
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Weber, O. . (2006). Bringt CSR finanziellen Erfolg? [Does CSR performance positively influence the financial performance?]. UmweltperspektivenUmweltperspektiven, December, 13-15.
Weber, O. . (2006). Investment and environmental management: The interaction between environmentally responsible investment and environmental management practices. International Journal of Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Journal of Sustainable Development, 9, 336-354.
Mouron, P. , Scholz, R. W. , Nemecek, T. , & Weber, O. . (2006). Life cycle management on Swiss fruit farms: Relating environmental and income indicators for apple-growing. Ecological EconomicsEcological Economics, 58, 561-578.
Mouron, P. , Nemecek, T. , Scholz, R. W. , & Weber, O. . (2006). Management influence on environmental impacts in an apple production system on Swiss fruit farms: Combining life cycle assessment with statistical risk assessment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & EnvironmentAgriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 114, 311-322.
Sell, J. , Koellner, T. , Weber, O. , Pedroni, L. , Proctor, W. , & Scholz, R. W. . (2007). Ecosystem services from tropical forestry projects - The choice of international market actors. Forest Policy and EconomicsForest Policy and Economics, 9, 496-515.
Weber, O. . (2007). Der Einfluss von ESG Faktoren auf den finanziellen Erfolg von Unternehmen [The influence of ESG factors on the financial success of firms]. In UNEP FI / VfU Roundtable. 13.-14.November 2007.
Weber, O. . (2007). Factors Influencing the Implementation of Environmental Management Systems, Practices and Performance. In Strategic Sustainability: the State of the Art in Corporate Environmental Management Systems (pp. 190-204). Greenleaf.
Koellner, T. , Suh, S. , Weber, O. , Moser, C. , & Scholz, R. W. . (2007). Environmental Impacts of Conventional and Sustainable Investment Funds Compared Using Input-Output Life-Cycle Assessment. Journal of Industrial EcologyJournal of Industrial Ecology, 11, 41-60.
Weber, O. , Koellner, T. , Habegger, D. , Steffensen, H. , & Ohnemus, P. . (2008). The relation between sustainability performance and financial performance of firms. Progress in Industrial EcologyProgress in Industrial Ecology, 5, 236-254.
Weber, O. , Fenchel, M. , & Scholz, R. W. . (2008). Empirical analysis of the integration of environmental risks into the credit risk management process of European banks. Business Strategy and the EnvironmentBusiness Strategy and the Environment, 17, 149-159.
Weber, O. . (2009). Globale Trends in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion [Global Academic Trends]. In Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 253-266). Huber.
Weber, O. . (2009). Kriterienkataloge und Ratingsysteme [Criteria and Rating-Systems]. In Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 239-252). Huber.
Weber, O. . (2009). Synopsis and Outlook: Workshop Business Relevance of ESG Criteria (transl.) ( No. April 2009) (p. 33). April 2009, GOE m.b.H.
Weber, O. . (2009). Validation of the Credit Rating System RasyEA ( No. RBA 2009). G. O. E. m.b.H. (Tran.), (p. 92). October 2009, GOE m.b.H.
Weber, O. , Scholz, R. W. , & Michalik, G. . (2010). Incorporating sustainability criteria into credit risk management. Business Strategy and the EnvironmentBusiness Strategy and the Environment, 19, 39-50.
Weber, O. , Mansfeld, M. , & Schirrmann, E. . (2010). The Financial Performance of SRI Funds Between 2002 and 2009.
Weber, O. . (2010). Measuring the non-monetary impact of banks: The value of ‘Labels’ and ‘Ratings’. In International Sumer School 2010 on Social Banking. 18 - 23 July 2010.
Weber, O. . (2010). Social Banking: Products and Services. In Social Banks and the Future of Sustainable Finance (pp. 96-122). Routledge.
Weber, O. . (2010). Sustainable Banking and Finance. Schulich School of Business, York University, Responsible Business Dialogue Series. October, 12, 2010.
Weber, O. . (2010). Sustainable Development Translated into Financial Value. In Sustainability Practice. July 15.
