Hi there!
My name is Yashesh Dasari, and I am a Master of Applied Science (MASc) graduate in Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. During my master's, I worked in the Maglev Microrobotics Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. Behrad Khamesee (P.Eng.). My research was in collaboration with Thornhill Medical, one of Canada’s Top Growing Companies by the Globe and Mail, and conceived an in-house brain imaging software that processes and visualizes MRI datasets to calculate the corresponding cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), highlighting underlying pathological conditions. This software is currently being used as a research tool at Mayo clinic. Additionally, deep learning models were developed to assess steno-occlusive disease (SOD) using CVR maps [research article accepted: awaiting online release].
Highlights: Master's Thesis | UWaterloo LinkedIn Feature - Engineering Page - GradImpact | 2nd Prize DesignAThon
After completing my master's in December 2022, I have joined the innovative software team at Thornhill Medical, as a Jr. Software Developer. I am currently developing computer-aided diagnosis products using C# and .NET framework
As a part of the Graduate Diploma in Design Engineering program, I had the opportunity to further my knowledge and skills in advanced design methods and work on several high-impact industry projects. My capstone design project for TMMC was published on the University of Waterloo's social media handles.
Co-op at Ansys Canada Ltd.
Undergraduate Research Student at IIT-Bombay
NOTE: This website is undergoing restructuring... :)