porous media with the Klinkenberg effect. AIP Advances, 13. {AIP Publishing} \.
Grace, A. P., Stastna, M., Lamb, K. G., & K Scott, A.. (2023). Gravity currents in the cabbeling regime. Physical Review Fluids, 8, 014502. {APS} \.
Legare, S., & Stastna, M.. (2023). Implications of Reynolds Averaging for Reactive Tracers in Turbulent Flows. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 2036. {MDPI} \.
Hartharn-Evans, S. George, Stastna, M., & Carr, M.. (2023). A new approach to understanding fluid mixing in process-study models of stratified fluids. EGUsphere, 2023, 1–25. {Copernicus Publications G{\ö}ttingen, Germany} \.
Grace, A. P., Fogal, A., & Stastna, M.. (2023). Restratification in late winter lakes induced by cabbeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103402. {Wiley Online Library} \.
Stastna, M., Deepwell, D., & Grace, A.. (2023). Shear instability in mode-2 internal Kelvin waves. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 23, 407–428. {Springer} \.