
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Chen, K. , & Li, X. . (2014). Accurate determination of battery discharge characteristics–A comparison between two battery temperature control methods. Journal of Power Sources, 247, 961-966. Elsevier.
Qin, Y. , Li, X. , Jiao, K. , Du, Q. , & Yin, Y. . (2014). Effective removal and transport of water in a PEM fuel cell flow channel having a hydrophilic plate. Applied Energy, 113, 116-126. Elsevier.
AlZahrani, A. , Dincer, I. , & Li, X. . (2015). A performance assessment study on solid oxide fuel cells for reduced operating temperatures. international journal of hydrogen energy, 40(24), 7791-7797. Elsevier.
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Fergus, J. , Hui, R. , Li, X. , Wilkinson, D. P. , & Zhang, J. . (2016). Solid oxide fuel cells: materials properties and performance. CRC press.
Ghasemi, A. , Pereira, A. , & Li, X. . (2016). Evolution of liquid and gas phases in multi‐plume spray injection. International Journal of Energy Research, 40(14), 1935-1950. Wiley Online Library.
Ghasemi, A. , & Li, X. . (2016). Vortex break-down during the impact of a starting subsonic compressible gas jet on a multi-plume spray. Journal of Visualization, 19(4), 679-689. Springer.
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Shahgaldi, S. , Zhao, J. , Alaefour, I. , & Li, X. . (2017). Investigation of catalytic vs reactant transport effect of catalyst layers on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. Fuel, 208, 321-328. Elsevier.
Shahgaldi, S. , Alaefour, I. , Unsworth, G. , & Li, X. . (2017). Development of a low temperature decal transfer method for the fabrication of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(16), 11813-11822. Elsevier.
Ghasemi, A. , Pereira, A. , & Li, X. . (2017). Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Subsonic Turbulent Jet Starting From a Smooth Contraction Nozzle. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98(1), 83-108. Springer.
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Zhao, J. , Shahgaldi, S. , Alaefour, I. , Xu, Q. , & Li, X. . (2018). Gas permeability of catalyzed electrodes in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. Applied Energy, 209, 203-210. Elsevier.
