
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Conference Paper
Tighe, S. , Jeffray, A. , Kennepohl, G. , Haas, R. , & Matheson, M. . (2003). Field experiments in Cpatt's long term program of pavement research. In TAC/ATC 2003 - 2003 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: The Transportation Factor. Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , & CoweFalls, L. . (2002). The role of safety in asset valuation. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 2002, pp. 2883-2892). Retrieved from
Chan, S. , & Tighe, S. L. . (2002). Development of a methodology for assessing the technical and economic benefits of asphalt pavement laboratory equipment. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 2002, pp. 2355-2364). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , Haas, R. , & Ningyuan, L. . (2000). Roughness progression of asphalt overlays in the C-shrp's LTPP study. In 2000 Annual Conference Abstracts - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (p. 317). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. , Raymond, C. , & Haas, R. . (2000). Incorporating safety with pavement management. In 2000 Annual Conference Abstracts - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (p. 287). Retrieved from
Li, N. , Tighe, S. , & Haas, R. . (1998). Alternative approaches to preservation of paved road infrastructure. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 4 A, pp. 219-229). Retrieved from
Tighe, S. L. , Manion, M. , Yeaman, J. , Yeaman, J. , Rickards, I. , & Haas, R. . (2008). Using performance specified maintenance contracts: Buyer/seller beware. Infrastructure Reporting and Asset Management: Best Practices and Opportunities (pp. 108-114). doi:10.1061/9780784409589.ch15
Haas, R. , Tighe, S. , Falls, L. C. , & Jeffray, A. . (2008). Long term performance modeling, life cycle analysis and investment planning for sidewalk networks. Infrastructure Reporting and Asset Management: Best Practices and Opportunities (pp. 165-171). doi:10.1061/9780784409589.ch23
