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. Inclusion Of Inversion Symmetry In Centroid Molecular Dynamics: A Possible Avenue To Recover Quantum Coherence. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 164103.
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. Rotational Spectrum Of Cyanoacetylene Solvated With Helium Atoms. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 144310.
. Path Integral Ground State Study Of Finite-Size Systems: Application To Small (Parahydrogen) N (N= 2–20) Clusters. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 124314.
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. Inclusion Of Inversion Symmetry In Centroid Molecular Dynamics: A Possible Avenue To Recover Quantum Coherence. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 164103.
. Molecular Dynamics With Quantum Statistics: Time Correlation Functions And Weakly Bound Nano-Clusters. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2006, 116, 274–280.
. Excited States Of Weakly Bound Bosonic Clusters: Discrete Variable Representation And Quantum Monte Carlo. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006, 110, 5391–5394.
. Path Integral Ground State Study Of Finite-Size Systems: Application To Small (Parahydrogen) N (N= 2–20) Clusters. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 124314.