Publications & Preprints

Author [ Title(Asc)] Type Year
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). Quality mesh generation in three dimensions. In Proceedings of the ACM Computational Geometry Conference (pp. 212–221).
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (2000). Quality Mesh Generation in Higher Dimensions. SIAM J. Computing, 29, 1334-1370.
Pardalos, P. M. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). Quadratic programming with one negative eigenvalue is NP-hard. Journal of Global Optimization, 1, 15–22.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1990). Quadratic programming is in NP. Information Processing Letters, 36, 73–77.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1996). QMG: Software for finite-element mesh generation.
Doan, X. V. , Toh, K. - C. , & Vavasis, S. . (2013). A proximal point algorithm for sequential feature extraction applications. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., A517-A540.
Vavasis, S. A. , & Zippel, R. . (1990). Proving polynomial-time for sphere-constrained quadratic programming. Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
Majmudar, J. , & Vavasis, S. . (2020). Provable overlapping community detection in weighted graphs. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (Vol. 2020). Retrieved from
Srijuntongsiri, G. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (2007). Properties of polynomial bases used in line-surface intersection algorithm.
Vavasis, S. A. , & Ye, Y. . (1996). A primal-dual interior point method whose running time depends only on the constraint matrix. Mathematical Programming, 74, 79–120.
Hough, M. , & Vavasis, S. . (2024). A Primal-Dual Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Linear Programming. Retrieved from
Howle, V. E. , & Vavasis, S. . (1998). Preconditioning complex-symmetric layered systems arising in electrical power modeling. In Proceedings of the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). Preconditioners for boundary integral equations, 13, 905–925.
Paquette, C. , & Vavasis, S. . (2019). Potential-based analyses of first-order methods for constrained and composite optimization.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1993). Polynomial time weak approximation algorithms for quadratic programming. In Complexity in Numerical Optimization (pp. 490–500). World Scientific.
Sam, C. - H. , Papoulia, K. , & Vavasis, S. . (2005). Obtaining initially rigid cohesive finite element models that are temporally convergent. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 72, 2247-2267.
Driscoll, T. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1998). Numerical conformal mapping using cross-ratios and Delaunay triangulation. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 19, 1783-1803.
Ames, B. , & Vavasis, S. . (2011). Nuclear norm minimization for the planted clique and biclique problems. Mathematical Programming, 129, 69-89.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1990). A note on wavelet bases for two-dimensional surfaces. Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
