
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Ahmadloo, F., & Azad, S. Pirooz. (2020). A Comparative Study on Control Loop Interactions in VSC-HVDC Systems. In 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Zare, J., & Azad, S. Pirooz. (2020). A New Distance Protection Scheme for SCIG-based Wind Farms. In 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Filabadi, M. Dehghani, & Azad, S. Pirooz. (2020). Robust optimisation framework for SCED problem in mixed AC-HVDC power systems with wind uncertainty. IET Renewable Power Generation, 14, 2563–2572. IET Digital Library.
Liu, D., Kish, G. J., & Azad, S. Pirooz. (2019). Control strategies to improve stability of LCC-HVDC systems with multiple MMC taps. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 13, 4685–4693. IET Digital Library.
Nassif, A. B., Greenwood-Madsen, T., Azad, S. Pirooz, & Teshome, D. F.. (2018). Feeder voltage management through smart inverter advanced functions and battery energy storage system. In 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. Pirooz, & Van Hertem, D.. (2018). HVDC grid protection algorithm design in phase and modal domains. IET Renewable Power Generation, 12, 1538–1546. IET Digital Library.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. P., & Van Hertem, D.. (2018). Analytic Framework for HVDC Grid Protection Algorithm Design in Phase and Modal Domains. IET Renewable Power Generation, Special Issue: DC and HVDC system technologies.
Mokhberdoran, A., S Azad, P., Van Hertem, D., Silva, N., & Carvalho, A.. (2017). Protection of HVDC grids using unidirectional DC circuit breakers and fast local protection algorithm. IET Digital Library.
Azad, S. P., & Van Hertem, D.. (2017). A Fast Local Bus Current-Based Primary Relaying Algorithm for HVDC Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 32, 193-202. February.
Mokhberdoran, A., Azad, S. P., Van Hertem, D., Silvao, N., & Carvalho, A.. (2017). Protection of HVDC Grids Using Unidirectional DC Circuit Breakers and Fast Local Protection Algorithm. In 13th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2017) (pp. 1-6). February.
Azad, S. Pirooz, Leterme, W., & Van Hertem, D.. (2016). Fast breaker failure backup protection for HVDC grids. Electric Power Systems Research, 138, 99–105. Elsevier.
Azad, S. Pirooz, & Van Hertem, D.. (2016). A fast local bus current-based primary relaying algorithm for HVDC grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 32, 193–202. IEEE.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. Pirooz, & Van Hertem, D.. (2016). A local backup protection algorithm for HVDC grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 31, 1767–1775. IEEE.
Azad, S. P., Taylor, J. A., & Iravani, R.. (2016). Decentralized Supplementary Control of Multiple LCC-HVDC Links. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31, 572-580. January.
Azad, S. P., Leterme, W., & Van Hertem, D.. (2016). Fast Breaker Failure Backup Protection for HVDC Grids. Electric Power Systems Research, 138, 99 - 105. Retrieved from
Leterme, W., Azad, S. P., & Van Hertem, D.. (2016). A Local Backup Protection Algorithm for HVDC Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 31, 1767-1775. August.
Leterme, W., Azad, S. Pirooz, & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). Fast breaker failure backup protection for HVDC grids. Proc. IPST 2015, 1–6.
S Azad, P., Leterme, W., & Van Hertem, D.. (2015). A DC grid primary protection algorithm based on current measurements. In 2015 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE-Europe) (pp. 1–10). IEEE.
