Future graduate students

Two Waterloo Software Engineering (SE) graduates were part of the team who helped to fix HealthCare.gov, the web site used to get uninsured Americans signed up for Obamacare.  David Hu took part in this project during his last term in the SE program, and graduated in June 2014.  Ben Komalo graduated from the SE program in 2007, and was working as a Software Engineer at Khan Academy in Vancouver when he got the call to work on HealthCare.gov.

Ming-Ho Yee, a 4B Software Engineering student, won the Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Medal for Academic Achievement in Winter 2014. This award is given to the student in the fourth year of an accredited Engineering program who, having received honours, has obtained the highest standing in the final examinations of the current academic year.  Congratulations Ming-Ho! 

A Software Engineering student, Renaud Bourassa-Denis, also won this award last year.  Go softies!

PagerDuty is an alerting and incident management startup that prides itself on "waking you up when s*IT breaks".  Founded by Waterloo Software Engineering grads, the company continues to grow aggressively from its humble roots as a Y Combinator 2010 alumni to now serving thousands of customers globally, including a third of the Fortune 100.

Kunal Gupta graduated from Waterloo's Software Engineering program in 2008 and started Polar, a digital publishing company, in 2007. Since then, Polar has worked with over 400 publishers across the world and raised $9 million in external capital from investors who are confident in their vision. 

Check out the Polar web site for more details.