
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Azad, S. Pirooz, & Tate, J.. (2011). Parameter Estimation of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Driven by Wind Turbine. In IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Date: 2011/03/01-2011/03/01, Location: Phoenix, AZ.
Azad, S. Pirooz, & Tate, J. Euzebe. (2011). Parameter estimation of doubly fed induction generator driven by wind turbine. In 2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (pp. 1–8). IEEE.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J.. (2011). Small Signal Stability Improvement of AC Transmission Networks Using HVDC Grid. In CIGRE Int. Symp. Electric Power Syst. Future-Integrating Supergrids and Microgrid, Date: 2011/09/01-2011/09/01, Location: Bologna, Italy.
Azad, S. P., Tate, J. E., & Iravani, R.. (2011). Small Signal Stability Improvement of AC Transmission Networks Using HVDC Grid. In CIGRE International Symposium Electric Power System Future-Integrating Supergrids and Microgrid (pp. 1-6). September.
Azad, S. P., & Tate, J. E.. (2011). Parameter Estimation of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Driven by Wind Turbine. In 2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition (pp. 1-8). March.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J. Euzebe. (2013). Damping inter-area oscillations based on a model predictive control (MPC) HVDC supplementary controller. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28, 3174–3183. IEEE.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J. Euzebe. (2013). Damping low-frequency oscillations by tuning the operating point of a dc-segmented ac system. In 2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Azad, S. P., Iravani, R., & Tate, J. E.. (2013). Damping Inter-Area Oscillations Based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) HVDC Supplementary Controller. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28, 3174-3183. August.
Azad, S. P., Iravani, R., & Tate, J. E.. (2013). Damping Low-Frequency Oscillations by Tuning the Operating Point of a DC-Segmented AC System. In IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (pp. 1-5). July.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J.. (2014). Coordination of AC and DC Power System Models for Inter-Area Damping Controller Design. In CIGRE Int. Symp. Innovation for Secure and Efficient Transmission Grids, Date: 2014/03/01-2014/03/01, Location: Brussels, Belgium.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J. Euzebe. (2014). Dynamic stability enhancement of a DC-segmented AC power system via HVDC operating-point adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30, 657–665. IEEE.
Azad, S. Pirooz. (2014). Small-signal dynamic stability enhancement of a DC-segmented AC power system. University of Toronto.
Azad, S. P., Tate, J. E., & Iravani, R.. (2014). Coordination of AC and DC Power System Models for Inter-Area Damping Controller Design. In CIGRE International Symposium-Innovation for Secure and Efficient Transmission Grids (pp. 1-6). March.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. Pirooz, & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). Fast breaker failure backup protection for HVDC grids. Proc. IPST 2015, 1–6.
S Azad, P., Leterme, W., & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). A DC grid primary protection algorithm based on current measurements. In 2015 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE-Europe) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Taylor, J. Adam, & Iravani, R.. (2015). Decentralized supplementary control of multiple LCC-HVDC links. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31, 572–580. IEEE.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Iravani, R., & Tate, J. Euzebe. (2015). Stability enhancement of a DC-segmented AC power system. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30, 737–745. IEEE.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. P., & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). Fast Breaker Failure Backup Protection for HVDC Grids. In International Conference on Power Systems Transients (pp. 1-6). June.
Azad, S. P., Leterme, W., & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). A DC Grid Primary Protection Algorithm Based on Current Measurements. In European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (pp. 1-6). September.
Hejazizo, A., Azad, S. P., & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). Interoperability of Protection Systems in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Networks. In CIGRE Canada Conference - Future Power Systems and Grid Resiliency (pp. 1-6). October.
